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作者 zera (SHD)
標題 TOEFL®  iBT 與 TOEIC® Test 新書上市!
時間 2014年07月15日 Tue. PM 09:42:35

下列為目前 TOEFL®  iBT 與 TOEIC® Test 最新出版書籍,為暢銷型美語考照教學書籍,歡迎多多比價及參考!


Longman Courses for TOEFL®  iBT
Deborah Phillips
American English˙3 Levels˙BI-CI˙High Intermediate-Advanced
A comprehensive language skills course with a wealth of practice
 for all sections of the TOEFL® iBT:what more do you need?
Give students all the practice they need to succeed in the TOEFL®
integrated-skills test. The innovative CD-ROM with lots of extra
practice and the website work together, allowing teachers to collect
student data in one easy to manage website.

Book w/ CD-ROM & iTests access code (w/ Answer Key) 9780133248005   特價 1,350 元
Book w/ CD-ROM (w/ Answer Key) 9780137135783  特價 1,100元  

MyEnglishLab for the TOEIC® Test
This online learning tool offers hundreds of additional interactive activities for
reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary plus authentic TOEIC® test practice.
The TOEIC® tutor videos guide learners through the exam so that they know
exactly what to expect on the day. There are also three complete Practice Tests,
with automatic grading.

Book w/ CD-ROM & Answer Key, iTests & MyEnglishLab  
Introductory-9780132862714  特價 850 元

Intermediate-9780132862721  特價 850 元

Advanced-9780132862738  特價 850 元
More Practice Tests-9780132862745  特價 680 元

Book w/ CD-ROM, iTests w/Audio & Answer Key
Introductory-9780132861489 (內含線上測驗帳號) 特價850元
Intermediate-9780131382770 (內含線上測驗帳號) 特價  850 元
Advanced-9780132861441 (內含線上測驗帳號) 特價  850元
More Practice Tests-9780132861496 (內含線上測驗帳號) 特價  680元

Book w/ CD-ROM, iTests w/Audio (no Key)
Introductory-9780132861519 (內含線上測驗帳號) 特價  850 元
Intermediate-9780132861427 (內含線上測驗帳號) 特價  850 元
Advanced-9780132861465 (內含線上測驗帳號) 特價  850 元

Audio CD
Introductory-9780132861502 (CD Only-6片) 不含書 特價  850 元
Intermediate-9780132861434 (CD Only-7片) 不含書 特價  850 元
Advanced-9780132861458 (CD Only-6片) 不含書 特價  850 元
More Practice Tests-9780132861526 (CDs Only)不含書 特價 680 元

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店名: 朵多美語書店
地址: 300 新竹市金城一路 42 巷 18 號  
電話:  03 - 573 9794
傳真:  03 - 573 7645
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如何到朵多美語書店 ↓

※ 作者: zera 時間: 2014-07-15 21:42:35
※ 編輯: zera 時間: 2014-07-15 21:43:41
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