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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2025-01-30 22:13:11
看板 NBA
作者 LukaDoncic77 (洞77)
標題 [外絮] 百萬網紅:Bronny比這屆前五順位還要好
時間 Wed Jan 29 10:52:46 2025

"Can 11-zip Kyle Kuzma" - Bronny James' ridiculous poster has YouTuber with 4,90
0,000 subscribers hailing him as best 2024 draft pick

"Can 11-zip Kyle Kuzma" - Bronny James' ridiculous poster has YouTuber with 4,900,000 subscribers hailing him as best 2024 draft pick
Bronny James had the NBA world at its feet after his ridiculous poster in Saturday's G League game between the South Bay Lakers and Rip City Remix. Br ...



Bronny James had the NBA world at its feet after his ridiculous poster in Saturd
ay's G League game between the South Bay Lakers and Rip City Remix. Bronny also
finished the game with a 31-point night. Amid his career-best performance, durin
g the third quarter of that clash, Bronny channeled his inner LeBron James.

在週六的G聯盟比賽中,South Bay Lakers對上Rip City Remix,Bronny James用一記驚人
ron James般的風采。


He walked down the court in a solo possession, confusing the defender after comi
ng off a screen in the opposite direction with the rim and the opposing big in h
is sight. The Lakers rookie showed no mercy as he dunked all over the rim protec
tor with a one-hand jam in a momentum-swinging play to tie the game


Popular YouTuber FlightReacts, who has 4.9 million subscribers on the platform,
was among the fans of that vicious play from Bronny James. The YouTuber provided
 some bold opinions on Bronny while doing a reaction video on it on Monday (h/t
BronnyMuse). He believes that Bronny is better than the top five picks in his dr
aft class and that he could win 11-0 vs. Kyle Kuzma in a one-on-one game.

擁有490萬訂閱的知名YouTuber FlightReacts也是這記灌籃的粉絲之一。他在週一發布的一
的前五名選秀球員還要強,甚至能在單挑中以11比0擊敗Kyle Kuzma。

"How did Bronny fall all the way to the second round of the NBA draft, bro?" Fli
ghtReacts said. "He's literally better than these top five NBA draft picks. He's
 better than the [Alexander] Sarr's on the Wizards. Matter of fact, he's literal
ly better than the entire Wizards squad except for Jordan Poole. I truly think B
ronny can 11-zip [Kyle Kuzma] Kuzma, bro.”

BA新秀還強。他比巫師的Alexander Sarr還要好。事實上,他比整支巫師都要好,除了Jord
an Poole以外。我真的認為Bronny能以11比0擊敗Kyle Kuzma。」


Bronny James finished the night with 31 points and three assists. He also shot a
 career-high five 3s. The South Bay Lakers won that clash 122-110.

Bronny James當晚以31分和3次助攻完成比賽,並投進了生涯新高的5記三分球。South Bay

Lakers' Bronny James turning a corner after rough stretch following health scare

Lakers球員Bronny James在健康問題後逐漸找回狀態

Bronny James was a McDonald's All-American. Several draft boards had him going i
n the first round of the 2025 NBA draft. However, a health scare in the form of
a cardiac arrest at USC's practice facility in August 2023 derailed the Lakers r
ookie's basketball journey significantly. It delayed his college debut. Not just
 that, but Bronny also endured a mental and physical toll because of it.

Bronny James曾是麥當勞全明星球員,多數選秀預測他會在2025年NBA選秀中於首輪被選中

This is apart from the pressure he's had since declaring for the draft and being
 picked by the Lakers with the 55th pick. Bronny was heavily scrutinized early i
nto his pro career after struggling to make his mark in preseason. His initial t
ime in the G League also didn't pan out as expected.


However, LeBron James' eldest son took the challenge head-on. As he got more rep
s and his comfort increased, Bronny started to show glimpses of his ceiling in t
he G League during an impressive run in December. He had multiple double-digit s
coring games as he broke out of a shooting slump, topped with a career-high 30-p
oint effort on Dec. 12.

然而,作為LeBron James的長子,Bronny正面迎接挑戰。在累積更多比賽經驗並逐漸熟悉環


He hasn't played much over the past month, spending most of his time with the La
kers instead of South Bay. However, in his first game after nearly a month, Bron
ny James dropped a career-high 31-point game, showing he's turning a corner.

過去一個月,他在Lakers和South Bay之間切換,出賽次數有限。但在近一個月的首次出賽

His growth is significant as a player of his mold and foundation could be a soli
d contributor to an NBA team. It will be interesting to see how the rest of his
journey plays out after the flashes he's shown of his true potential in his rook
ie year.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LukaDoncic77 2025-01-29 10:52:46
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dcPW0qs (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1738119168.A.D36.html
WIGGINS22   : 401F 01/29 10:53
Sessyoin    : 今天應該不會又被噓到XX了吧 救救772F 01/29 10:53
Chanlin01   : 人氣比他們好 確實3F 01/29 10:53
sky755190   : 語畢4F 01/29 10:53
jokepeace   : 今天風向正確 準備豹紋5F 01/29 10:53
willy911006 : 幫Sessyoin噓6F 01/29 10:53
Jerrylin1212: ID正確7F 01/29 10:54
MK47        : 太強了湖人皇太子XDDDDDD8F 01/29 10:54
airbase     : 網紅知道流量密碼9F 01/29 10:54
snakepan    : 以人氣跟吸票實力,對啦10F 01/29 10:54
jardon      : 人傻話多11F 01/29 10:54
Weasley40   : 幫jeff1013推12F 01/29 10:54
Pekora2022  : 朗文大師每日任務13F 01/29 10:54
ffflllyyy   : 先到nba拯救湖人吧14F 01/29 10:54
a516013     : #轉移焦點15F 01/29 10:54
GordnHayward: XD16F 01/29 10:54
naxlife     : 確實 他再多打兩分鐘大概要變GOAT了17F 01/29 10:55
seifer007   : 流量就是這樣出來的18F 01/29 10:55
kiolp       : 為什麼你可以這麼準時 天天只慢BOX10幾秒19F 01/29 10:55
QooBY       : 炒話題網紅就是社會亂源20F 01/29 10:55
kobegary34  : 朗文大師21F 01/29 10:55
ellis5566   : 沒啥梗就不用硬PO吧22F 01/29 10:55
Sessyoin    : 開兩個PTTSTAR 一個打好文章準備發 一個等BOX23F 01/29 10:55
www90173    : 誰說今天沒朗文的24F 01/29 10:55
knightwww   : OK25F 01/29 10:56
matico      : id26F 01/29 10:56
free120     : 77迫不及待27F 01/29 10:56
Bewho       : 「在G聯盟的表現震撼了整個NBA圈」28F 01/29 10:56
a516013     : 補推29F 01/29 10:57
ptt821105   : 想必今天30F 01/29 10:57
ga2006369350: 笑死31F 01/29 10:57
ZaneTrout   : 商業價值確實高32F 01/29 10:58
karmel      : 每日朗尼文進度(1/1)33F 01/29 10:58
pieceofcake : 童亦34F 01/29 10:59
guezt       : 這麼好用的應該要每場先發吧35F 01/29 10:59
huangjyuan  : 0-536F 01/29 10:59
shargo      : 舔~37F 01/29 11:00
james1237741: 終於等到湖人輸球了38F 01/29 11:00
skery3188   : 0分39F 01/29 11:01
jack734289  : 確實  這屆前五是誰我看也沒幾個人知道 lul40F 01/29 11:01
squalljack  : G聯的王者,NBA 的替補尾端41F 01/29 11:01
PKming      : 說謊要吞一千根針☺42F 01/29 11:01
gargoyles   : 超級幫你煎  報乎你知43F 01/29 11:02
yugowolf    : 這是業配?44F 01/29 11:02
Cuchulainn  : 朗文大師還在輸出45F 01/29 11:03
qpeter      : NBA門面是也...46F 01/29 11:03
sc79129     : 你根本不屑朗尼還要演他可能有機會是樂透區喔。。47F 01/29 11:04
KillLakers  : 看到文就知道湖人贏了(咦)48F 01/29 11:04
qpeter      : 不要說前五了 你問一下 誰還記得今年狀元是誰嗎?49F 01/29 11:04
Williamtsou : 怒砍零分那位嗎,幹嘛拉他上來,搞不好湖人繼續連50F 01/29 11:05
Addressg    : 好你妹 跟本不適合NBA51F 01/29 11:05
Williamtsou : 勝52F 01/29 11:05
JKjohnwick  : ?53F 01/29 11:07
Inori0912   : 大年初一 紅的喜氣54F 01/29 11:09
negotiates  : 每日朗尼文進度(1/1)55F 01/29 11:09
zer0319     : 是不是喝多了?56F 01/29 11:10
william12tw : 這不是單挑輸Ray那位嗎XD57F 01/29 11:13
sycc        : 怎麼這麼像反串XD58F 01/29 11:13
h321123aa   : 這他媽反串吧59F 01/29 11:14
heyjude1118 : 百萬網紅不是浪得虛名.懂吹60F 01/29 11:14
TCPai       : 流量密碼61F 01/29 11:14
Kawow       : 笑死62F 01/29 11:15
dudu5566    : 以網路流量來說 布朗尼確實比本屆前五順位好多了63F 01/29 11:17
bigriffon   : 好啦,可以先發取代AR了64F 01/29 11:21
mjkblbjboth : 有朗尼就推65F 01/29 11:22
uuuuOPuff   : 是在G聯盟的表現吧66F 01/29 11:24
inuyaksa    : 又在轉移67F 01/29 11:25
schzel      : O4O 真的假的55555568F 01/29 11:25
mambarko    : https://i.imgur.com/pT5bdgu.jpeg69F 01/29 11:32
mambarko    : 你他媽垃圾時間打出這種破數據跟我說比前五順位還要
mambarko    : 好 六步郎一家影響媒體造謠能力果然厲害
mambarko    : 我看是高國豪單挑中以11比0擊敗布爛泥吧 擊敗Kyle K
mambarko    : uzma做夢比較快
kingbar815  : 這屆前五是真的也......74F 01/29 11:36
YummyYummy  : 低x 帳號又要新年在群組要喝人來噓77了75F 01/29 11:44
spitwater15 : 為了流量又再胡說八道了76F 01/29 11:46
ChrisWine   : 還在作夢?77F 01/29 11:46
fonder      : 新年快樂78F 01/29 11:46
aDesperado  : 賺錢辛苦了79F 01/29 11:46
a1684114    : ID80F 01/29 11:46
aifighter   : 前五是不強 但明顯沒有比幫你煎爛81F 01/29 11:47
tinytod     : 笑死 發展聯盟的成績拿來跟NBA比XD82F 01/29 11:57
SKTDoinb    : 朗酸們又出動嘍 布朗尼輸個一場而已就這麼急者出來83F 01/29 11:59
SKTDoinb    : 噓喔
james1237741: 其實你能像後面幾個人發的朗尼文還比較有趣85F 01/29 11:59
seemoon2000 : 姆斯就是千萬網紅了 需要他認證?86F 01/29 12:00
vance1024   : 朗文真的沒梗87F 01/29 12:18
bnm89164    : FTC懂籃球?88F 01/29 12:18
kai0629     : 這網紅也懂造謠89F 01/29 12:18
mayzn       : 然後今天得0分 -3....90F 01/29 12:19
lexus3310   : 台籃應該可以打爆bronny91F 01/29 12:20
KuRaZuHa    : 把網紅搞得像是思覺失調的就這種人跟他的受眾群92F 01/29 12:20
boy80421    : 別鬧了他在NBA根本沒自信打93F 01/29 12:21
justice0926 : 比他爸都好好嗎94F 01/29 12:26
kevinacc084 : 確實 比我刺城堡還強 輸在天父和爸氣95F 01/29 12:29
bluemei     : 這網紅太會舔了96F 01/29 12:30
zsp9081a    : 震驚97F 01/29 12:31
jason862i   : 確實98F 01/29 12:37
siwojune    : 沒內容 譁眾取寵的言論也敢誇誇其談99F 01/29 12:39
sunnyyoung  : 笑死 但他在NBA連切都切不進 連球都護不住100F 01/29 12:40
k450012     : 所以是網紅101F 01/29 13:01
WLR         : 不愧是做到百萬的網紅,深知流量密碼102F 01/29 13:04
tn00371115  : 畢竟是基因原體103F 01/29 13:15
umin928     : 網紅為了搏聲量 屎都能吃104F 01/29 13:18
ItzFantasy  : G聯盟也能吹105F 01/29 13:23
syk1104     : 那肯定贏了ㄅ106F 01/29 13:27
tomwdc      : 確實107F 01/29 13:31
limitlesscit: 以賺錢能力來說是的108F 01/29 13:32
teruhyde12  : 有眼無珠的網紅109F 01/29 13:42
dou0228     : 流量是,其他不好說110F 01/29 13:57
austin7037  : 睜眼說瞎話111F 01/29 14:06
NotUniqueSol: 可憐那112F 01/29 14:20
apple7433922: 這咖不是被Ray打爆嗎113F 01/29 14:35
some1likeu  : 蛤?114F 01/29 14:38
wwe619      : Flight講的話也可以當新聞喔115F 01/29 14:42
hollowsex   : 網紅要流量116F 01/29 14:44
gginin007   : 嘻嘻117F 01/29 14:48
kojo1234    : 然後0分3失誤118F 01/29 14:55
pippen2002  : B. James    15:26   0-5   0-3   0-0  -8  0PTs119F 01/29 15:03
MDAISUKE18  : 解任務120F 01/29 15:13
love1500274 : 冷知識: Flight跟台灣高中生Ray單挑 被當兒子打121F 01/29 15:17
iso903306   : 語畢 哄堂大笑122F 01/29 15:44
pcfox       : 點點點123F 01/29 16:18
medalshe    : 喔是喔124F 01/29 20:28
sustto      : 雀食 COD冠軍捏125F 01/29 22:00
yiersan     : 小聯盟還在吹126F 01/30 01:13
yiersan     : 被maxey屌打怎麼不說
Brucetk     : 懶得噓128F 01/30 10:30
wynton      : 遺忘前五129F 01/30 13:46

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