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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-05-25 21:26:07
看板 NBA
作者 darren2586 (YA)
標題 [情報] Doncic訪問全文
時間 Sat May 25 13:05:12 2024


Q: He can't effing guard you, huh?
A: Sorry?
Q: He can't effing guard you?
A: Who said that?
Q: You said that.
A: I didn't say that. I was speaking Slovenian.


Q: Take us through what you're looking for that last play, kind of how it
developed, and just the emotion after that shot goes through.


A: I don't decide what I'm going to look before the play. I just see what the
defense gives me. I didn't expect that we were going to switch. We were just
going to play that pick and roll I told D-Live come, and we'll just figure
out from there. That's about it. Read the defense.


Q: Luka, what was the approach in the last minute, 29? You guys went from
being up to being, I think, down five. You had the challenge on the baseline.
Kyrie hit a shot. You hit that, like, the poise that you guys had. Can you
speak to that a little bit?

說說你們最後一分鐘? 29秒? 落後五分時的策略和整個過程

A: Yeah. Like I always say, stay together, positive energy. At some point, we'
re down 18 on the road, which is insane to come back. So, we believe until the
 end of the buzzer.


Q: Jason said that there was no plan necessarily to go for a two or three
during that. When do you make a decision that I'm going to go for the step
back? Was it when you got the switch on Rudy? Was it just all instinct?

是看到狗貝換防你時嗎? 還是單純直覺?

A: I don't really know. I can't answer that. I just saw some space and I
decided to shoot a three. Get to my spot, step back. That's it. But I just
decided, you know, I saw some space.


Q: Jason talked about the good talk you had at halftime. What was the gist of
that? And what was the biggest change or biggest adjustment you guys made?


A: I think we talked about that last three, four minutes, we play with energy.
 You know, we said we need to play like that. We're getting stops, especially
boxing out. And then our pace, our pace has got to be high. So, those three,
four minutes we took as example.


Q: And your thoughts right now on being up 2-0 in a series, two wins from the
NBA Finals?


A: Great. But, like I said, you know, first to fourth. Nothing is won. We got
to just think about next game. Not in the future, not in the present, this
game. So, we just got to think about next game. That's it.

或現在,就是下一場比賽。That's it.

Q: You went to the locker room real quick at the end of the first. You good?
A: Yeah, it's fine

Q: You've had a lot of game winners now throughout your career. Do you know
where this one ranks? Is it way too soon to even start thinking about this?


A: Too soon, too soon. I'm tired. I can't.


Q: Do you have a favorite that comes to mind when you think about all the
different ones you've hit over the years?


A: I don't know. I think the one in the bubble was pretty good, but no crowd.
I imagine that with crowd, it would be insane. Then the one in Memphis, yeah.
That was a tough shot. No crowd again, too. So, I think those two.



https://youtu.be/WzzCtxVxRKA?si=W0J-LyDmnE9axz5T (這球也是神仙)

Q: And the last one, when Naz Reid got the final shot off and it was in the air,
what were you thinking as it was traveling there?

當Naz Reid投出最後的出手時你在想什麼?

A: I wasn't thinking. I almost passed out. That was looking good. Too good. Oh
 my God. He couldn't missed it.


Q: You had more success attacking downhill in the second half. What opened up
for you to be able to have that success?


A: Let me think. Just driving mentality, you know. I don't know, man. I just..
. I don't know. Ask me some other questions. I don't know. I would just attack
 him. I don't know. Do you have any other questions?


Q: What have you thought about the play of Derek Lively, him closing out the
game? What are your thoughts on that?


A: There we go. No, amazing. He's been amazing, this season, this playoff.
He took not one, not two, three steps forward. He's a rookie. I think people
forget this sometimes. He's doing this in the Western Conference Finals, which
 is insane. So his ceiling is going to be huge.


這場還是靠Naz Reid的神手感才有拉鋸,灰狼需要AE快點回神

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: darren2586 2024-05-25 13:05:12
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cKN6Ael (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1716613514.A.A2F.html
amare1015   : 落後18分打到贏1分 真D強1F 05/25 13:06
SCLPAL      : 太旱  窩不知道  (重點錯誤2F 05/25 13:06
TradePau    : AE被MPJ附身 沒救了3F 05/25 13:07
holyhelm    : Luka Magic4F 05/25 13:07
jardon      : 窩不知道 有別的問題嗎5F 05/25 13:08
Tonyx599026 : 看起來快累死了6F 05/25 13:09
tomoti      : 大概...沒救了,雙巨星與雙球星的差異就在這...7F 05/25 13:09
wwey2000j   : 胖子:我要回家休息了 好累喔8F 05/25 13:09
ghost069    : 你知道的 解讀防守 好帥9F 05/25 13:09
MK47        : 看起來就累翻了XDDD10F 05/25 13:09
JaccWu      : 說太早了也沒什麼問題  還沒拿冠  也離生涯終點還11F 05/25 13:09
JaccWu      : 很遠
okichan     : 馬的罰科~斯洛維尼亞也是說馬的罰科嗎?13F 05/25 13:09
tomoti      : G1 MCD跳出,G2奶子綠跳出,雙星繼續睡,都是贏打到輸14F 05/25 13:10
lllll12b56  : 累到根本沒辦法正常訪問了15F 05/25 13:10
Blazeleo819 : 窩不知道 不要再問惹16F 05/25 13:10
Torpedo9527 : 窩沒說髒話 窩不知道 窩好累17F 05/25 13:11
vltw5v      : 77:我累死了 不要問了啦18F 05/25 13:11
VichanGer   : 77好猛 希望不要再有自以為正義其實是雙標寄生的人19F 05/25 13:12
VichanGer   : 出來把版面搞的烏煙瘴氣了
icoann      : 2-0沒人預料到?我早就說了灰狼上一場打很爛21F 05/25 13:12
icoann      : 輸真的剛好而已
Wardyal     : 你知道的....我不知道,我就是....我不知道23F 05/25 13:13
bheegrl     : 很累24F 05/25 13:14
shellback   : 看泡泡裡的影片 這瘦子是誰XD25F 05/25 13:16
shulado     : 重點 窩不知道26F 05/25 13:18
Brucetk     : 可以不要再問了嗎,媽媽法客27F 05/25 13:19
tim19970801 : 77累死:你還有別的問題嗎XD28F 05/25 13:19
Gilbertsky  : 第一次看到你知道的後面接窩不知道 看起來真的很累29F 05/25 13:19
SIMONKID    : 22年西冠到今年西冠真的強不止一個檔次,又有薩滿30F 05/25 13:19
SIMONKID    : 打輔助怎麼輸
kenny0120   : 窩不知道32F 05/25 13:20
dotzai      : 運彩兩場贏都靠小獨 真的太爽惹33F 05/25 13:21
amdvega     : 看採訪都能感受到累34F 05/25 13:22
Gilbertsky  : 其實當初沒有薩滿有森哥和丁丁也很強 前場稍微不足35F 05/25 13:22
qazwsxyu    : 77: 快累死了 別再問了36F 05/25 13:22
Gilbertsky  : 如果22真的弱很多也不可能打進西冠37F 05/25 13:23
swede       : 77中場:現在是星期五晚上!38F 05/25 13:23
tupacshkur  : 真的沒想到打完前兩場,小犢會取得2:0的領先!39F 05/25 13:24
Playonenight: 2:0 打爆臉了嗚嗚嗚40F 05/25 13:28
darren2586  : KI的超級長14分鐘,明天再打41F 05/25 13:28
quaker7481  : 笑死 最後已經累到不能受訪了 快放他回家休息吧42F 05/25 13:28
icoann      : 22哪裡沒弱很多看看22的陣容43F 05/25 13:29
icoann      : JB小輸ki,當年側翼跟禁區都超悲劇,22完全是靠77燃
icoann      : 燒才進西冠
icoann      : 你拿22陣容來打灰狼保證每場輸30分
Magic0312   : 今年奪冠絕對變成第一人,希望橫掃狼多一點休息時47F 05/25 13:32
Magic0312   : 間
jerrylin    : 看上半場還以為小牛涼了49F 05/25 13:34
sunnyyoung  : 一直問無聊問題50F 05/25 13:35
syk1104     : 肯定是金塊戰太累了...我獨沒有鬆懈的本錢...加油51F 05/25 13:37
Gilbertsky  : 側翼哪裡悲劇 DFS和牛鎖還未衰隊防守和三分都有52F 05/25 13:39
Gilbertsky  : 真的有看球嗎
Gilbertsky  : 22會強就是因為防守大幅進步 最好是只靠77燃燒
gydiaw      : 22禁區悲劇 森哥跟ki還是有差距55F 05/25 13:41
Gilbertsky  : 而且當初老鄉第一輪77不能出賽也能單場轟8顆三分56F 05/25 13:41
gydiaw      : 22 77真的猛57F 05/25 13:41
aegis80728  : 胖77真的累了 想早早結束訪問去休息58F 05/25 13:41
Gilbertsky  : 最好是都被你說成垃圾59F 05/25 13:41
yellow528   : 我以為他會說跳舞的那一球?60F 05/25 13:41
Gilbertsky  : 森哥是有差距沒錯 但還有一個丁丁 實際上是三控61F 05/25 13:42
Gilbertsky  : 當年丁丁的表現可不是現在能比
baliuzeger  : 滿地不知道 腦袋還在缺氧吧63F 05/25 13:43
lunsanity   : 7黑還能起舞嗎64F 05/25 13:43
JOHNJJ      : 我想到77罰球沒進撿到噴出來掘砂的那球65F 05/25 13:43
gydiaw      : 外圍還行 森哥也已經有球核的能力 主要是禁區啦 那66F 05/25 13:44
gydiaw      : 時禁區主戰 現在看都是替補等級
luck945     : 那時候缺的是禁區不是側翼,DFS超香的我還是很想他68F 05/25 13:46
Gilbertsky  : 當時只能靠砲哥苦撐 雖然戰術跑位很好機體不行69F 05/25 13:46
hansingi    : 22年就少禁區護框,被勇士切爛,進攻端又過於依賴三70F 05/25 13:47
hansingi    : 分,不準時,領先再多都守不住
gydiaw      : 砲哥直接沒球打 心疼72F 05/25 13:48
barlin      : 砲哥就真的就90分的其他20分的機體73F 05/25 13:48
gydiaw      : 但22七七 …真的好強..74F 05/25 13:48
barlin      : 沒球打真的QQ75F 05/25 13:49
barlin      : 看看例行賽KIDD要不要多少用一下 季後真的很難用他
aqqwww      : 77真的好強77F 05/25 13:52
a22122212   : 77的球感沒辦法用言語解釋78F 05/25 13:53
a22122212   : 回頭看泡泡快艇那球 77速度也太快了吧XD
luck945     : 77現在就腳有傷80F 05/25 13:56
icoann      : 泡歌你拿到今年一定罵到死好嗎 沒有比較沒有傷害81F 05/25 14:06
ddog1010    : 泡泡那球真的很帥 證明誰來防守都一樣82F 05/25 14:12
gmailsucks  : 以前真瘦83F 05/25 14:13
NukAnah     : 胖77真的進過好多豪小球/致勝球84F 05/25 14:14
rick5872236 : 泡泡那球跟今天比像是2倍速XD85F 05/25 14:15
v7q4        : 你知道的....我不知道,我就是....我不知道87F 05/25 14:26
windclound  : AE,Toms的能力還差77甚至KI有點遠,今年讓77贏吧, A88F 05/25 14:27
rj486       : 看來那球換防也是灰狼想要的,要讓對方最穩的人跟他89F 05/25 14:29
rj486       : 11,灰狼就認命吧
kplpop      : 今年落差20分左右都不要急著轉台喔91F 05/25 14:36
SCLPAL      : 上次進西冠防守是全體輪轉? 忘了92F 05/25 14:37
knare       : Fuxx 小牛前幾年就奪過冠了,不能給灰狼機會嗎93F 05/25 14:41
dick929     : 77原來也投進這麼多致勝球,而且才25歲94F 05/25 14:52
ecolife     : Luka的神仙球真的一堆,他提的這兩顆也是永遠忘不95F 05/25 15:02
ecolife     : 了
ayuro       : 77說的另外那兩球 點進去看 又瘦又快 嚇死我XD97F 05/25 15:14
RicFlair    : 大小肥都超好笑XD98F 05/25 15:19
syk1104     : 樓樓上你少說了, 又瘦又快又帥99F 05/25 15:20
leon49930111: 就是解讀防守 太帥惹吧100F 05/25 15:41
Leo1127     : 以前好瘦 @@101F 05/25 16:04
islandant   : 22陣容真的弱很多 球員幾乎都弱化版…102F 05/25 17:23
islandant   : 當時主戰5號是砲哥
islandant   : 然後Kleber 還常常扛到5號打5out
islandant   : 當時的大頭森也不是現在的無解單打手
islandant   : 其他你要說DFS和牛鎖有比現在DJJ和PJW好嗎?
islandant   : 22年整體比現在弱超多的 是靠77一路無雙扛進去
bnm89164    : 差點被Naz救回來108F 05/25 17:32
rick5872236 : 22年西決內線根本扛不住魯尼109F 05/25 18:05
drcula      : 22一整個差勇士啊,內線被魯尼+嘴綠+大帥輾爛110F 05/25 18:18
drcula      : 還有查哥,查哥還守下肥77好幾球,那年肥77也是燃燒了
drcula      : 勇士的查哥扛c是可以守出來還不會被肥77懲罰的
malain      : 22年禁區太弱啦,然後茶哥那中過遲緩光線的腳步剛113F 05/25 18:31
malain      : 好對的上胖7的節奏,讓圍巾有時間回血
leo255112   : 奶子綠最後竟然沒進真的意外115F 05/25 19:33

※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 12 
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