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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] KD捐贈50萬美元用於翻新學校籃球館和振興
時間 Sat Sep 23 14:13:50 2023
Kevin Durant籃球場正式剪綵及其內部場館影片:
In addition to the court, Kevin Durant and the foundation will also establish
a scholarship fund for the Durant Center College Track students who decide to
attend Bowie State.
It’s a great week to be a Bowie State University Bulldog.
Less than a year after Kevin Durant and the Durant Family Foundation announced
a $500,000 endowment to help transform the school’s basketball gym and revit
alize its athletics programs, the finished project was officially unveiled on
Thursday. On hand to celebrate the occasion were Bowie State President Dr. Ami
nta Breaux and Ms. Wanda Durant, who leads the Durant Family Foundation.
在KD和KD的家庭基金會宣佈捐贈 50 萬美元用於改造學校籃球館和振興體育項目不到一年
之後,該項目於本周四正式完工。鮑伊州立大學校長 Aminta Breaux 博士和Durant家族
基金會負責人 Wanda Durant(KD的媽媽) 女士親臨現場慶祝這一時刻。
之後,該項目於本周四正式完工。鮑伊州立大學校長 Aminta Breaux 博士和Durant家族
基金會負責人 Wanda Durant(KD的媽媽) 女士親臨現場慶祝這一時刻。
“I am grateful to my son for his generous heart,” Ms. Durant said, adding,
“I am grateful that he realized that it’s important for him to give back to
an HBCU, and maybe he will be a catalyst for other athletes in the area and th
roughout the country to give back to HBCUs.”
Additional funding will go toward BSU’s AC Jordan Arena, located within the L
eonidas S. James Physical Education Complex. Facility improvements at Bowie St
ate include the all-new basketball court, additional bleachers, and upgrades t
o the press box. Durant and his family foundation will also establish a schola
rship fund for the Durant Center College Track students who decide to attend B
owie State.
其他資金將用於 BSU 位於 Leonidas S. James 體育中心內的 AC Jordan 體育館。鮑伊
“We are tremendously grateful to Kevin Durant and the Durant Family Foundatio
n for their donation, which has led to the addition of the new floor design an
d added seating, along with the financial support for men’s and women’s bask
etball,” Bowie State’s men’s basketball head coach Darrell Brooks said. “O
ur players are super excited to be able to compete on the KD court representin
g Bowie State University along with the Durant Family Foundation. The floor de
sign adds pop to the entire arena. The added seating will allow more of our fa
ns to give us the support we need to successfully compete in the CIAA and nati
onally on the D2 level. Alumni, recruits, parents, and students absolutely lov
e what this space has become.
教練Darrell Brooks說。"我們的球員非常高興能夠代表鮑伊州立大學和Durant家族基金
會在 KD 球場上比賽。地板設計為整個場館增色不少。新增的座位將讓更多的球迷為我們
提供支持,幫助我們在 CIAA 和全國 D2 級比賽中取得成功。校友、新成員、家長和學生
教練Darrell Brooks說。"我們的球員非常高興能夠代表鮑伊州立大學和Durant家族基金
會在 KD 球場上比賽。地板設計為整個場館增色不少。新增的座位將讓更多的球迷為我們
提供支持,幫助我們在 CIAA 和全國 D2 級比賽中取得成功。校友、新成員、家長和學生
“The attention we as a University have received as a result of the donation a
nd subsequent renovations has been outstanding. The men’s basketball program
will work really hard to uphold what we have been gifted with, and we look for
ward to continuing to grow our relationship with the Durant Family Foundation.
Though he didn’t attend Bowie State during his collegiate days, Durant grew u
p in Prince George’s County, Maryland, where Bowie State is located.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: h5t6566556 2023-09-23 14:13:50
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b3e8XON (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1695449633.A.617.html
※ 編輯: h5t6566556 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2023 14:15:20
推 : KD: KD養的小貓們1F 09/23 14:16
推 : 雖然是小貓,但未來是有錢的小貓2F 09/23 14:21
※ 編輯: h5t6566556 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2023 14:30:15推 : KD喜歡捐助小貓,大推3F 09/23 14:30
推 : 推我大KD4F 09/23 14:33
推 : 做好事推5F 09/23 14:40
推 : 推6F 09/23 14:47
推 : KD讚讚7F 09/23 14:48
推 : 善事推8F 09/23 15:03
推 : KD:貓貓快來吃飼料9F 09/23 15:06
推 : 推10F 09/23 15:07
推 : 做好事推推11F 09/23 15:11
推 : 大貓12F 09/23 15:13
推 : 好人好事13F 09/23 15:23
推 : 做好事 推14F 09/23 15:27
推 : 大KD ~~推推15F 09/23 15:29
推 : 小貓需要幫助16F 09/23 15:43
推 : 只要是善事就推17F 09/23 15:57
→ : 推18F 09/23 16:02
推 : 推19F 09/23 16:09
推 : 推20F 09/23 16:13
推 : KD:小貓將來要到西雅圖打球喔21F 09/23 16:21
推 : 當年那句Real MVP真的蠻感人的22F 09/23 16:30
推 : 這個再酸沒人性23F 09/23 16:31
推 : 好事推24F 09/23 16:33
推 : 讚25F 09/23 16:38
推 : KD:推KD26F 09/23 16:38
推 : 小貓,來吃罐頭27F 09/23 16:46
推 : 這樣看來其實球員做善事的很多麻,看板以為只有特28F 09/23 16:47
→ : 定球員在捐款咧
→ : 定球員在捐款咧
推 : 捐最多的鄉民 推30F 09/23 16:47
推 : 給鄉民戰神一讚31F 09/23 16:50
推 : 推32F 09/23 16:52
→ : 推33F 09/23 16:57
推 : KD:小錢34F 09/23 16:58
推 : 在PTT做善事會被推爆的只有某個喜歡下跪的男人而已35F 09/23 17:24
推 : 推36F 09/23 17:53
推 : KD捐出他買大麻的錢!37F 09/23 18:01
推 : 有捐贈有推38F 09/23 18:05
推 : 推39F 09/23 18:32
推 : 小貓王40F 09/23 18:43
推 : 推真麻哥41F 09/23 19:00
推 : 推42F 09/23 19:09
推 : 做好事推43F 09/23 19:18
推 : 好人好事推44F 09/23 19:33
推 : 推45F 09/23 19:38
推 : 推46F 09/23 19:53
推 : 節稅47F 09/23 20:17
推 : 推48F 09/23 20:22
推 : 做好事推49F 09/23 20:44
※ 編輯: h5t6566556 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2023 20:48:00推 : 推 有些人真扭曲 做善事的新聞也能歪50F 09/23 20:58
推 : CEO小貓51F 09/23 21:02
推 : 做善事推一個52F 09/23 21:04
推 : 善事給推53F 09/23 21:19
→ : 原來KD他老母是緋紅女巫...54F 09/23 22:02
推 : 好事推55F 09/23 22:13
推 : 推推56F 09/23 22:17
推 : 善心推57F 09/23 22:37
推 : D的意志58F 09/23 22:42
推 : Push! KD makes us alumni proud :D59F 09/23 22:53
推 : 推善事。60F 09/23 23:19
推 : 推61F 09/24 00:41
推 : 推一個62F 09/24 07:05
推 : 你捐多少63F 09/24 08:13
推 : 推64F 09/24 09:59
推 : 推推65F 09/24 10:43
推 : 推66F 09/24 12:27
推 : 這球場屌虐台灣qq 好羨慕67F 09/24 12:34
推 : KD好像拿過社群貢獻獎之類的68F 09/24 15:20
推 : Swagger69F 09/24 20:30
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 10
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