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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-06-17 17:19:39
看板 NBA
作者 love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)
標題 [外絮] 兒子診斷出自閉症後 T.Snell發現自己也有
時間 Sat Jun 17 03:20:27 2023

Ex-NBAer Tony Snell learns he's autistic after son diagnosed
https://tinyurl.com/prhz5m7j  (ESPN)
Ex-NBAer Tony Snell learns he's autistic after son diagnosed - ESPN
NBA veteran Tony Snell said he has autism spectrum disorder, something he did not learn until his son's diagnosis at 18 months old prompted the forwar ...


Former NBA forward Tony Snell can thank his son for helping him learn
something important about himself.

Appearing on NBC's "Today" on Friday, Snell revealed that he was able to
discover as an adult that he has autism spectrum disorder after his
2-year-old son Karter was diagnosed at 18 months.

"I'm like, 'You know what, if he's diagnosed [with autism], then I think I am
[on the autism spectrum] too.' So that gave me the courage to go get checked
up," Snell told "Today."

前NBA前鋒Tony Snell 要感謝他的兒子,因為這幫助他發現了一些關於自己的重要事情。

症,這是因為他的2歲兒子Karter 在18個月大時被診斷出患有自閉症。

Snell 告訴《Today》:我心想,如果我兒子被診斷出有自閉症,那我想我也有自閉症。

As a kid in California, Snell said he was "always independent growing up.
Always being alone. I just couldn't connect with people on the personal side
of things."

Despite not being diagnosed until he was 31, Snell said the news made sense
to him.

"I was not surprised, because I always felt different," Snell said. "I was
just relieved, like 'Ahh, this is why I am the way I am.' It just made my
whole life, everything about my life, make so much sense. It was like a
clarity, like putting some 3-D glasses on."

After being picked by the Chicago Bulls in the first round of the 2013 draft,
Snell has since played for the Milwaukee Bucks, Detroit Pistons, Atlanta
Hawks, Portland Trail Blazers and finished the 2021-22 season with the New
Orleans Pelicans. He played in 19 games this season for the Boston Celtics' G
League affiliate. But Snell said he thinks that not being diagnosed earlier
in his life actually helped him reach the NBA.

Snell 說,作為一個加州孩子,他在成長過程中一直都是獨立的。



自從在2013年被芝加哥公牛隊首輪選中後,Snell 先後效力於密爾瓦基公鹿、底特律活塞

"I think I'd have probably been limited with the stuff I could probably do,"
Snell said. "I don't think I'd have been in the NBA if I was diagnosed with
autism [at his son's age]. Because back then, like, what is autism? They'd
have probably put a limit or a cap on my abilities."

Ultimately Snell said he just wants to support his son.

"I want to make sure my son knows that I have his back," Snell said. "When I
was a kid, I felt different, but I can show him that I'm right here with you
and we're going to ride this thing together, we're going to grow together and
we're going to accomplish a lot of things together."

Snell 表示:“我想,如果我在兒子這個年紀被診斷出自閉症,我可能會在很多事情上受

最後,Snell 表示,他只是想支持他的兒子。

Snell 說:“我想確保我的兒子知道我支持他。當我還是個孩子的時候,我感到與眾不同

TSJ 原來有這一段故事啊

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: love1500274 2023-06-17 03:20:27
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aZBNzYT (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1686943229.A.89D.html
puro        : 當時他如果被診斷出來應該會影響選秀行情吧1F 06/17 03:24
dzflash     : 我叫你醫2F 06/17 03:25
MrTen       : 自閉症是個光譜,如果社會互動沒有障礙,也沒什麼需3F 06/17 03:29
MrTen       : 要貼標籤的
Qorqios     : 對啊5F 06/17 03:33
GeeBen      : 不影響實力就沒差吧6F 06/17 03:51
kenny851117 : 不知道為什麼很感動QQ7F 06/17 03:51
Turas       : 很棒8F 06/17 03:54
YU0158      : 好像快沒球打了9F 06/17 03:58
iicorn      : 不意外 當初Noah跟他擊掌的時候就夠尷尬10F 06/17 04:16
autechre    : 給推 檢驗過才公佈 不像某些人拿自閉症當擋箭牌11F 06/17 04:30
Aminoacid   : 為了支持兒子 自己也去就診 真心佩服12F 06/17 05:36
sampsonlu919: 願意揭露自己身心狀況推13F 06/17 06:13
MookieBetts : 推,有意義的新聞14F 06/17 06:39
dream6789   : 推15F 06/17 06:41
Miyanishi25 : 美國阿滴16F 06/17 06:50
somanyee    : 支持17F 06/17 07:42
wii128      : Snell有沒有吃方便素 我是想酸阿滴18F 06/17 08:07
swimbert    : 每種病都有輕有重,輕症基本無影響什麼19F 06/17 08:59
eric9981020 : 勇敢推20F 06/17 09:00
deadair     : 可以給孩子一個榜樣 之後要怎麼面對更能體會21F 06/17 09:05
GymRat      : 自閉症沒差吧 都可以打NBA了22F 06/17 09:23
littlea     : 亞斯柏格23F 06/17 10:11
asxcvb      : 沒很嚴重吧 不然應該很難打球24F 06/17 10:37
FAYeeeeeeee : 總覺得他有點怪怪的 這樣就合理了25F 06/17 11:24
FAYeeeeeeee : 扛自閉症一路這樣過來 他很不簡單
drcula      : 輕症有的時候就是偶爾不想理人,沉浸在自己的世界27F 06/17 12:19
dumdumdum   : 不簡單28F 06/17 12:24
david850914 : 他的狀況只是比較孤僻吧 社交功能還行29F 06/17 12:56
biss0220    : TSJ !30F 06/17 12:57
sunti0519   : 輕微自閉其實還可以社交的啦31F 06/17 12:59
bmiss       : 自閉症不是都有某種過人的才能?32F 06/17 13:25
moneyz      : 診斷基準是什麼 說你有病你就有病?33F 06/17 14:31
u04y93ex    : 確實 如果社會風氣不夠包容 與其檢測後被貼標籤 倒34F 06/17 14:33
u04y93ex    : 不如不要檢測 頂多被覺得這人很奇怪
gametv      : “自閉症都有某種過人才能”是誤解喔,絕大部分的自36F 06/17 15:06
gametv      : 閉症患者都會有某種障礙,有一定比例的智商屬於偏低
gametv      : 的族群
mark11422   : 加油!39F 06/17 15:50
jeamgogo    : 推樓上g大,真正的高功能自閉症只佔所有自閉症1%40F 06/17 17:00
jeamgogo    : 真的不要被特例跟戲劇誤導

※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 48 
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