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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] KI談 Dort的防守 以及守SGA時如何不犯規
時間 Wed May 8 17:56:51 2024
Kyrie Irving on the problems Luguentz Dort can pose as an on-ball defender:
"Lu's been a great defender since he walked into this league, he's got to be
given his credit and respect. I think he causes a lot of issues when he's
pressuring the ball handler 94 feet for practically the whole game. That's
something that we have to be aware of, but he's not the only good defender
out there. I don't think what makes him great is just him individually. I
think it's the team game that they play, and he does a great job of being the
head of that. But for me and my teammates, we just have to continue to attack
him and continue to play downhill in a way where we play off of two feet.
They do a lot of reaching, they do a lot of small pushes and stuff like that.
And we just have to adjust to the team that we're playing against. And I
think that's the most important thing. This Game 1 is done, we didn't play as
well as we would have liked. We failed on a lot of our coverages, and we
didn't come in with the attitude that was necessary to get this W. So, the
pressure that they were putting on was definitely attributed to their
excitement. But I think in Game 2, we just have to settle in a lot earlier
and be able to withstand some of their 3-point barrages that they get off of
our long 3s that end up coming around the free throw line or some of our
turnovers. I had too many turnovers tonight, especially in that first
quarter, just trying to get my guy settled. So there are some things to look
back on, but the defensive pressure is not going to stop. So we just got to
Kyrie Irving談Luguentz Dort防守給持球員帶來的問題:
『自從Luguentz Dort進入聯盟以來,他一直是名出色的防守者,他應該得到應有的讚賞
Kyrie Irving on defending a player like Shai Gilgeous-Alexander without
fouling: "I'm going to show my respect and say that he's a great player. But
tonight, in the first half, there wasn't really a rhythm for a lot of players
out there. It was a lot of slow down, watching free throws being taken, and
adjusting to the way the game was being called. It felt like a regular season
game tonight, in my perspective. I don't speak for anyone else, but I think
it was like a regular season game because we came off a very physical series
against the LA Clippers, then we had some fouls called, and some of them may
have been fouls or a majority of them. But as a competitor, you want the flow
of the game to feel like the playoffs, with high physicality. It just feels
better. It's all about adjustments. It's about continuing to stay positive
through some of the runs they make and being mature about who we're going
against - a good team that's shown it all year. They have a starting five
with a plus-minus through the roof and one of the top defenses. So, we'll
give them credit, but we have to come into game two ready and prepared."
Kyrie Irving談如何在不犯規的情況下防守像Shai Gilgeous-Alexander這樣的球員:
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: love1500274 2024-05-08 17:56:51
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cEqne3W (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1715162216.A.0E0.html
※ 編輯: love1500274 ( 臺灣), 05/08/2024 17:58:04
推 : 「一直看人罰球」1F 05/08 17:59
→ : 「亂噴logo shot沒進被懲罰」2F 05/08 17:59
推 : 翻譯:你他媽一堆體毛哨老子怎麼打3F 05/08 17:59
推 : KI滿會講話的4F 05/08 18:00
推 : ki認證5F 05/08 18:00
推 : 樓下説黑牛6F 05/08 18:00
推 : 說話的藝術 如何不被罰250007F 05/08 18:00
→ : 雷迷準備嘲諷ki8F 05/08 18:01
推 : 大號三分被反快….77在說你啦9F 05/08 18:01
推 : 哭啊隊友亂噴大號三分被推反快攻10F 05/08 18:01
推 : 一直看人罰球11F 05/08 18:01
推 : 小牛一哥發表看法12F 05/08 18:02
推 : 話說KI 鞋有管道購買嗎 好帥13F 05/08 18:05
→ : 安踏的鞋子應該去幾大購物網站就有辦法買到了15F 05/08 18:06
→ : 偷偷跟你說 推文圖片簡體字太多 會被檢舉17F 05/08 18:09
推 : 推個KI 說話的藝術18F 05/08 18:10
推 : 安可豬!19F 05/08 18:14
推 : 講得很好 沒有輸球就怪裁判20F 05/08 18:15
推 : 爸爸是阿銀跟不是的區別21F 05/08 18:19
→ chouvincent …
推 : 上半場確實看人罰24F 05/08 18:22
推 : 77的後撤步三分不修好也沒用25F 05/08 18:23
推 : 這篇講得很含蓄了,應該不會25000吧26F 05/08 18:23
→ : 你隊友整場攤手噴裁判先管一下27F 05/08 18:25
推 : KI不搞事情況下人和真的100分28F 05/08 18:28
推 : 上半場裁判一直幫雷霆啊 一直吹吹夠沒29F 05/08 18:29
推 : 一直看人罰球XDDDD,太誠實30F 05/08 18:29
推 : 藝術31F 05/08 18:29
推 : KI有修過說話的藝術 懂修飾32F 05/08 18:31
推 : 講得很婉轉又清楚,不過重點還是要適應33F 05/08 18:32
推 : 「從我的角度,今天更像一場例行賽」 說話的藝術XD34F 05/08 18:33
推 : 實話 不過那個胖77也要加油啦35F 05/08 18:34
推 : KI是不是在偷臭胖子XD "這些三分球是由我們的大號36F 05/08 18:36
→ : 三分球引發的"
→ : 三分球引發的"
推 : ki 媒體對應滿分38F 05/08 18:37
推 : Patience is virtue39F 05/08 18:37
推 : 一直看人罰球 誰啊77740F 05/08 18:39
推 : 人品不錯41F 05/08 18:42
推 : Ki懂說話42F 05/08 18:43
推 : KI真會說話43F 05/08 18:44
推 : 得體(?44F 05/08 18:45
推 : 黑啦哪次不黑了45F 05/08 18:48
推 : 安踏跟361都不知道哪邊可以試穿46F 05/08 18:49
推 : KI懂說話47F 05/08 18:52
推 : 得利的時候好吹判 不得利的時候大聲罵48F 05/08 18:52
噓 : 東尼兄弟不就這樣上半場先很偏把別人吹到犯規麻煩49F 05/08 18:56
→ : 下半場平衡哨但因為犯規麻煩不能守太緊
→ : 下半場平衡哨但因為犯規麻煩不能守太緊
推 : 係金A51F 05/08 18:57
→ : KD哭暈在廁所52F 05/08 19:01
推 : 一直看人罰球 笑死53F 05/08 19:01
→ : 尤其是那個第二節東尼兄弟根本來亂的54F 05/08 19:03
推 : 好會說話55F 05/08 19:05
→ : 墮特就是從泡泡年原本frugeson 先發 結果發現他超56F 05/08 19:07
→ : 會守 很會守鬍子 一路把他拉到先發 也算是勵志
→ : 會守 很會守鬍子 一路把他拉到先發 也算是勵志
推 : KI很會說話58F 05/08 19:09
推 : 牛寺可可哥就是猛,嬰靈防守59F 05/08 19:10
推 : 好扯 我覺得很強了還說自己失誤太多 不愧神仙60F 05/08 19:12
→ : 77最好快醒 不然要沒了
→ : 77最好快醒 不然要沒了
→ : 先吹爛再補哨,不乾脆放寬尺度比賽好看點62F 05/08 19:14
推 : 一直看人罰球XD63F 05/08 19:16
推 : 真的會講話 有臭到又能避開阿銀的g點64F 05/08 19:18
推 : KI高級酸XD65F 05/08 19:22
推 : 好會講話66F 05/08 19:30
→ : 很有自己對比賽的看法67F 05/08 19:31
推 : 上半場一堆摸毛哨,搞的兩邊都離很遠68F 05/08 19:33
→ : 77:等等 不是都我先才換你?69F 05/08 19:36
推 : 讓一大圈講SGA罰太多70F 05/08 19:44
→ : KI高級酸也71F 05/08 19:45
推 : 77上半場也罰很多欸72F 05/08 19:50
推 : 獨行也才少罰3球 而且SGA罰球11分全拿掉也還輸11分73F 05/08 20:17
→ : 理由伯?
→ : 理由伯?
推 : 77也罰不少75F 05/08 20:19
推 : 一句話就能講完的事講一整篇 KI果然是大人物76F 05/08 20:19
→ : 莫忘ki打臉沒吹77F 05/08 20:20
推 : 一直看人罰球www78F 05/08 20:43
→ : 我覺得蠻得體的 東尼兄弟這場確實吹的很例行賽79F 05/08 20:45
推 : 墮特前幾年也是把鬍子守得不要不要的80F 05/08 20:46
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 23
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