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作者 標題 [外絮] KD談為何2019沒加入尼克:不夠酷
時間 Wed Feb 21 15:08:08 2024
Kevin Durant Reveals Why He Didn't Join The Knicks In 2019: 'The Knicks Weren’t Cool.' | Yardbarker
In a chat with his agent, Rich Kleiman, on 'the Boardroom' podcast, Suns star Kevin Durant finally shed some light on his decision to join the Nets in ...
標題:Kevin Durant Reveals Why He Didn't Join The Knicks In 2019: 'The Knicks We
ren’t Cool.'
By Nico Martinez
In a chat with his agent, Rich Kleiman, on 'the Boardroom' podcast, Suns star Ke
vin Durant finally shed some light on his decision to join the Nets in 2019. Des
pite pressure from his agent, who wanted him to sign there, Durant spurned the o
range and blue in favor of a partnership with his friend, Kyrie Irving, on the N
ets. The reasoning, according to Durant, had to do with the state of the franchi
se at the time.
“At that time they weren’t. The Knicks weren’t cool. But they are a cool bran
d…Like right now, they poppin…last few years. But before that..the brand was c
ool but…I was looking at the team," said Durant. "And the team was not cool to
play for. The team was not cool to watch…I might have embellished or lied a lit
tle bit about the brand, I might’ve thrown the brand in there too. But of cours
e, the Knicks brand, like—living in New York made me truly realize how it’s th
e greatest city in the world…”
Durant didn't elaborate further on what made the Knicks so uncool at the time, b
ut it doesn't take a genius to guess what he could have meant. Back in 2019, the
Knicks were not nearly in the state they're in now. In the aftermath of the Car
melo Anthony era, the team was in a full rebuild and had just finished the previ
ous season dead last in the East with a 17-65 record.
After three straight trips to the NBA Finals, Kevin Durant would only go somewhe
re where he could compete for a championship without the unnecessary drama. As a
struggling, mismanaged team in the heart of New York City, that kind of lifesty
le was never going to happen with the Knicks even if they have become a much bet
ter team today.
The New York Knicks Are Hunting For A Star
Today, the New York Knicks are one of the best teams in the East with Jalen Brun
son, Julius Randle, OG Anunboby, and Mitchell Robinson leading the way. Injuries
aside, they've been pretty impressive all season long and look better than ever
after the deal for Anunoby earlier this month. Currently, they rank 4th in the
East with a 33-22 record overall.
Even so, there are some questions about the team's potential this season. Withou
t a true superstar (someone like Kevin Durant) leading the team, the Knicks are
at a major disadvantage against any top-level contenders in the postseason, espe
cially against a team like the Bucks and Celtics who are rich with high-level st
This summer, with assets to spare and flexibility in the cap, the Knicks will ha
ve their chance to make a big move. Whether it's LeBron James, Joel Embiid, or s
ome other big-name player, the Knicks are long overdue to sign a marquee player,
and the moment that they do could break the NBA completely.
Today, unlike in 2019, the Knicks are on the right track and the vibes both in a
nd around the locker room are healthier than ever before. If they can make a dee
p playoff run this year, or even advance to the Finals, it might be enough to co
nvince the next superstar to force his way to Madison Square Garden.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: hanson90244 2024-02-21 15:08:08
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1brQ5Qcj (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1708499290.A.9AD.html
推 : 差點就NYKD-351F 02/21 15:08
推 : 想要很cool的話可以去明尼蘇達或是多倫多2F 02/21 15:09
推 : 那是cold不是cool了吧3F 02/21 15:11
推 : 想褲嗎 華盛頓歡迎4F 02/21 15:11
推 : NY其實還蠻冷的 美東都這樣5F 02/21 15:11
推 : 書豪走了之後就不酷了6F 02/21 15:12
推 : 喝洗澡水比較酷7F 02/21 15:12
推 : 乾2樓8F 02/21 15:12
推 : 不夠粗9F 02/21 15:15
推 : 都是貓10F 02/21 15:15
噓 : 打不贏就加入勇士潮酷Der11F 02/21 15:16
推 : 已經很久沒A咖來尼克,是還好這幾年Dolan沒在亂搞12F 02/21 15:17
噓 : 翻譯:沒腿可抱13F 02/21 15:18
推 : 尼克這幾年都是簽別隊的B咖再來打出A咖成績14F 02/21 15:19
推 : 腿不夠粗15F 02/21 15:20
推 : brunson很猛但來之前也是巨星旁細漢.16F 02/21 15:22
推 : KD:KD很cool17F 02/21 15:23
推 : 紐約:我們這邊娛樂性大麻是完全合法耶,怎麼會不18F 02/21 15:27
→ : 夠酷XD
→ : 夠酷XD
→ : kd:kd是個cool傢伙20F 02/21 15:27
→ : 弱X尼克22F 02/21 15:28
噓 : NYKD-3523F 02/21 15:36
→ : 在籃網也可以吸啊
→ : 在籃網也可以吸啊
推 : 他幹嘛不說都是小貓就好25F 02/21 15:37
→ : 沒說錯啊 在地人都不太支持了 誰想去26F 02/21 15:41
推 : 萬年爛隊 萬年市值第一27F 02/21 15:43
→ : 尼克上一個自己養的A咖是誰28F 02/21 15:43
推 : Patrick Ewing29F 02/21 15:45
推 : 大猩猩?30F 02/21 15:45
推 : 那時的尼克隊是魚腩球隊,抱腿哥看不上眼31F 02/21 15:47
→ : 可愛當初有招募KD去破船阿 可愛+KD感覺超猛32F 02/21 15:58
→ : 尼克沒有腿可以抱阿33F 02/21 15:59
推 : 籃網也沒腿抱阿 不是都外面找一起去的34F 02/21 16:03
推 : 太勁爆了35F 02/21 16:14
推 : 合法就不酷啊,很合理36F 02/21 16:23
→ : 那年尼克就不想賭 偏偏縮手的時候賭錯了37F 02/21 16:58
→ : 應該是尼克不開錢包,籃網肯吧38F 02/21 16:59
→ : 後悔了吧39F 02/21 17:00
推 : 更早有挖A,,咖啦 甜瓜配阿嬤40F 02/21 17:09
推 : 紅茶算是尼克打出身價
推 : 紅茶算是尼克打出身價
推 : 大哥眼光真的…42F 02/21 17:20
推 : 結果去籃網先後體會KI哈登西門的怪咖combo43F 02/21 17:34
→ : 季後賽隊友要靠Seth Curry跟Dragic 超不酷...
→ : 季後賽隊友要靠Seth Curry跟Dragic 超不酷...
→ : 2019那年尼克清了60多M吧的空間想幹大事R,結果雙45F 02/21 17:37
→ : K去了籃網全落空,改用短約簽了4位中前鋒還被笑lo
→ : l最後20-21賭到了Randle 逆襲晉升全明星成了紐約2
→ : 支球隊路線翻轉的起點
→ : K去了籃網全落空,改用短約簽了4位中前鋒還被笑lo
→ : l最後20-21賭到了Randle 逆襲晉升全明星成了紐約2
→ : 支球隊路線翻轉的起點
推 : 粗49F 02/21 17:43
推 : 籃網球場確實蠻酷的50F 02/21 17:44
→ : Randle…算了吧51F 02/21 18:18
推 : NYKD 無視52F 02/21 18:32
→ : 尼克沒招募到KI就涼了 KD肯定是要抱團的53F 02/21 18:55
推 : KI KD當初沒記錯是講好的吧 跟尼克有沒有招募到K54F 02/21 18:59
→ : I沒什麼關係啦…
→ : I沒什麼關係啦…
→ : 不夠大團56F 02/21 19:00
推 : 尼克那時還有簽Marcus Morris後來變成了首輪籤選了57F 02/21 19:14
→ : IQ,再變成OG交易主菜
→ : IQ,再變成OG交易主菜
→ : 在尼克會打不好,因為每天都要跟紐約X酸民們開戰!59F 02/21 19:34
推 : 都是小貓60F 02/21 19:35
推 : 搭乘奪冠便車真的太香61F 02/21 19:52
推 : 還好老漢加入的都很coooool62F 02/21 19:54
[新聞] 尼克新帥籲球員強悍 稱不要杯子蛋糕加入 - NBA板 - Disp BBS
ClownT 來源: 作者:udn記者陳元廷/綜合外電報導 新任尼克主帥費茲戴爾(David Fizdale)日前上節目受訪,談到自己希望怎樣球員加入 團隊時談到:「我希望他最好是個性尖銳的人,我不歡迎軟弱球員來這
→ : 紅茶沒對不起他的薪水,只能說賽季太操,季後賽才66F 02/21 20:55
→ : 表現不好
→ : 表現不好
→ : 尼克當時根本不打算等KD傷癒68F 02/21 21:43
推 : 腿不夠粗69F 02/21 22:48
→ : 尼克這幾年精算的操作也根本沒打算要賭KD當時的傷70F 02/21 23:08
→ : 兵,結果KD這幾年傷好了,隊友不是傷就是上不了場
→ : 兵,結果KD這幾年傷好了,隊友不是傷就是上不了場
推 : 翻譯:酷=大團72F 02/21 23:45
推 : 球衣確實不夠酷73F 02/22 03:43
推 : 63F 結果他們現在又同隊了74F 02/22 08:02
推 : 當年KD那個傷很多隊都賭不下去啦75F 02/22 12:22
推 : 2019可沒有大麻76F 02/22 12:35
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 10
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