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作者 標題 [外絮] Terrence Shannon Jr.被指控性侵而被逮捕
時間 Fri Dec 29 04:28:21 2023
Terrence Shannon Jr. suspension: Illinois' leading scorer arrested, charged with rape in Kansas
Shannon is tied to a Sept. 8 incident while attending a football game in Lawrence, Kansas ...
Illinois star wing Terrence Shannon Jr. has been suspended indefinitely after
being charged with rape, the program announced Thursday. The Douglas County
(Kansas) District Attorney issued an arrest warrant for Shannon on Wednesday
in connection with a Sept. 8 incident, which allegedly occurred while Shannon
was attending an Illini football game against the Kansas Jayhawks.
伊利諾大學側翼球員Terrence Shannon Jr.在星期四他被指控強姦罪後無限期禁賽。道格
The university specified that Shannon was "not in Lawrence on official
University business, nor was he a member of the University's travel party."
Shannon returned to Kansas on Thursday to turn himself in and posted bail
before traveling back to Illinois. The university acknowledged that it was
aware of an investigation into Shannon since late September but had not
received "actionable information" until Wednesday.
"The University and DIA (Division of Intercollegiate Athletics) have shown
time and again that we have zero tolerance for sexual misconduct," Illinois
athletic director Josh Whitman said in a statement. "At the same time, DIA
policy affords student-athletes appropriate levels of due process based on
the nature and severity of the allegations. We will rely on that policy and
our prior experiences to manage this situation appropriately for the
University and the involved parties."
伊利諾大學體育總監Josh Whitman表示:"學校與DIA(大學校際運動部門)一再表明對性行為
The suspension is a significant blow for the Illini, who climbed to No. 11 in
this week's AP Top 25 following a 97-73 win over rival Missouri last Friday.
Shannon leads Illinois in scoring at 21.7 points per game, which is second
only to Purdue star Zach Edey in the Big Ten.
打擊。Shannon場均21.7分是伊利諾大學的得分王,在Big Ten聯盟僅次於普渡的Zach Edey
打擊。Shannon場均21.7分是伊利諾大學的得分王,在Big Ten聯盟僅次於普渡的Zach Edey
Shannon is shooting a career-best 40.8% from beyond the arc and rates as the
team's second-best defender, according to evanmiya.com. The 6-foot-6 Shannon
is in his fifth season of college basketball and second at Illinois after
playing three seasons at Texas Tech. He is ranked No. 27 in the 2024 CBS
Sports NBA Draft Prospect Rankings.
2024 TSJ...因為性侵沒了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: EZ78 2023-12-29 04:28:21
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bZTfdFz (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1703795303.A.3FD.html
推 : TSJ 不意外 口交惡徒1F 12/29 04:30
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 12/29/2023 04:32:51推 : 這板不用守兒少法嗎2F 12/29 04:39
→ : 人如其名3F 12/29 04:41
→ : 又是TSJ4F 12/29 04:42
推 : TSJ!TSJ!TSJ!5F 12/29 04:46
推 : \TSJ/\TSJ/\TSJ/\TSJ/6F 12/29 04:49
推 : 叫TSJ的都...7F 12/29 04:52
推 : 我叫你(裁判)吹!8F 12/29 04:56
推 : TSJ9F 12/29 05:01
推 : 又是你TSJ 你最爛10F 12/29 05:25
→ : 又是側翼11F 12/29 05:40
推 : 我叫你吹12F 12/29 05:46
推 : 就我現在認識的兩個TSJ沒一個是好東西13F 12/29 05:49
→ : 管不好小頭還是直接去關好了14F 12/29 05:54
推 : \TSJ/\TSJ/\TSJ/\TSJ/15F 12/29 06:05
推 : TSJ16F 12/29 06:11
推 : 又是TSJ…17F 12/29 06:17
推 : TSJ XDDDDDDDDDDD18F 12/29 06:21
推 : TSJ19F 12/29 06:22
推 : TSJ是什麼梗...20F 12/29 06:27
推 : 就之前那個南投咬惡徒啊21F 12/29 06:31
推 : 超大齡新秀搞這齣是不是沒了22F 12/29 06:35
→ : TSJ請google小商人 南投 ,帶起了一股旋風,甚至推動23F 12/29 06:43
→ : 了地方議員選上的動力,真的是選戰奇蹟
→ : 了地方議員選上的動力,真的是選戰奇蹟
推 : 傑哥不要25F 12/29 06:47
推 : 口交惡徒 我叫你吹!!!!!!!!!26F 12/29 06:48
推 : TSJ不意外27F 12/29 06:57
推 : TSJ29F 12/29 07:00
推 : 惡徒TSJ...不意外30F 12/29 07:02
推 : 這名字有什麼詛咒嗎31F 12/29 07:02
推 : TSJ又是你32F 12/29 07:04
推 : !!!!!TSJ!!!!!33F 12/29 07:06
推 : TSJ不意外34F 12/29 07:06
→ : 量子糾纏 or 盛名遠播 or 同一個人35F 12/29 07:07
推 : TSJ不意外36F 12/29 07:10
推 : TSJ rape…37F 12/29 07:11
推 : TSJ不意外38F 12/29 07:20
推 : 又是你TSJ,你最爛.jpg39F 12/29 07:24
→ : 我叫你吹40F 12/29 07:25
推 : 台灣又領先全球41F 12/29 07:27
推 : TSJ 看到馬上笑出來42F 12/29 07:29
推 : “去”堪薩斯自首上交保釋金“便”回到了伊利諾43F 12/29 07:30
謝※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 12/29/2023 07:34:45
推 : TSJ!44F 12/29 07:35
推 : TSJ不意外45F 12/29 07:37
噓 : NBA點?46F 12/29 07:37
→ : 他原本明年又要參加選秀 穩穩的首輪47F 12/29 07:40
→ : 又是你TSJ48F 12/29 07:45
推 : TSJ 口交惡徒49F 12/29 07:50
推 : 又是你啊TSJ 真噁心啊50F 12/29 07:54
推 : TSJ,他老爸很罩嗎?51F 12/29 07:57
推 : TSJ52F 12/29 07:58
推 : 又是你,TSJ53F 12/29 07:59
推 : 咬惡徒TSJ 又是你!!54F 12/29 07:59
→ : TSJ嘔嘔嘔55F 12/29 08:09
推 : 老大56F 12/29 08:16
推 : TSJ不意外 性侵犯都是垃圾57F 12/29 08:17
推 : TSJ不意外58F 12/29 08:18
推 : 姓名學又贏59F 12/29 08:23
噓 : 到底要不要修法啊 看到這名字又想到南投那個垃圾60F 12/29 08:25
→ : 真噁心
→ : 真噁心
推 : 靠,真的是TSJ欸62F 12/29 08:25
→ : TSJ63F 12/29 08:29
推 : TSJ XDD64F 12/29 08:31
推 : 靠北 還真是TSJ65F 12/29 08:35
推 : TSJ又是你66F 12/29 08:37
推 : TSJ67F 12/29 08:42
推 : TSJ 世界怎麼跟得上臺灣68F 12/29 08:43
噓 : 又還沒進NBA69F 12/29 08:51
推 : 乾 又是TSJ70F 12/29 08:53
推 : TSJ真的好糟糕71F 12/29 08:55
推 : TSJ 性侵不可取72F 12/29 09:00
推 : TSJ品質保證73F 12/29 09:14
推 : TSJ 不解釋74F 12/29 09:16
推 : TSJ不意外吧 好險這次不在南投75F 12/29 09:21
推 : TSJ口交惡徒現在去哪了 有掛嗎76F 12/29 09:23
噓 : 口交惡徒 TSJ 田 勝 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ77F 12/29 09:24
噓 : TSJ不意外78F 12/29 09:27
→ : TSJ田某不意外79F 12/29 09:35
推 : 還真的是TSJ80F 12/29 09:36
推 : TSJ81F 12/29 09:44
推 : 真的沒了82F 12/29 09:50
→ : 笑死 斑馬還沒進NBA之前不也一堆文 噓文的有噓嗎83F 12/29 10:00
推 : TSJ84F 12/29 10:40
推 : \TSJ/\TSJ/\TSJ/85F 12/29 10:58
推 : 老爸是警察嗎?86F 12/29 11:05
推 : 結果都過多久了 還不是一樣沒修法 呵呵87F 12/29 11:10
推 : TSJ 量子糾纏88F 12/29 12:54
推 : 世界怎麼跟得上台灣89F 12/29 17:54
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 29
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