※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-11-12 18:56:21
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作者 標題 [外絮] 某支神秘球隊一直在收集Udoka的情報
時間 Sat Nov 12 18:09:14 2022
An unknown team reportedly has been gathering intel on suspended Boston Celtics
coach Ime Udoka.
根據報導,一支不知名的球隊一直在收集關於被禁賽的波士頓塞爾提克隊總教練Ime Udoka
An Eastern Conference general manager revealed to Fox Sports’ Ric Bucher that a
team was gathering intel on Udoka following his suspension by Boston.
一位東區球隊的總經理向Fox Sports的記者透露,在Udoka被塞爾提克禁賽後,一支球隊正
“I know for a fact a team was gathering background intel on Ime a week after ev
erything happened in Boston,” the general manager said. “Ime was going to be t
heir guy if they fired their current coach.”
Udoka was suspended by the Celtics for the entire 2022-23 NBA season for multipl
e violations of team policies. Udoka had multiple violations of sexual misconduc
t directed at woman in the organization.
由於多次違反球隊政策,Udoka在整個2022-23賽季被塞爾提克禁賽。 Udoka有多次在球團中
The Brooklyn Nets had been rumored to be in the running for Udoka after they fir
ed head coach Steve Nahs, but the team opted to make interim head coach Jacque V
aughn the team’s head coach this week.
That leaves Udoka still suspended in Boston, but it’s possible that this myster
y team could make a move for him at some point in the 2022-23 campaign.
Mystery team has been gathering intel on Ime Udoka: 'Ime was going to be their guy if they fired their current coach' - Ahn Fire Digital
An unknown team reportedly has been gathering intel on suspended Boston Celtics coach Ime Udoka. An Eastern Conference general manager revealed to Fox ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZRt3CYo (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1668247756.A.8B2.html
推 : 新北國王1F 11/12 18:09
→ : 問就是...2F 11/12 18:09
推 : 高雄鋼鐵人3F 11/12 18:10
推 : 紫金配色 難道是湖人4F 11/12 18:10
推 : 問5F 11/12 18:10
→ : 謝謝你 火腿(?6F 11/12 18:10
推 : 全家海神7F 11/12 18:10
推 : 收集什麼小秘密8F 11/12 18:11
推 : 七六人啦 老河剛好滾蛋9F 11/12 18:11
→ : 樂天桃園?10F 11/12 18:11
→ : 想贏的球隊吧11F 11/12 18:12
推 : 那當然是全世界最愛解僱教練的高雄鋼鐵人啊12F 11/12 18:12
推 : 太神祕了吧 ==13F 11/12 18:13
推 : 費城啦14F 11/12 18:14
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/12/2022 18:14:41→ : 不要講半天也是籃網喔= =15F 11/12 18:15
推 : 問就是T1,不問就是P+16F 11/12 18:16
→ : 笑死17F 11/12 18:16
推 : 湖人?18F 11/12 18:18
→ : 不能縮的球隊 恐怖鵝19F 11/12 18:18
推 : 七六人 ? 灰狼 ? 兩隻成績不如預期20F 11/12 18:19
推 : 問就是??21F 11/12 18:20
→ : 火腿只能當中間的夾心,所以?22F 11/12 18:21
推 : 問就是湖人23F 11/12 18:22
→ allyourshit …
推 : 湖人25F 11/12 18:23
推 : 雲豹26F 11/12 18:25
推 : 富邦勇士27F 11/12 18:26
推 : 樂天桃猿28F 11/12 18:27
推 : 76人29F 11/12 18:29
推 : 問就是湖人30F 11/12 18:29
推 : 火腿燉湯不好喝嗎?31F 11/12 18:31
推 : 問就是桃園雲豹 魔獸都反應教練不會講英文了 當然32F 11/12 18:33
→ : 找一個美國人來
→ : 找一個美國人來
推 : 珍妮阿姨歡迎勿都卡~34F 11/12 18:33
推 : 七六人應該不會要吧,不然莫雷又要走了?35F 11/12 18:35
推 : 不就籃網 不然哪支球隊有開除總教練了?36F 11/12 18:36
推 : 高雄鋼鐵人37F 11/12 18:37
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/12/2022 18:37:43→ : 樂天桃園38F 11/12 18:37
推 : 之前籃網不是要找他,難道也是收集了資訊後縮了39F 11/12 18:39
→ : 籃網已經真除代理總教練了40F 11/12 18:39
推 : 湖人41F 11/12 18:40
→ : 國王42F 11/12 18:41
推 : 雲豹43F 11/12 18:41
推 : 76人 冠軍黑人教頭滾 我們需要亞軍黑人教頭44F 11/12 18:45
推 : 要蒐集7大罪做人柱力吧45F 11/12 18:45
推 : 問就是T146F 11/12 18:48
推 : 問就是湖人47F 11/12 18:49
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 26
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