※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-09-26 14:47:22
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] K湯:若是不能被嘴綠罵 就不能在勇士打球
時間 Mon Sep 26 14:13:07 2022
"If you can't be yelled at by Draymond, you probably can't play for the
"It's just kind of like a by-law now. It's just what it is,"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZCKBs1K (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1664172790.A.054.html
→ : 老士官長1F 09/26 14:13
→ : 難怪KD烙跑了
→ : 難怪KD烙跑了
→ : 那誰來罵這咖?3F 09/26 14:14
推 : KD : 所以我走了4F 09/26 14:15
推 : 可能只有他老媽吧5F 09/26 14:15
→ : 最有份量噴他的應該只有咖哩6F 09/26 14:16
推 : 嘴綠咖喱7F 09/26 14:16
推 : KD表示:QAQ8F 09/26 14:18
推 : 那也要其他人也可以罵嘴綠阿9F 09/26 14:19
推 : 帝王制10F 09/26 14:20
推 : 乾 好問題 誰來罵他11F 09/26 14:21
→ : 咖哩K湯都好人 難道要給伊谷來嗎XD
→ : 咖哩K湯都好人 難道要給伊谷來嗎XD
推 : 酸民來罵他啊13F 09/26 14:21
推 : 這在學校就是霸凌的新聞14F 09/26 14:21
→ : 以為自己是老大 看到新來的跟菜鳥就想罵一下
→ : 以為自己是老大 看到新來的跟菜鳥就想罵一下
推 : 好奇嘴綠敢噴咖哩跟k湯嗎16F 09/26 14:23
→ : 我猜他大三單時應該也是罵別人XD17F 09/26 14:23
推 : 承擔網友的砲火阿18F 09/26 14:24
→ : Kerr總啊 都敢跟喬彈對幹了 區區一個嘴綠19F 09/26 14:24
推 : 當然不敢噴佛祖跟咖哩啊 他們是學長欸 黑臉嘴綠當20F 09/26 14:25
→ : 這是隊霸嗎?21F 09/26 14:26
推 : 嘴綠好歹是勇士防守中樞,防守沒做好一定被幹爆。22F 09/26 14:26
→ : 咖哩K湯趴數比嘴綠高 怎麼可能敢噴23F 09/26 14:27
推 : 所以藍血懦夫被逼走了 嘿嘿24F 09/26 14:27
推 : 蘭特表示25F 09/26 14:29
推 : 最資深士官長的概念26F 09/26 14:29
→ : 勇士官長27F 09/26 14:32
推 : 防守漏人被飆剛好 所以插腰仔過來也是會被幹28F 09/26 14:37
推 : KD:阿我就怕被罵啊29F 09/26 14:38
推 : 難怪KD要走30F 09/26 14:38
[外絮] 為何想為勇士打球?LBJ:想跟嘴綠互噴,我喜歡 - 看板 NBA - 批踢踢實業坊
為何想為勇士打球?LBJ:想跟嘴綠互噴,我喜歡被罵 On Tuesday, the trailer dropped for Friday’s episode of “The Shop”, where LeB ron and other celebrities talk about life, sports, and more. In that video, The King was asked what team he’d rather play for that’s in the Finals and he pick ed the Warriors. Why you ask? Well, one of his main reasons was Draymond Green,
為何想為勇士打球?LBJ:想跟嘴綠互噴,我喜歡被罵 On Tuesday, the trailer dropped for Friday’s episode of “The Shop”, where LeB ron and other celebrities talk about life, sports, and more. In that video, The King was asked what team he’d rather play for that’s in the Finals and he pick ed the Warriors. Why you ask? Well, one of his main reasons was Draymond Green,
推 : KD一定不爽的32F 09/26 14:40
推 : 咖哩還是偶爾,很偶爾會被嘴綠唸,今年季後賽就有33F 09/26 14:40
→ : 看到咖哩防守沒交代好暫停走回板凳時跟嘴綠有點小
→ : 爭吵
→ : 看到咖哩防守沒交代好暫停走回板凳時跟嘴綠有點小
→ : 爭吵
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 55
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