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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-09-15 13:39:11
看板 NBA
作者 k1230588 (恆秋)
標題 [情報] 美國法院駁回Nerlens Noel控告Rich Paul一案
時間 Thu Sep 15 11:09:12 2022

Nerlens Noel’s lawsuit against Rich Paul dismissed by Dallas judge - The Athletic
Pistons center Nerlens Noel had his lawsuit against agent Rich Paul and Klutch Sports Group dismissed Tuesday. In her ruling, Dallas-based district co ...



Pistons center Nerlens Noel had his lawsuit against agent Rich Paul and
Klutch Sports Group dismissed Tuesday. In her ruling, Dallas-based district
court judge Jane J. Boyle sent the case to the NBPA’s arbitration system to
be resolved.

Noel initially sued Paul and his agency in the summer of 2021 in hopes of
recouping some of the money he alleged he lost out in contracts over the
course of his career due to, he says, a lack of proper representation by the
Klutch Sports agent.

In dismissing the case, Boyle wrote in her order: “In sum, the Court has
determined that a valid, enforceable agreement to arbitrate exists between
the parties.”

In the initial lawsuit, Noel alleged that Paul “did little to no work” to
secure contracts, pitch teams and land endorsement deals on Noel’s behalf
while the player was represented by Paul.

Noel’s attorneys also argued that the center lost out on a four-year, $70
million deal with the Mavericks after the 2016-17 season on advice from Paul
and “was instead forced to sign a series of qualifying offers and league
minimum contracts which were well below the true value of Noel’s services in
the NBA marketplace.”

Knicks center Nerlens Noel sued Rich Paul. But his target is now the NBPA

After turning down that initial deal in 2017, Noel signed a shorter, smaller
deal to return to Dallas and then followup short deals with Oklahoma City in
2018 and New York in 2020. In 2021, he signed a three-year, $27.77 million
deal with the Knicks and then was traded to the Pistons in the summer of 2022.

活塞中鋒Nerlens Noel日前與前經紀團隊Rich Paul和Klutch Sports的

於該訴訟中,Noel團隊主張Klutch Sports原先保證可以為他獲得70M/4yr
的合約,而最終由於Klutch Sports的不作為,導致最終他只能簽下1年

法官Jane J. Boyle認為,Klutch Sports團隊並未強迫Noel團隊簽訂合



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ooplus      : 這可以說法院認證吧1F 09/15 11:11
Kazmier     : 這種本來就很難告贏波2F 09/15 11:11
Kazmier     : 吧
EMSOK       : 這要怎麼告贏4F 09/15 11:11
liusim      : 其實這個新聞只有單方面的表述 富堡那邊都沒說話?5F 09/15 11:13
liusim      : 傳出要告就一直是NOEL這邊的說法
f77928      : 查無不法 謝謝指教7F 09/15 11:14
※ 編輯: k1230588 ( 日本), 09/15/2022 11:16:18
ooxxman     : 最後是自己選的,高估情勢判斷失誤,虧慘了德軟前輩8F 09/15 11:15
Despairile  : 法院應該只是告知他"他想告的這些部分" 法上無違法?9F 09/15 11:16
Despairile  : 除非能證明做決定的不是自己 不然沒啥勝算吧?
kixer2005   : 簽約都要包贏喔?  那經紀約不提高個10倍說不過去11F 09/15 11:18
ijk77692    : 好險小犢沒有簽下來12F 09/15 11:20
Chanlin01   : 這咖也是笑死 有運鈔車不搭跑去搭類火車13F 09/15 11:20
Bashar      : 17年的四年70M 讓我想到德軟14F 09/15 11:24
Kazmier     :  Noel不是說富堡在沒告知情況下推掉某隊報價15F 09/15 11:25
Kazmier     : 價
gm79227922  : 這個能成 德軟可以爽拿很多錢17F 09/15 11:25
kacaoy      : 不都是自己選的嗎......還是被槍壓著頭簽的18F 09/15 11:25
JayFans0610 : 我記得他是先拒絕報價,才跟Rich Paul簽約的吧19F 09/15 11:28
gm79227922  : Noel那個也是自己說的 看起來法院沒採信20F 09/15 11:28
karta328    : Noel後來是被完全放生吧 但是那張70M合約又不是富保21F 09/15 11:29
karta328    : 談的
Kazmier     : 其實黑人大都是身邊的好友和親戚在亂出餿主意啦23F 09/15 11:30
Kazmier     : 大概是亂聽親友餿主意後現在才在後悔
firemm444   : 連富寶都沒辦法幫你喬大約的話 代表你真的...25F 09/15 11:33
glay7566    : 小牛感謝你的不簽之恩26F 09/15 11:36
f77928      : 想想連巨星的舅舅 哥哥 媽媽 老婆之類的話都敢比球27F 09/15 11:39
f77928      : 員還多 一般家族出了個搖錢樹 私下意見不得一大堆
evangelew   : 因為Noel那時候爭取的是頂薪合約吧29F 09/15 11:40
ChinaKlay   : 那約沒簽真的太傻了30F 09/15 11:43
lctns1234   : Rich Paul對球員已經很好了31F 09/15 11:51
HSKAO       : 要不要簽約 最後還是球員自己要決定啊32F 09/15 11:58
HSKAO       : 又沒人能逼你簽或不簽
tomoti      : 即便有錄音檔富保羅叫你不要簽會幫你簽更大都難贏吧34F 09/15 12:03
k22015987   : 自己沒簽然後越想越不對勁 可憐哪35F 09/15 12:13
aktwophg7950: 要怎麽證明是經紀公司的不作為導致他簽不到大約36F 09/15 12:19
dwiee       : 我記的他是先拒絕合約 辭掉前經紀人 才和富保簽約37F 09/15 12:32
dwiee       : 前經紀人一直叫他快簽 結果他想拿更多的約
hanslins    : 如果他的意思是富保曾經跟他講70M/4 年太少了,給39F 09/15 12:35
hanslins    : 我談能談更多?但你要有證據啊!
dwiee       : 這要怎麼證明阿 如果他真有那身價 之後不會一直低薪41F 09/15 12:37
babyalley   : 又一個法院認證??42F 09/15 13:03
azlbf       : 他的意思應該是 被富堡的話術騙 所以他拒絕合約然後43F 09/15 13:05
azlbf       : 開除經紀人改跟富堡簽約
azlbf       : 其實這種事情在台灣房屋仲介天天發生
EZ78        : 這種東西就很難蒐證46F 09/15 13:05
SeanR       : 法院富寶幫開的啦47F 09/15 13:11
idlewolf    : 運鈔車都開來你面前了 自己不上車的 事後在那哭喔48F 09/15 13:23

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