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作者 標題 [外絮] Cuban談與星共舞工作人員讓Kobe交易告吹
時間 Wed Aug 17 21:58:23 2022
Lakers News: Mark Cuban Explains How a PA Ruined 2007 Mavs Trade for Kobe Bryant - All Lakers | News, Rumors, Videos, Schedule, Roster, Salaries And More
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban retells how a production assistant on Dancing with the Stars torpedoed a trade for Lakers great Kobe Bryant. ...
Mark Cuban Explains How a PA Ruined 2007 Mavs Trade for Kobe Bryant
Sometimes, it's the trades that teams don't make that define years to come.
In 2007, the Dallas Mavericks where on the precipice of executing a trade for
a disgruntled Kobe Bryant who wanted to leave the Lakers. Of course, the
trade never happened, despite Mavericks owner Mark Cuban believing that the
deal was "done" at the time, and the reason it all fell apart is fascinating.
Cuban retold the tale of how his involvement in the show "Dancing with the
Stars" played a major role in the deal getting nixed in recent podcast
appearance on Bleacher Report with Taylor Rooks.
"I was going back and forth with Dr. Buss...he said look, 'I think we might
be parting ways with Kobe.' I remember it vividly because there was PA named
Elvis. ...and he was Kobe, Kobe, Kobe all the time. So it started to happen
and I started telling him [Elvis] about it, and that was the kiss of death.
As soon as I told Elvis, it all fell apart."
The Mavs owner explained how his loose-lipped approach ultimately torpedoed
The Mavs owner explained how his loose-lipped approach ultimately torpedoed
the deal once then general manager Mitch Kupchak caught wind of the potential
"I guess Mitch Kupchak talked Kobe into staying. ...when a guy thats's key to
your team wants to leave, you're going to do everything you can to keep him."
Cuban took some time to reminisce about what a Dallas team featuring Dirk
Nowitzki and Kobe Bryant, arguably the two best scorers of the generation,
would've looked like.
"It would've been damn good. Dirk, was like 'I would've traded me for Kobe.'
"It would've been damn good. Dirk, was like 'I would've traded me for Kobe.'
I said, no Dirk, that's the whole point. We would've been something else."
As the story goes, Kobe stayed, the Lakers traded for Pau and won
back-to-back titles (2009 & 2010).
As fate would have it, Cuban's Mavs swept the Lakers in the Western
Conference Semifinals as LA was vying for a three-peat. Dallas would go on to
pull off a shocking 2011 NBA Finals upset of the LeBron-Wade-Bosh Miami Heat.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Y_FG1kg (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1660744705.A.BAA.html
推 : 根本沒有忠誠這東西1F 08/17 22:01
推 : 抱歉了 但結果論就是一切2F 08/17 22:04
→ : 沒去就是沒去
→ : 沒去就是沒去
推 : 忠誠是雙向的 不是沒有4F 08/17 22:04
推 : 主動跟被動差很多,一邊是尊重,一邊是脅迫5F 08/17 22:06
推 : 以後會有規定出賽數保護老闆6F 08/17 22:08
→ : 也會有更多不得交易條款確保球隊的忠誠
→ : 也會有更多不得交易條款確保球隊的忠誠
推 : ??所以工作人員做了什麼?8F 08/17 22:17
推 : 當時領跑的不是公牛嗎... 就卡在要不要出滷蛋9F 08/17 22:19
推 : 時過境遷 現在Kobe跟老巴斯都不在了10F 08/17 22:19
噓 : 吹密大前輩...11F 08/17 22:24
推 : Kobe就做現在KD做的事 指定下家還不能出大腿來換12F 08/17 22:25
推 : 忠誠是雙向的 看看司機跟庫班13F 08/17 22:26
推 : 但是結果論來說,Kobe吹密不成功之後拿了兩連冠14F 08/17 22:37
推 : 狗鼻對婚姻都不忠誠了15F 08/17 22:38
推 : KD要是能在吹密不成功之後跟KI一起拿冠,大家一樣16F 08/17 22:39
→ : 會尊重他在籃網的成就啊
→ : 會尊重他在籃網的成就啊
→ : 交易失敗導致忠誠18F 08/17 22:46
→ : 忠誠是雙向的 結論就是老大有19F 08/17 22:48
推 : 遵守法律都做不到了20F 08/17 22:48
→ : 只有KOBE吹密是忠誠想贏啦 哈哈21F 08/17 22:55
推 : Kobe當時有說去芝加哥看過房子了22F 08/17 23:01
推 : 保守地說感覺Gasol比Dirk更適合Kobe 但跟Dirk聯手23F 08/17 23:06
→ : 不是大好就是大壞
→ : 不是大好就是大壞
推 : Dirk跟老大搭配不太看好XDD 倒是CP3如果當年真的去25F 08/17 23:12
→ : 湖人 根本是現在太陽後場升級版
→ : 湖人 根本是現在太陽後場升級版
推 : 司機+老大 感覺不太行 cp3+老大畫面太美不敢想像27F 08/17 23:18
推 : 不太理解,庫班已經和巴斯談過,結果當時的湖人GM28F 08/17 23:21
→ : Kupchak不知道?
→ : Kupchak不知道?
→ : Cp3那次真的倒霉30F 08/17 23:29
推 : 時有所聞,Arod當時跟洋基敲定續約 甚至連Boras都31F 08/17 23:30
→ : 不知道
→ : 不知道
推 : Cp3那次好像是阿銀覺得不符合黃蜂的利益?但成功的33F 08/17 23:32
→ : 話聯盟版圖又不一樣了,現在以後場建隊的很難成功
→ : 欸,除非像勇士那樣火力強又傳導很流暢,不然就是
→ : 要像16騎那種三點都很強的
→ : 話聯盟版圖又不一樣了,現在以後場建隊的很難成功
→ : 欸,除非像勇士那樣火力強又傳導很流暢,不然就是
→ : 要像16騎那種三點都很強的
推 : 結果論就是一切 ?沒轉隊就是忠誠?沒離婚就是忠誠37F 08/17 23:34
→ : ?
→ : ?
噓 : 好了啦,走了嗎?沒有嘛,如果你底西選底完還在原39F 08/17 23:41
→ : 隊,會叫轉隊抱腿仔嗎?不會麻,這邏輯不難理解吧
→ : ctttttt 別再16騎了,16騎就是被虐到3:1聽牌祭出惹
→ : 跨,還在16騎
→ : 隊,會叫轉隊抱腿仔嗎?不會麻,這邏輯不難理解吧
→ : ctttttt 別再16騎了,16騎就是被虐到3:1聽牌祭出惹
→ : 跨,還在16騎
推 : 老闆真的要學會保護自己 Kobe吹密至少場場飆50分43F 08/17 23:44
→ : 現在的球員不交易就不打球 交易了還是不打球
→ : 再跟前球隊追討薪水
→ : 現在的球員不交易就不打球 交易了還是不打球
→ : 再跟前球隊追討薪水
推 : 老大場外都辦法忠誠了 要他對一支球隊忠誠本來就是46F 08/17 23:50
→ : 強人所難
→ : 以結果論來說 德佬跟石佛這種沒喊過吹密 任勞任怨
→ : 打球的 真的值得大大的respect
→ : 像kobe ki kd這種喊了吹密卻走不了
→ : 生涯也沒法跟忠誠畫上等號了
→ : 強人所難
→ : 以結果論來說 德佬跟石佛這種沒喊過吹密 任勞任怨
→ : 打球的 真的值得大大的respect
→ : 像kobe ki kd這種喊了吹密卻走不了
→ : 生涯也沒法跟忠誠畫上等號了
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