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作者 標題 [外絮] Cuban想在自己買的小鎮蓋恐龍主題樂園
時間 Thu Aug 4 21:30:39 2022
Mark Cuban wants to turn the Texas town he bought into a dinosaur destination - Mavs Moneyball
Dinosaur, Texas? It could happen. ...
Mark Cuban wants to turn the Texas town he bought into a dinosaur destination
Dinosaur, Texas? It could happen.
When Mark Cuban bought the town of Mustang, Texas to help a family friend —
with the help of a disgraced ex-Mavericks employee — in 2021, he didn’t
have any idea of what he would do with it. That appears to have changed.
When Cuban was a guest on “The Drew Barrymore Show” earlier this year (the
episode recently re-aired, reigniting the conversation), he told Barrymore
that he plans to turn Mustang into a dinosaur theme park. Yes, Cuban wants to
be a real-life DinoPark Tycoon.
年初Cuban上The Drew Barrymore Show時表示他想將Mustang打造成一座恐龍主題樂園
Instead of real-life dinos like something out of a Michael Crichton novel,
Cuban’s beasts will be life-size, animatronic models from Dino Don. Cuban
invested in Dino Don after the company appeared on “Shark Tank.”
Cuban想要做出真實大小的機械恐龍,將和Dino Don這家專門研究恐龍的公司合作,自從這
家公司上過Shark Tank實境秀後Cuban就一直在投資他們
“He makes the animatronic dinosaurs, these huge dinosaurs that look and
sound real,” Cuban told Barrymore of Dino Don’s owner, Don Lessem. “...We
haven’t worked through it yet, but there’s a chance we might change
Mustang, Texas to Dinosaur, Texas...but that’s a long shot.”
Cuban在節目上稱讚Dino Don的老闆Don Lessem:「他做出來的恐龍超級逼真,雖然我們還
Dinosaur-themed destinations aren’t new to North Texas. Dinosaur Valley
Dinosaur-themed destinations aren’t new to North Texas. Dinosaur Valley
State Park in Glen Rose, which has dinosaur footprints in the Paluxy
riverbed, is perhaps the most popular dinosaur attraction in the state. The
Heard Museum in McKinney also robotic dinos for their exhibit Dinosaurs Live!
Now, Cuban will have his own Jurassic Park in Mustang. His park will probably
fair better than John Hammond’s. Let’s just hope if the robotic dinosaurs
come to life after being struck by lightning that they’ll be as benevolent
as Johnny 5.
John Hammond的更好,讓我們祈禱這些恐龍也能像霹靂五號一樣被閃電打到以後便產生自
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推 : 有種培育真的恐龍,電影已經教你方法了5F 08/04 21:34
推 : 結果直接把暴龍隊搬到德州6F 08/04 21:34
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推 : Cuban想要做出真實大小的機械恐龍??18F 08/04 21:50
推 : 人類現在連長毛象都做不出來了 不用說恐龍19F 08/04 21:51
→ : 機械恐龍太費工了 還不如去找大導演史匹柏買真恐龍20F 08/04 21:51
推 : 有夠像驚悚片的場景21F 08/04 21:53
推 : 77不能太胖 會被恐龍吃掉的22F 08/04 21:56
推 : 為什麼不放野馬呢 剛好同名哎23F 08/04 21:56
→ : 為了挺朋友買了一個廢棄小鎮 有錢人真難懂24F 08/04 21:57
推 : 找幫手跟這是兩回事吧25F 08/04 21:57
推 : 這我看過,fallout nv novac小鎮對吧26F 08/04 22:10
推 : 是抓真的恐龍嗎?27F 08/04 22:17
推 : 改造成Silent Hill不好嗎?28F 08/04 22:19
推 : 會養小藍嗎?29F 08/04 22:23
推 : 找汪達去就好 想要什麼都沒問題30F 08/04 22:26
推 : 庫班: 其實我是暴龍粉(誤)31F 08/04 22:31
→ : 恐龍最近幾年研究也是很多爆炸發現, 復活搞不好也不
→ : 遠了
→ : 恐龍最近幾年研究也是很多爆炸發現, 復活搞不好也不
→ : 遠了
推 : 要小心不要養一個混種的恐龍34F 08/04 22:36
推 : 飼養恐龍也不便宜吧35F 08/04 22:41
→ : 侏羅紀世界36F 08/04 22:42
推 : 離地球滅亡更近一步 讚讚37F 08/04 22:47
推 : 這部我看過,養真的恐龍開放觀眾參觀再失控?38F 08/04 22:49
推 : 77可以演胖胖工程師39F 08/04 22:50
→ : 有雷霸龍 只是老了40F 08/04 23:03
推 : 早就有真的恐龍了啊 侏羅紀公園裡面就是用真的 幹41F 08/04 23:06
→ : 嘛自己培養
→ : 嘛自己培養
推 : 有中國的恐龍嗎?43F 08/04 23:19
推 : 怕動保團體靠杯吧 應該會放幾隻真的 對外宣稱是機械44F 08/04 23:19
→ : 要確定耶 分類學上鳥類是恐龍 不會變成鳥園吧45F 08/04 23:20
推 : 樂園會有遊客,跟劇組可以嚴格控管工作人員又不一46F 08/04 23:22
→ : 樣,怎麼可能用活的…
→ : 樣,怎麼可能用活的…
推 : 庫班果然有錢,真的恐龍不養要做假恐龍48F 08/04 23:31
推 : 霹靂五號這什麼骨灰哏...49F 08/04 23:41
推 : 恐龍有錢就買的到50F 08/04 23:42
推 : 去找星爵 他會養迅猛龍51F 08/04 23:49
推 : 去跟日本借嗶之助啊 雖然年紀有點大了52F 08/05 00:22
推 : 侏羅紀公園就是這樣開始的53F 08/05 00:27
→ : 要用假的啦,真的會把七七吃了54F 08/05 00:32
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