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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2023-02-23 02:30:08
看板 NBA
作者 mingonly ()
標題 [花邊] 快艇記者對威少的優點看法
時間 Thu Feb 23 00:00:38 2023

Joey Linn

Downside Russell Westbrook has already been well documented at this point: he ca
n't shoot, he's turnover prone, and his decision-making is poor. You don't need
me to tell you that because everybody else already has. So if this is the case,
outside of Paul George advocating for him, why would the Clippers go and get Rus
sell Westbrook?


Well, for starters, his best ability, which is his driving, still has a lot of u
pside. Of all the players in the NBA this season, 51 of them are driving the bas
ketball at least 10 times per game, and amongst all of those players, Westbrook'
s assist percentage on those drives ranked second best in the entire NBA. And th
is is coming on a very bad Lakers team that is 26th in the NBA in three-point sh
ooting. So theoretically, if you plug Westbrook into the Clipper system, a team
that is sixth in the NBA in three-point shooting, these numbers should actually
go up.


Now, right about now, you might be asking me, "Joey, isn't this exactly what Joh
n Wall was supposed to do?" And the answer is yes, but unfortunately, during his
 time with the Clippers, John Wall was driving the ball less than Russell Westbr
ook, and he was turning the ball over on a higher percentage of his drives while
 assisting on a lower percentage of his drives than Russell Westbrook has done t
his season.

現在,您可能會問我:Joye,這不就是John Wall 應該做的嗎?答案是肯定的,但不幸的是
,在他為快艇效力的這段期間,突破的次數比 Russ少,他在突破時失誤率比 Russ高,而助

And while (Russell) the turnover concerns were legitimate, Westbrook actually tu
rns the ball over on a lower percentage of his drives than Paul George, who ofte
n gets tasked with those responsibilities on this Clippers team. Amongst all pla
yers in the NBA averaging at least 10 drives per game, PG's turnover percentage
on those drives is the worst mark in the entire league. So maybe it's not the wo
rst thing in the world to have somebody else helping him out with those responsi


So when it comes to Russell Westbrook, the potential downside is glaring, but it
's already been well documented. So instead of beating a dead horse, I wanted to
 look at one of the ways that he could actually help this Clippers team.


And finally, one thing I don't think has been discussed enough is that Russell W
estbrook is leaving a situation where he knew he was not wanted. Was some of tha
t justified because of his poor play?  He knew the front office wanted him trade
d, he knew the fan base wanted him traded. He spoke openly about not wanting to
bring his family to games because of some of the things that fans would say.


Now he's entering a situation where he's wanted, where he has teammates already
openly advocating for him, defending him, and welcoming him with open arms. That
 type of stuff matters more than people realize, and I think it's really going t
o help Russ as he gets going with the Clippers.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: mingonly 2023-02-23 00:00:38
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZzZmg_E (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1677081642.A.FCE.html
yurian      : 這老實說公道多了1F 02/23 00:02
liefuchen   : "有公開支持他的隊友"2F 02/23 00:02
inuyaksa    : ptt又換另一群人懂球了3F 02/23 00:03
johnwu      : 在偷臭隔壁?4F 02/23 00:03
super1314159: PG的突破護球對抗性是真的差  從雷霆那時候追很有感5F 02/23 00:03
Sessyoin    : 說了龜龜缺點 要被記住龜殺隊名單了 QQ6F 02/23 00:04
Fifteam     : 龜龜感覺很看情緒打球,也許換環境心情好了會不一7F 02/23 00:04
Fifteam     : 樣
carwhat     : 快快快 艇艇艇9F 02/23 00:04
wwckchen    : PG的切入是真的蠻爛的 遲緩光線10F 02/23 00:05
cama        : 看情緒是攤手抱怨隊友 裁判那個11F 02/23 00:05
ginopun10477: 臭臭的= =12F 02/23 00:05
idlewolf    : 這篇比較實在些 不光說自家球員好話13F 02/23 00:05
Russ0116    : 別亂把別人放到龜殺隊名單14F 02/23 00:05
MK47        : 「有公開支持他的隊友」XDDDD15F 02/23 00:05
alex0973    : 公開支持他的隊友 嗯??16F 02/23 00:07
ginopun10477: 天空貝 : 這個城市有很多爛東西,我不理解,我們都17F 02/23 00:07
ginopun10477: 不喜
ginopun10477: 歡球隊的氛圍,龜龜離開,我也走了,我不會讓你一個
ginopun10477: 人孤單的。
Taiwannapa1 : 龜殺記者+1 亂講話 明明是LBJ在雷21F 02/23 00:08
yurian      : 快艇又不怕講湖人和lbj什麼 pg生涯都在對抗lbj而且22F 02/23 00:09
yurian      : 之前還是一人對抱團 有什麼好偷臭 直接講就好啦
f77928      : 西河真的是那種情緒對了什麼都對了的類型24F 02/23 00:09
f77928      : 被需要的環境和被各種數落的環境差別很大
yurian      : 龜龜也真的就是那些缺點 來湖人前也是啊 之前只是26F 02/23 00:10
yurian      : 球隊都配合他的打法
yurian      : 所以才不看好lbj和龜龜 這算是leGM組隊的大污點吧
PR58        : 龜龜加油 打臉龜殺隊29F 02/23 00:12
zxcv458162  : 至少情緒不對也是會拼啊XD30F 02/23 00:15
tim200513   : 「他公開表示不想帶家人去看球賽,因為球迷會說一些31F 02/23 00:16
shargo      : PG 畢竟斷腿過 爆發力都不見了吧...32F 02/23 00:16
tim200513   : 負面的話。」真假有這事?!也太令人難過了吧…龜龜33F 02/23 00:16
tim200513   : 的缺點明顯下滑也是事實,但都歸於他本身就很難說,
tim200513   : 畢竟他為了某些事情改變打法做原本不擅長的事情,也
ji394tb     : 加油阿龜36F 02/23 00:16
tim200513   : 一直在一個氣氛弔詭的地方打球37F 02/23 00:16
JoelAyayi   : PG需要龜龜幫他製造一點空檔38F 02/23 00:17
pejawade    : PG切入跟醉漢一樣39F 02/23 00:17
JoelAyayi   : KL就相對不搭龜龜40F 02/23 00:17
shin30      : 偷臭PG41F 02/23 00:18
a10895220   : 合理在一個同事爛的地方只有自己在努力心情根本好42F 02/23 00:21
FAYeeeeeeee : 失誤率比PG低沒什麼好意外的吧 PG超會掉球43F 02/23 00:21
alex0973    : 心情上覺得舒服 就看看場上表現能否增加效率了44F 02/23 00:22
jyekid      : 隊內有比PG差的控球嗎 rj 高地 狗蛋 mann?45F 02/23 00:23
pttyu       : PG招牌 醉夢羅漢切46F 02/23 00:23
jyekid      : 比失誤率的話47F 02/23 00:23
gn02275410  : 偷臭我湖三分不好48F 02/23 00:23
creative    : 好害怕龜龜打先發啊~49F 02/23 00:24
reaman      : PG傳球也超隨便的 給他控球真的不行50F 02/23 00:25
peter8936   : 湖人一個老牌球隊結果現在上至老闆下至球迷都很爛51F 02/23 00:25
zakijudelo  : 試了就知道52F 02/23 00:28
jyekid      : 湖人這次交易得很好啊53F 02/23 00:30
cloudal     : 龜龜加油,殺爆湖人就對了54F 02/23 00:30
lmyu        : PG切入超醜的,過不了人,都跨大腳步慢慢的貼在人55F 02/23 00:34
lmyu        : 家身上凹犯規
seguignol   : 龜龜加油57F 02/23 00:34
gp03dan     : Russ最後機會了58F 02/23 00:38
henry0628   : 龜龜加油 為自己拼最後一把59F 02/23 00:41
frankie30432: 之前最大缺點就4700萬阿...60F 02/23 00:48
km10635237  : 這記者說得很好,期待快    打爆湖人61F 02/23 00:49
nplin       : PG切入就是等著看砸腳了 或是差點砸到只好停球62F 02/23 00:49
asd860079   : 確實 最後兩段關鍵多了63F 02/23 00:53
Qorqios     : 在同一座城市 真妙64F 02/23 01:04
Hard1980    : 非龜粉 不過幫龜龜加油65F 02/23 01:06
caLvinyzc   : 龜龜加油 高達胡人一個教訓誒66F 02/23 01:07
saTUnotSATO : PG就跳投型吧 切入真的不好67F 02/23 01:09
Cishang     : 真的想看快艇奪冠 那一定非常美68F 02/23 01:09
gigiii1134  : 艇:很難比PG和Wall更爛了69F 02/23 01:10
opwin       : 變底薪當然支持他來啊 4700萬時怎麼沒有這麼熱情70F 02/23 01:11
vvnbear     : Russ能帶給快艇最大幫助就是Lue最愛擺五小的時候,71F 02/23 01:11
vvnbear     : Russ可以切合小球的推進分球,如果能找回上籃手感
vvnbear     : 就真的賺大了!快艇才不需要Russ去投三分
vvnbear     : 差別就是快艇可以把球給Russ其他人等球,湖人是叫
vvnbear     : Russ去等球或是帶板凳才能衝衝衝
SlamKai     : 補上快艇的不足 也不用龜龜去做他不擅長的事76F 02/23 01:20
SlamKai     : 再來就看龜能否提升跳投跟切入終結的命中率了
abbei       : 同座城市,兩個極端,不勝唏噓78F 02/23 01:21
daniel50508 : 確實 快艇今年一定奪冠79F 02/23 01:27
alex0973    : 是喔 那你去賭身家啊 嘴巴講講都馬很容易80F 02/23 01:31
BYBkiyo     : 龜龜加油81F 02/23 01:39
LBJforever  : pg在找人幫領繩吧82F 02/23 02:16

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