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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Ja去年7月曾被指控在野場打球時打人
時間 Wed Jan 4 00:19:25 2023
Ja Morant has been sued, TMZ Sports has learned ... after he was allegedly invol
ved in the attack of a minor during a basketball game in July at his Tennessee h
據TMZ Sports了解,Ja Morant被提告了…他被指控於7月在田納西州家中的一場籃球比賽中
The suit was filed in Shelby County in September. Court records show the case ha
s since been sealed -- but we've learned it all stems from a July 26 incident at
the NBA superstar's residence in Eads, Tenn.
According to police documents, a 17-year-old -- who filed the lawsuit on Sept. 9
-- told cops he was playing in a pickup basketball game with Morant at the hous
e ... when the two got into a verbal altercation.
根據警方文件,一名 17 歲的男子於9月9日提起訴訟,告訴警察他和Morant在打野場籃球比
The plaintiff, according to the docs, said the argument became heated, and he th
rew a basketball at Morant -- "accidentally" hitting him in the face. The teenag
er said the Grizzlies point guard then approached him, put his chin on his shoul
der, and asked a bystander "Should I do it to him?" The teen says Morant then st
ruck him "with a closed fist, knocking him to the ground."
According to the docs, the 17-year-old said Morant then "continued sticking him
while on the ground" -- and claims another man jumped in and began hitting him a
s well.
Officers in the docs say they noted the teenager had "a large knot" on his head.
In the docs, cops say Morant told them he did strike the teenager, but insisted
he was acting in self-defense. Morant said the plaintiff threw the ball at him "
intentionally" during the argument, and then "began to approach him as if he wan
ted to fight."
Police say Morant also told them "his brother" was involved in the altercation a
s well -- but the basketball player did not name the man.
Both parties, according to the docs, said the fight was broken up by spectators
shortly after it began. Morant told officers the teenager "made verbal threats s
tating he'd 'light his house up'" as he was being escorted off the property. Mor
ant "advised he and his family were put in fear by the statement."
According to the docs, police investigated the allegations for several weeks ...
before they submitted the case to the district attorney's office on Oct. 4. Les
s than a month later, cops say the DA declined prosecution.
It's unclear what the plaintiff is seeking in the suit. Court records show Moran
t, as well as his childhood friend Davonte Pack, are listed as defendants.
目前尚不清楚原告在訴訟中尋求什麼。 法庭記錄顯示,Ja和他的兒時玩伴Davonte Pack被
We've reached out to reps for Morant for comment, but have yet to hear back.
The 23-year-old has blossomed into one of the best players in the NBA after maki
ng his first-ever All-Star team last year. He's considered a legitimate candidat
e to win the league's MVP award this year.
這位23歲的球員在去年首次入選全明星隊後,已經成長為NBA最好的球員之一。 他被認為是
Ja Morant Sued After Allegedly Punching Teen In Basketball Game At Tennessee Home
Ja Morant has been sued, TMZ Sports has learned ... after he was allegedly involved in the attack of a minor during a basketball game at his Tennessee ...
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1672762768.A.9C8.html
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/04/2023 00:20:55
噓 : 只有打人嗎 不是慶記1F 01/04 00:21
推 : money2F 01/04 00:23
→ : 看ballislife那種覺得他們球場文化很妙,一定要嗆3F 01/04 00:23
→ : 對手挑釁對手,但自己被挑釁被嗆又要惱羞,然後一定
→ : 要有點衝突顯得自己很街頭很gang……,然後不是變世
→ : 仇不然又事後bro一下
→ : 對手挑釁對手,但自己被挑釁被嗆又要惱羞,然後一定
→ : 要有點衝突顯得自己很街頭很gang……,然後不是變世
→ : 仇不然又事後bro一下
推 : 意外嗎7F 01/04 00:24
推 : 我猜他先去找碴,Ja還手後他裝孬裝被害者,電影美劇8F 01/04 00:24
→ : 都這樣演
→ : 都這樣演
→ : 真的是 8 Ja 囧… 都成球星了,到底在幹麻?10F 01/04 00:24
推 : 把球扔到人的臉還裝無辜哦 還不小心勒11F 01/04 00:25
推 : 勾勾要終止合作了嗎12F 01/04 00:25
→ : 啊既然嗆來嗆去挑釁是文化,那輪到自己被嗆被挑釁13F 01/04 00:25
→ : 的時候幹嘛惱羞......
→ : 的時候幹嘛惱羞......
推 : 小事 錢就可以解決的事 只是nba就別跟民人打鬥牛15F 01/04 00:25
→ : 了特別是一年拿幾千萬 會有人來挑釁甚至假車禍
→ : 了特別是一年拿幾千萬 會有人來挑釁甚至假車禍
推 : 8JA917F 01/04 00:26
推 : 對方先扔球的18F 01/04 00:26
推 : 蠻有可能是白目小孩很用力挑釁然後裝可憐19F 01/04 00:26
→ : 現場沒有裁判 不然就吹死對方20F 01/04 00:26
推 : 不喜歡ja 但誰被砸到臉不會不爽的21F 01/04 00:26
→ : 上天才知道發生什麼 反正也是各說各話22F 01/04 00:27
→ : 不爽也不能隨便開打啊… 真管不了脾氣,那就別去野23F 01/04 00:29
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/04/2023 00:29:08→ : 球場了,一定有很多愛挑釁的,尤其又是知名球星。24F 01/04 00:29
推 : 被打的想拿和解金 結果到檢察官那就駁回了吧25F 01/04 00:29
推 : 居然沒開槍 比台中還弱26F 01/04 00:29
推 : 等判了再說27F 01/04 00:30
→ : 光看這些敘述 白目屁孩被打根本是自找的28F 01/04 00:30
推 : 強如書豪這種超級巨星都會打野場了,他就沒遇過這29F 01/04 00:31
→ : 種問題
→ : 種問題
推 : 就連凹錢也不會的小朋友吧31F 01/04 00:31
推 : 身價那麼高,沒事真的別去野場增加風險32F 01/04 00:31
推 : 砸了說不小心 真的孬33F 01/04 00:31
推 : 感覺就是告人這個惱羞阿 先開嗆以為Ja不會認真回應34F 01/04 00:33
→ : 後面大庭廣眾下被圍毆 吞不下來惱羞開告
→ : 後面大庭廣眾下被圍毆 吞不下來惱羞開告
推 : 被砸臉不爽正常36F 01/04 00:34
→ : 他的身價 怎麼會跑去打野球....37F 01/04 00:34
推 : 我看縮圖以為是阿凡達2那個野人38F 01/04 00:35
→ : 笑死上面還有人在那邊不爽不能開扁 以為美國街頭跟39F 01/04 00:35
→ : 你跑儒家文化喔 還溫恭良謙勒
→ : 你跑儒家文化喔 還溫恭良謙勒
推 : 這不就很普通的籃球衝突?41F 01/04 00:37
→ : 不爽不能開扁啊!他可是nba球星欸,受傷不能上場的42F 01/04 00:37
→ : 損失很大
→ : 損失很大
推 : 打得好44F 01/04 00:39
→ : 一個身價幾千萬鎂的人,隨便就被人搞到動手,覺得45F 01/04 00:39
→ : 正常?要是有心人真故意釣魚,難道真不會出事?
→ : 正常?要是有心人真故意釣魚,難道真不會出事?
推 : 笑死~拿球砸人臉威脅燒房子...結果讓我們來檢討Ja47F 01/04 00:42
推 : 球員小時候也是野球場出來的 會去玩玩是正常的48F 01/04 00:43
→ : 8ja9沒請他吃土豆已經很不錯了49F 01/04 00:44
推 : 搞不好Ja在他頭上灌籃,然後又推了他一把50F 01/04 00:47
→ : 就像歐尼爾灌完籃又推了太陽中鋒一把,就爆氣把球
→ : 砸過去,沒想到砸到他的臉!!! 那算誰的錯??
→ : 就像歐尼爾灌完籃又推了太陽中鋒一把,就爆氣把球
→ : 砸過去,沒想到砸到他的臉!!! 那算誰的錯??
推 : 告死他 嘻嘻53F 01/04 00:49
推 : ja現在應該都要帶保鑣了吧 他那個性54F 01/04 00:50
推 : 關鍵字:已被封存55F 01/04 00:50
推 : 檢察官直接不起訴代表這人根本惱羞亂告球星吧,但凡56F 01/04 00:51
推 : 有錢人應該要全程錄影保護自己57F 01/04 00:51
→ : 有疑似證據的東西存在都至少會起訴58F 01/04 00:51
推 : 告回去59F 01/04 00:53
推 : 17歲就威脅要燒球星的房子,我17歲在幹嘛60F 01/04 00:57
→ : 89真的不分國界61F 01/04 01:03
推 : 北七丟人被揍才在哭 俗辣62F 01/04 01:03
推 : 砸了才說不小心 笑死63F 01/04 01:05
→ : 這種真的還好 自己愛挑釁64F 01/04 01:06
推 : 怎麼不小心砸到臉上 既然先挑釁被打也不意外65F 01/04 01:06
→ : 真有事當場就報警了,這種多半就看是球星想撈一筆...66F 01/04 01:12
推 : 8ja967F 01/04 01:14
推 : 砸臉我一定開扁68F 01/04 01:15
推 : 挑釁的有問題 但Ja都是阿銀力捧的球星 私生活請顧一69F 01/04 01:19
→ : 下
→ : 不然阿銀大概又要開始吹翻球了
→ : 下
→ : 不然阿銀大概又要開始吹翻球了
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