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作者 標題 [情報] Ja Morant因為和球迷談話而被驅逐出場
時間 Sun Dec 18 13:41:54 2022
1. https://twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/1604300552753410048
Ja was just ejected for talking to a fan
Ja Morant因為和球迷談話而被驅逐出場
2. 後續裁判解釋技術犯規判罰:
Pool Report on the second quarter ejection of Ja Morant during the Memphis Grizzlies at Oklahoma City Thunder game | NBA Official The Pool Report interview was conducted by Joe Mussatto (The Oklahoman) with Crew Chief John Goble following tonight’s Grizzlies at Thunder game. Dec ...
QUESTION: Can you explain why Ja Morant was assessed the first technical foul
during the second quarter?
問:你能解釋一下為什麼 Ja Morant 在第二節被判第一次技術犯規嗎?
GOBLE: Morant was assessed a technical foul for use of profanity directed at
an official.
QUESTION: Can you explain why Ja Morant was assessed the second technical
foul during the second quarter?
問:你能解釋一下為什麼 Ja Morant 在第二節被判第二次技術犯規嗎?
GOBLE: Morant was assessed his second technical foul for making a comment
questioning the integrity of the officials.
QUESTION: It appears Morant was speaking to a fan when he was assessed the
second technical foul. Was the technical foul assessed as a result of
conversation or actions toward the crowd?
問:Morant被判第二次技術犯規時,他似乎是在和一名球迷說話。 技術犯規是因為和球
GOBLE: 不是.
3. https://twitter.com/JaMorant/status/1604331437125120000
https://imgur.com/Kttli2E 意指說謊
4. https://twitter.com/GabeIkard/status/1604302883943583745
Summary of the ejection:
-Memphis fans were encouraging him to get going. Basically said “we’re down
20, let’s get goin’.”
-Ja was talking to them and said “I’ll get goin’ but the refs need to give
me a f***in’ whistle.” Ref heard it and he tossed him
Ja 對她說 “我會繼續努力的,但裁判需要給我那該死的哨音。”
5. https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1604347996426145792
Ja Morant was ejected tonight in OKC for talking to a super fan of his
He then FaceTimed his dad to tell her it wasn’t her fault that he got
ejected, the refs just stink at their job.
Incredible W.
並告訴她不是她的錯 是裁判的問題
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推 : 聯盟硬捧,現在故意平衡?1F 12/18 13:42
推 : Ja還顧慮到球迷心情唷2F 12/18 13:44
推 : 公然質疑裁判被趕好像也不意外3F 12/18 13:44
推 : 8Ja94F 12/18 13:45
推 : 大膽!兒子敢質疑老子5F 12/18 13:45
噓 : 裁判素質低落不是一天兩天了6F 12/18 13:46
推 : 笑死 今天還沒吃到飯再要飯吃7F 12/18 13:46
推 : 公然質疑裁判不被吹T才有鬼...8F 12/18 13:46
推 : 講來講去還是要哨音啊9F 12/18 13:47
推 : 沒錯啊==裁判聽到後不就給他哨音了?10F 12/18 13:48
推 : 平常哨音得利者 今天沒哨生氣啦11F 12/18 13:49
推 : 有關係沒關係、巴西裁判是的真滾了12F 12/18 13:50
推 : Ja出場,害我雷更難打,裁判是搞我雷好嗎13F 12/18 13:50
→ : Ja 在不管好嘴巴,以後會上裁判黑名單吧...14F 12/18 13:52
→ : 不知道誰是老大耶 敢這樣說話15F 12/18 13:53
推 : 裁判:這種要求這輩子沒聽過。那就給你那該死的哨16F 12/18 13:53
→ : 音
→ : 音
推 : 難得JA會在哨音上吃虧(?)XD18F 12/18 13:55
推 : 同一個裁判前一場勇士公鹿比賽也是一堆技術犯規19F 12/18 13:56
推 : 那好像被趕出去合理欸呵呵20F 12/18 13:57
推 : 有沒有統計過那個裁判最愛吹技術犯規的21F 12/18 14:00
→ : 保護哨過太爽 一點逆風哨就受不了22F 12/18 14:01
推 : 雷霆其實打不過無莫熊,是前面領先太多才沒被翻盤23F 12/18 14:02
推 : 平常金太爽?24F 12/18 14:02
推 : 笑死 聽到後就給哨音了 只是給的是T XD25F 12/18 14:04
推 : 之前不是還說裁判有賭外圍 顆顆26F 12/18 14:04
推 : 這的確該出場27F 12/18 14:04
噓 : 幹嘛?不是照你說的給你哨音了?28F 12/18 14:05
噓 : 好了啦 翻球走步仔29F 12/18 14:07
推 : 真的金太爽30F 12/18 14:09
→ lwamp …
推 : 能坐在場邊的非富即貴啊33F 12/18 14:13
推 : 8Ja934F 12/18 14:14
推 : 這季得利比較少,刷翻金情緒就上來了35F 12/18 14:14
推 : 這說法不行吧,除非改規則36F 12/18 14:19
噓 : 講這麽大聲,被聽到只能認了吧37F 12/18 14:21
推 : 自己要哨音的38F 12/18 14:23
→ : 要哨音就給你哨音了啊,裁判及時回應39F 12/18 14:24
推 : 是給哨音了,不過是給你下場的哨音40F 12/18 14:28
推 : xddddd41F 12/18 14:29
推 : 聽到不給哨音才奇怪吧42F 12/18 14:30
→ : JA場均罰球聯盟第五很多了吧43F 12/18 14:30
推 : 裁判:你要哨音?好喔!44F 12/18 14:31
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 33
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