※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-12-07 17:55:06
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] KD快問快答 回答粉絲問題
時間 Wed Dec 7 10:50:17 2022
Watch: Kevin Durant’s sidesplitting answers to some speed questions around his life: “I feel like a lot of people got their knives aimed at me"
Kevin Durant has proven himself to be one of the greatest scorers in NBA history. ...
During a recent sit-down, Durant participated in a rapid-fire Q&A as he
answered questions from fans. Although the former MVP has been incredibly
candid in recent years, the situation provided some hilarious moments as he
was put in the hot seat.
The first question was about Durant's famed "Slim Reaper" nickname, something
that began to catch on during his time with the OKC Thunder. When the
nickname was given to Durant in 2014, he was initially hesitant to embrace
it. As he explained at the time, he didn't want to be associated so close to
death, and preferred his "KD" nickname.
第一個問題是為何從KD在雷霆時期後,就有"Slim Reaper"的綽號。這綽號在2014出現,
Fans: "Why do you call yourself "the Slim reaper"?"
粉絲:「為什麼你叫自己"Slim reaper"?」
KD: "Cause I'm skinny and I do my work at night."
Fans: "Why is your twitter profile picture from a scene in the Disney movie
Tangled? "
KD: "Because I feel like a lot of people got their knives aimed at me, and
KD: "Because I feel like a lot of people got their knives aimed at me, and
I'm just back just chilling with a smirk on my face."
Fans: "What's a question that you wish people would stop asking you?"
KD: "How tall are you?"
Fans: "What's the funniest thing you've ever heard about yourself on the
internet? "
KD: "Mmmmmmmm.....I'm ashy. "
Fans: "At what age did you know that you were him when it came to basketball?"
KD: "I ain't gonna lie. About 17."
Fans: "Best advice? "
KD: "Nobody cares. Go to work."
""im ashy" LMFAOOO"
"Incoming: Cocoa Butter sponsorship lol"
"https://imgur.com/45tZOdA "
"Is that sand paper?"
"Snake skin"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZZ_zilZ (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1670381420.A.BE3.html
推 : 最後一題笑死1F 12/07 10:51
推 : Nobody car==2F 12/07 10:52
推 : 去工作好嗎XD3F 12/07 10:52
推 : 乾他回答還蠻好笑的4F 12/07 10:53
→ : KD : KD的工作就是嗆爆這些臭酸民5F 12/07 10:53
推 : KD真的是鄉民GOAT,回答有夠像鄉民嘴砲6F 12/07 10:54
推 : Nobody cares. Go to work7F 12/07 10:54
推 : 超鄉民的啦 去工作好嗎8F 12/07 10:54
推 : KD果然是鄉民,連回答都是這樣XD9F 12/07 10:54
推 : 很猛 鄉民界的GOAT10F 12/07 10:54
→ : 去工作好嗎XDD11F 12/07 10:55
噓 : 幹 那個蛇皮真的噁心欸12F 12/07 10:55
推 : 靠北那個照片也太乾惹吧13F 12/07 10:56
推 : 蛇皮好噁==14F 12/07 10:56
推 : 被籃球耽誤的鄉民15F 12/07 10:56
→ : 也太乾了吧16F 12/07 10:57
推 : 有一說一,真的很乾XD17F 12/07 10:57
推 : 哩伍嘆吉某?18F 12/07 10:57
推 : 我也想問,皮膚很乾嗎19F 12/07 10:57
推 : 沒人在乎你 笑死20F 12/07 10:57
推 : 超乾 超想叫他自拍擦乳液21F 12/07 10:59
推 : 我以前也有一個同學皮膚也是乾成這樣22F 12/07 11:00
推 : 沒人屌你 去工作好嗎23F 12/07 11:01
→ : KD的皮真的是乾到嚇死人的那種24F 12/07 11:05
推 : 皮膚真的有夠乾25F 12/07 11:07
→ : KD已經算是客氣了吧 一堆酸民以為球星會鳥他們26F 12/07 11:07
推 : 被最後一題逗笑27F 12/07 11:10
推 : KD: 沒人在乎你 致敬酸民28F 12/07 11:15
推 : 沒人在乎你,去做正事好嗎29F 12/07 11:18
推 : 同意最適合鄉民的建議就是去工作好嗎30F 12/07 11:23
推 : 乾也太乾了吧…31F 12/07 11:24
推 : 今天很嗆是吧.jpg32F 12/07 11:33
推 : KD到底多高阿33F 12/07 11:34
推 : 帥死34F 12/07 11:36
推 : 運動員喝一堆水還能這麼乾...XD35F 12/07 11:36
推 : 喝水跟皮膚乾沒有關係吧36F 12/07 11:38
→ : 唯一可能是大麻吸太多37F 12/07 11:46
推 : 鄉民:去練球好嗎 KD:去工作好嗎 XDD38F 12/07 11:50
推 : 很怕看到他的皮膚...乾的很可怕39F 12/07 11:53
推 : 笑死 好愛40F 12/07 11:55
推 : KD那個是冰與火的灰鱗病吧...QQ41F 12/07 11:56
噓 : 噁 剛吃飽看圖片 現在在廁所吐42F 12/07 11:56
推 : KD : KD很想答Jamal Murray的恥毛43F 12/07 12:01
→ : XDDDD44F 12/07 12:05
推 : 最後一題笑死 真鄉民45F 12/07 12:09
推 : 笑死 沒人在乎你 去工作好嗎46F 12/07 12:12
→ : 場上不是大量出汗嗎 也乾成這樣47F 12/07 12:15
推 : 去練球好嗎 VS 去工作好嗎48F 12/07 12:16
推 : 是在脫皮嗎?49F 12/07 12:16
推 : Snake50F 12/07 12:20
→ : 不要再問你多高 笑死51F 12/07 12:27
→ : KD自己說的版本是沒穿鞋6"11
→ : KD自己說的版本是沒穿鞋6"11
推 : 幹 好鄉民的回答!!53F 12/07 12:29
推 : LD就是成就很高的鄉民!54F 12/07 12:41
推 : 真的好乾笑死55F 12/07 12:44
推 : 那個腳也太扯56F 12/07 12:45
→ : 沒人在乎你,去工作好嗎XD57F 12/07 12:51
推 : 擦乳液啦幹58F 12/07 12:53
→ : 笑死 有夠嘴59F 12/07 13:00
推 : 幹笑死60F 12/07 13:07
推 : XDD61F 12/07 13:08
推 : KD該不會是蜥蜴人吧 皮膚這麼乾62F 12/07 13:35
→ : 以nba穿鞋的量法應該是有7呎了,以前的照片就比號63F 12/07 13:56
→ : 稱6呎11的bosh略高了
→ : 稱6呎11的bosh略高了
推 : 讚65F 12/07 13:58
推 : 最會打球的鄉民66F 12/07 14:57
推 : 最後一題回答 滿分!67F 12/07 15:52
推 : 現在NBA官網6"10(208cm)的身高已經是準確的了吧68F 12/07 16:11
推 : 最後一題很可以XD69F 12/07 16:18
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 53
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