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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 尼克若想交易米丘,RJB是必要之殤
時間 Wed Jul 13 10:13:33 2022
Donovan Mitchell trade would take Knicks dealing RJ Barrett
The draft picks are the easy part, let’s be honest. ...
RJ Barrett a necessary sacrifice if Knicks want Donovan Mitchell
By Mike Vaccaro
The draft picks are the easy part, let’s be honest.
They are attractive to look at, for sure. Leon Rose has collected them merrily, guarded them meticulously, and jealously. There are 11 first-rounders stowed away carefully under the glass in the Knicks’ warehouse, like a prized collection of stamps, coins or baseball cards.
Rose was not willing to part with a plethora of them a few weeks ago when the Spurs were shopping Dejounte Murray, and so Murray wound up with the Hawks. Murray is an excellent player. He and Jalen Brunson would’ve made a dynamic pairing in the backcourt at the Garden.
But he isn’t Donovan Mitchell.幾週前,當馬刺願意交易DjM,LR不願意跟選秀權說再見,所以他最終去了老鷹。Murray是一位特別的球員,他跟Brunson的暴力後場可以活躍在花園球場上
但他不是Donovan Mitchell
And according to The Athletic, Mitchell is once again in play. According to the report, Mitchell — three-time All-Star, Westchester County native, owner of a 23.9 career points-per-game average — is being dangled by the Jazz. And the Knicks are thought to be at the front of the line, trying to swing a deal.
根據The Athletic報導,這位生涯場均23.9分的三屆全明星被擺上交易台。而尼克被認為領跑其餘球隊,並積極的促成交易。
The Knicks have all those draft picks, and this is precisely why they have assembled them. They are assets, and if you are willing to part with enough of them they can make a deal more attractive. But the Jazz are a smart operation. It will take more than draft picks — even if the Knicks are willing to part with four or five of them, which is what it took Minnesota to pry Rudy Gobert away from Utah.
The Jazz are going to want players.尼克有交易米丘的資產- 選秀簽,而這正是尼克收集他們的原因。但即使尼克願意同灰狼帶走狗貝一般放棄4-5個選秀,爵士還會要求更多(潛力)球員
The Jazz are going to want, almost certainly, RJ Barrett (and, if I were a betting man, one of either Immanuel Quickley, Quentin Grimes or Obi Toppin).
And this is where things get hard.
This is where if you are Leon Rose you have to ask yourself a cold-blooded question: which version of my roster drags the Knicks closer to where they need to be? Barrett would be a tough sacrifice. Knicks fans have watched him grow up over three years. He is still only 22. His work ethic and capacity for improvement are matters of public record. And he is probably the most popular player on the team right now.
He could be a perennial All-Star.這就是困難的地方,LR需要冷血的自問,自己想要哪種版本的隊伍。
他可能成為All Star的常客
But Mitchell — himself only 25 years old and locked up contractually for four more years — is a perennial All-Star. He has had winning in his blood forever, first at Louisville, lately with the Jazz. As tempting as a Brunson/Murray backcourt was to ponder, a Brunson/Mitchell partnership could truly project to being a cornerstone of an eventual contender.
但米丘 - 綁了4年約,25歲已經是全明星的常客。而他與JB的後場也確實可以成為追逐冠軍的基石
Me? When the choice is young with accomplishment versus younger with upside, I will take the former every time. And I absolutely love watching Barrett play, have loved watching him blossom at the Garden before our eyes.
Is it a massive haul? It is.至於我,年輕+實績與年輕+天花板中的選擇,我總會選擇前者。
米丘可以讓尼克總在東區前4嗎? 不一定
But the Knicks are in danger right now of being in an even more difficult predicament than they were before Rose arrived, when they were simply an annual piece of the NBA’s dregs. At least when you’re awful every year there’s the lottery — even if, in the Knicks’ case, that’s proven to be a fool’s-gold quest the last 37 years.
Where they are now? Stuck in the never-never land of mediocrity, of 35 to 45 wins every year — too good to have legit lottery odds, too bad to be reckoned with as credible contenders — is a hamster wheel of oblivion, a treadmill to nowhere.
尼克面臨比LR來之前更艱難的選擇,因為尼克那時候就是聯盟的渣渣 ,至少當你爛透了的時候會有樂透選秀。而在尼克37年的歷史來看,每次(在交易)都是一種經典的傻瓜交易
At some point, you have to go for the carrot.
Is Mitchell that carrot? What he is, more likely, is the kind of piece that makes the Knicks a more attractive option than they’ve been in 25 years for future free agents with wanderlust in their hearts. And again, the question is this: what version of the Knicks’ roster makes that more plausible, with Barrett or with Mitchell?
It says here Mitchell. The cost will be steep, and losing a player like Barrett will sting, and for those for whom first-round picks are more valuable than platinum there will be some wrung hands. But Knicks fans are immune to the pain by now; all they crave is a cure. Mitchell would be a pricey cure. But he makes them better. And that’s supposed to still matter.
米丘是那個決定嗎?他會讓尼克成為25年來最好的樣子嗎?再問你自己一次,米丘或是Barrett 你想要哪個核心的球隊。
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→ : 芭樂特變成米丘1F 07/13 10:15
→ : 不要吧2F 07/13 10:15
推 : 放RJB+選秀 感覺很虧阿3F 07/13 10:16
推 : 兩個矮刷子..怕4F 07/13 10:17
推 : 哦...@@ 你尼也知道交易大盤商5F 07/13 10:17
推 : 都簽Brunson了6F 07/13 10:17
推 : JB+米丘 這後場防守不行吧,雖然RJB天花板也不高7F 07/13 10:17
推 : 安吉又要開秀了嗎8F 07/13 10:17
→ : 樓下是總管 會換嗎9F 07/13 10:18
推 : 這不就進攻強化版的米糠10F 07/13 10:18
推 : RJB感覺就是一定要給,如果真的很想要11F 07/13 10:18
推 : 兩個矮子準備被打爆12F 07/13 10:18
推 : 當初尼克真該換莫雷包 起碼有人能coverJB13F 07/13 10:18
→ : 尼克裡面不是狗貝欸 這後場保證被爽虐14F 07/13 10:18
推 : 雖然Mitchell是更好的球員,但後場搭檔如果是Brunso15F 07/13 10:18
→ : n,Barrett還是比Mitchell適合一點吧
→ : n,Barrett還是比Mitchell適合一點吧
→ : 芭樂特一定要出的17F 07/13 10:18
→ : 不對 米丘回家就會認真守備了 呵呵 在小城市才不守18F 07/13 10:19
推 : 傻了嗎19F 07/13 10:19
推 : 目前RJB進步也有限..進攻很不穩定20F 07/13 10:20
噓 : 這兩個加起來要奪冠?傻了?21F 07/13 10:20
→ : 但防守的確不會像米邱一樣爛就是了22F 07/13 10:20
推 : 其實米丘進聯盟前記得是防守魔人結果沒想到練成醬23F 07/13 10:20
→ : JB RJB Randle打看看吧24F 07/13 10:21
推 : RJB換個環境也好,在尼克不大穩定25F 07/13 10:21
→ : 尼克現在不賭 也要面臨RJB續約問題26F 07/13 10:21
→ : 有JB 看看Randle跟RJB進攻會不會穩定點27F 07/13 10:21
→ : 不然沒控衛看兩個R那邊打鐵...
→ : 不然沒控衛看兩個R那邊打鐵...
→ : 他也不太可能頂薪吧29F 07/13 10:22
推 : 不如放RJB練Reddish30F 07/13 10:23
推 : 看RJB打球也很骰31F 07/13 10:25
→ : RJB防守已經是plus了,不用跟Mitchell比32F 07/13 10:26
推 : 看到放RJB練Reddish的推文 真的是笑掉大牙耶33F 07/13 10:27
推 : RJB上季進攻變不穩,本來以為要大進化,卻反而撞牆34F 07/13 10:29
→ : 19梯前五只有Hunter和他是能主防對手主力的35F 07/13 10:29
推 : 自選的留一個吧 不然都剩外來種36F 07/13 10:29
→ : 奪冠基石….37F 07/13 10:29
推 : JB+米秋後場防守行嗎...38F 07/13 10:30
推 : Rjb上季慘是因為紅茶擺爛吧 突然被迫當一哥39F 07/13 10:31
推 : RJB會是個優質先發 但應該很難成長到全明星的等級40F 07/13 10:31
→ : 蠢了才會丟少主去換米丘,尼克不缺SG,安吉要價太41F 07/13 10:31
→ : 高不會成交
→ : 高不會成交
推 : 側翼工作太多了,能不能成為完全體跟上限在哪都難說43F 07/13 10:31
推 : 你要不要去看牙醫44F 07/13 10:32
推 : 尼克應該看看隔壁籃網 自家出品全換掉的下場45F 07/13 10:32
→ : 場均10分先發鎖也很強了46F 07/13 10:32
→ : 但我覺得尼克應該要用現在陣容打一季試試47F 07/13 10:33
推 : 我是覺得才第三季 而且才22歲 Rjb的態度一直也都蠻48F 07/13 10:33
→ : 好的 機體也不錯 摸到all star我覺得不是問題 但說
→ : 要能到聯盟前十等級感覺不太可能
→ : 好的 機體也不錯 摸到all star我覺得不是問題 但說
→ : 要能到聯盟前十等級感覺不太可能
推 : rjb明明就不錯 他不是整隊最能打的嗎51F 07/13 10:34
→ : 感覺RJB不是不能換,但米丘真的…52F 07/13 10:34
→ : 他進攻上限沒有Ja和Garland好,但他在爭冠球隊會是53F 07/13 10:35
→ : 比這兩位還好搭配的主力
→ : 因爲攻防兩端更均衡
→ : 比這兩位還好搭配的主力
→ : 因爲攻防兩端更均衡
推 : 他就很適合當3當家的類型56F 07/13 10:36
推 : 不用 我在看笑話57F 07/13 10:39
推 : 簽來都好談58F 07/13 10:39
→ : 用不穩的RJB 換爆發力強的米榭爾蠻好的59F 07/13 10:39
推 : 米丘要叫JB大哥 季後賽被完全打爆60F 07/13 10:39
推 : 米邱跟JB 這後場防守會爆吧61F 07/13 10:41
推 : 反正我是覺得在已經簽了Brunson的情況下,留Barrett62F 07/13 10:43
→ : 會比去換Mitchell適合,不如把籌碼拿去補其他位置
→ : 會比去換Mitchell適合,不如把籌碼拿去補其他位置
推 : 尼克換來全明星有好下場過嗎?64F 07/13 10:43
→ : 今天如果KD這種聯盟前五就算了
→ : 今天如果KD這種聯盟前五就算了
推 : RJB天花板比較高,三分丘已定型66F 07/13 10:45
推 : 要組雙矮後衛喔 尼克真的是盤子67F 07/13 10:47
推 : 要出RJB換米丘還不如當初直接用選秀籤換DJM68F 07/13 10:48
推 : 米丘+JB 有夠矮69F 07/13 10:50
推 : 米丘感覺就這樣了,RJB還沒到頂點70F 07/13 10:54
推 : 兩個矮子手牽手被對手打點71F 07/13 10:57
推 : 尼克出到RJB要不要乾脆問KD看看72F 07/13 11:01
推 : 雙矮後衛?我以為在看拓荒者73F 07/13 11:02
推 : 絕對是留RJB74F 07/13 11:04
推 : 盤子價,大家快來看75F 07/13 11:05
推 : 米邱是A級球星 RJB就是A-而已 前者薪資30M*(3+1)y76F 07/13 11:11
→ : 後者的新秀紅利也剩最後一年了 所以其實差不多
→ : 後者的新秀紅利也剩最後一年了 所以其實差不多
推 : 那要換來米丘幹嘛?我是覺得米丘跟尼克雙方都不夠強78F 07/13 11:14
→ : 到值得尼克梭哈
→ : 到值得尼克梭哈
推 : Jazz看起來就是想打掉重建 榨乾現有球星的價值吧80F 07/13 11:17
→ : 但尼克如果是RJB換成米邱 是會升級拉但也不會差太多
→ : 但尼克如果是RJB換成米邱 是會升級拉但也不會差太多
推 : 他也去尼克的話,誰當老大lol?!82F 07/13 11:22
推 :83F 07/13 11:23
推 : JB+米邱要奪冠是指G League?84F 07/13 11:25
推 : 我是覺得米丘還能開發一點 RJB會愈來愈尷尬 要是RJB85F 07/13 11:26
→ : 養成樂觀的話尼克大概一定抱著不放加提前續約
→ : 養成樂觀的話尼克大概一定抱著不放加提前續約
推 : 米丘+紅茶+JB三小頭?87F 07/13 11:28
推 : 生涯前三季的米丘跟現在打完三季的RJB比落差不小88F 07/13 11:29
推 : 這防守 真的暴力..89F 07/13 11:29
→ : 尼克真的要幹大事了嗎90F 07/13 11:36
推 : 別急著換吧 至少看原陣容打半季試試 後場JB 雷丘防91F 07/13 11:37
→ : 守是想直接open嗎?
→ : 守是想直接open嗎?
推 : 6-1戰隊93F 07/13 11:38
噓 : 別吧 每次滿手好牌都敗給過譽球星94F 07/13 11:42
→ : 雷丘這種砍分仔退化速度都很快
→ : 雷丘這種砍分仔退化速度都很快
噓 : 米丘需要高一點的後場來cover防守 雙矮是想步爵士96F 07/13 11:46
→ : 後塵?
→ : 後塵?
推 : RJB那麼鳥 放進去沒差吧98F 07/13 11:51
推 : 先發後場是JB+米丘 也只有CAA+尼克幹得出來99F 07/13 11:53
→ : 這個命中率... 寧願留著米邱亂射100F 07/13 11:56
→ : 這兩個基石怎麼疊起來還這麼矮啊101F 07/13 12:01
→ : JB加米邱,是要對手後衛每場都打出生涯新高喔102F 07/13 12:08
推 : 老實說爵迷更想要RJB的情況是狗貝還在的時候把米丘103F 07/13 12:26
→ : 賣掉得來的 現在沒有狗貝了 就等於重建然後換球員養
→ : 而已
→ : 賣掉得來的 現在沒有狗貝了 就等於重建然後換球員養
→ : 而已
推 : RJB以前很猛的,U19一人單挑美國隊誒106F 07/13 12:28
推 : RJB真的別放107F 07/13 12:28
推 : 看看東區前四,兩個矮後衛的後場可真是好主意呢108F 07/13 12:29
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