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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Ham談執教:不走捷徑,培養年輕球員
時間 Mon Jun 20 12:23:55 2022
He had been on three teams in two seasons before finally settling on the Milwauk
ee Bucks and becoming a solid role player. Ham’s NBA journey of six teams in ei
ght years is a unique path for a head coach. Ham even played a year in the Phili
ppine Basketball Association.
The route adds to Ham’s vision as head coach. It made being officially introduc
ed as Lakers head coach a little more special.
“I think it makes you more appreciative. I wasn’t blessed with this otherworld
ly talent,” Ham said. “You know, I was a pretty good athlete that could hold m
y own on the court a little bit. But still, the sweet jump shots or the no-look
passes that wasn’t my game (laughs).”
As his playing career concluded, Ham became known for his toughness and no-nonse
nse mentality as an assistant. He carried the same as a player, unable to rely o
n cutting corners due to his talent and, in turn, establishing a detail-oriented
“So just having to be a blue-collar type contributor on a lot of various teams
from high school to junior college, to Texas Tech to the pros like a championshi
p team in Detroit,” Ham said. “I think it prepares you, and it creates a certa
in type of mentality to where you don’t want to cut any corners like you have t
o make sure you’re on point. Understand, what the details are, whether we’re w
atching film, and you’re talking about coverages or your workouts in the summer
With LeBron James, Anthony Davis and Russell Westbrook as the main stars of the
team, finding strong role players will be imperative. Ham spoke about his eagern
ess to witness the growth of the Lakers’ current role players.
“Being specifically locked in on what it is your job is going to be. And being
able to coach these guys at this level,” Ham said. “That’s, you know, everybo
dy here that’s playing in NBA has talent. But how do you focus that talent in t
he right areas in the right directions?
“So your team can thrive based on what you’re as being one of many contributio
ns and you know, we know we have our stars and Bron, AD, Russ and the like, and,
but it’s those Austin Reaves and Stanley Johnson’s. So you know, these guys,
the more they continue to get better. Sometimes it’s the most fulfilling becaus
e they’re growing, you’re developing and growing your kids from within. And I
’ve seen that happen when we were in Atlanta; I saw it happen in Milwaukee. And
I wholeheartedly anticipated happening here in L.A.”
龜等,但Austin Reaves、Stanley Johnson等(年輕球員)也在成長,有時候這是最讓人滿意
龜等,但Austin Reaves、Stanley Johnson等(年輕球員)也在成長,有時候這是最讓人滿意
Lakers News: Darvin Ham Stresses Importance Of Strong Role Players
Los Angeles Lakers new head coach Darvin Ham stressed the importance of role players like Austin Reaves and Stanley Johnson. ...
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→ : 姆斯?1F 06/20 12:24
推 : 小將2F 06/20 12:24
推 : 你有問過山羌嗎?3F 06/20 12:24
→ : ......你家頭牌0輪一年馬上拿醬包換明星你知道嗎..4F 06/20 12:25
推 : 蠻好奇AR能走到哪裡的5F 06/20 12:25
推 : 現在是什麼都要唱反調囉?6F 06/20 12:25
→ : 雖然態度什麼都有但狀態還是時好時壞7F 06/20 12:25
推 : 年輕球員就是來打包的==8F 06/20 12:25
→ : 湖人小將都是真的不差包9F 06/20 12:25
噓 : 那你老兄好像去錯地方了10F 06/20 12:25
推 : 有淺力的都走光了11F 06/20 12:25
推 : 亂講....12F 06/20 12:26
推 : 你不走捷徑你家頭牌會走13F 06/20 12:26
推 : 姆斯:?14F 06/20 12:26
推 : 他撐的了一年嗎?15F 06/20 12:26
推 : 痾???16F 06/20 12:26
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/20/2022 12:26:48→ : 然後你指的年輕潛力是在哪?2027年嗎17F 06/20 12:26
推 : 恩 不走捷徑XDDDDDDDDDD 那他應該走錯地方了18F 06/20 12:27
→ : 你那隊賣幾次醬包你自己講19F 06/20 12:27
推 : 那你怎來姆斯的隊伍20F 06/20 12:27
推 : 臭21F 06/20 12:27
→ : 不走捷徑?是不是來錯隊了22F 06/20 12:27
噓 : 搞不清楚自己來幹嘛的嗎?23F 06/20 12:27
→ : 看到他名字我都以為是7冠王==24F 06/20 12:27
推 : 484對職場有什麼誤解 培養年輕人??25F 06/20 12:27
推 : 造反?客套?26F 06/20 12:27
推 : 嗯…我真心覺得你很快就會下課,方丈詹沒那麼多時間27F 06/20 12:28
→ : 別說姆斯 湖人自己高層 也是走捷徑 什麼養人?28F 06/20 12:28
→ : 走錯隊囉 這裡是走短線的湖人29F 06/20 12:28
→ : 不愧是你湖,專找一些講違心之論的30F 06/20 12:28
→ : 等你吧31F 06/20 12:28
推 : 這比叫龜龜去打無球還要扯32F 06/20 12:28
→ : 姆斯的時間很寶貴耶 讓你養新人姆咪會生氣33F 06/20 12:28
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/20/2022 12:28:55→ : 你家潛力新秀旅完湖之後都沒了34F 06/20 12:29
推 : 有問過姆斯嗎35F 06/20 12:29
→ : 37歲單核 你還想怎樣?36F 06/20 12:29
→ : 那你作不久了,幫哭哭37F 06/20 12:29
推 : 寄希望於底薪戰隊38F 06/20 12:29
推 : 走錯地方囉39F 06/20 12:29
→ : 好像有人在...不是我說貴隊有什麼年輕球員40F 06/20 12:29
噓 : 你以為姆斯會留小將給你培養?41F 06/20 12:30
→ : 這言論如果不是說說而已 八成很快就要下課了42F 06/20 12:30
推 : 看來是要認真養THT了43F 06/20 12:30
→ : 姆斯會先表示不滿44F 06/20 12:30
噓 : 最好再培養個3~5年 看姆斯能打到幾歲45F 06/20 12:30
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/20/2022 12:30:51推 : 你有問過姆斯嗎?46F 06/20 12:30
推 : 姆斯:???47F 06/20 12:30
→ : 不走捷徑 哥哥你來錯地方了喔48F 06/20 12:30
推 : 糟了,要被山羌鬥臭了49F 06/20 12:31
推 : 新官上任總是理想比較大 很快就知道了50F 06/20 12:31
推 : ??????51F 06/20 12:31
推 : 姆思:你他X面試時不是這樣說的!52F 06/20 12:31
推 : 這個教練死定了53F 06/20 12:31
→ : 可以開賭盤撐不撐得了一季了 還沒開打就得罪皇上54F 06/20 12:31
→ : 姆斯明年就走了吧 你慢慢培養55F 06/20 12:31
→ : 來錯隊了吧56F 06/20 12:31
推 : 看著吧 在湖人半季戰績不佳你就沒心思講這種話了57F 06/20 12:32
→ : 某人能刷的時間不多了講這個 要被殺頭的58F 06/20 12:32
推 : 撐不了幾個月就會開始了59F 06/20 12:32
推 : 理想很豐滿 現實很骨感 還沒開季 先讓火腿做個美夢60F 06/20 12:32
推 : 姆斯:這個新來的484在偷臭61F 06/20 12:32
推 : 看來季中前就要被換掉了.....62F 06/20 12:33
→ : 不是欸,你手上有什麼小醬可以調味?63F 06/20 12:33
→ : 不是阿,這到底怎麼面試過的,要龜龜防守64F 06/20 12:33
→ : 還有這句
→ : 還有這句
推 : 培養新人不到明星賽,隊內就會喊Trade me了吧66F 06/20 12:33
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