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作者 標題 [外絮] 美媒撰文分析:咖哩確實是FMVP
時間 Wed Jun 15 21:20:24 2022
Curry has long been thought of as the frontrunner for Finals MVP due to his seri
es averages of 30.6 points per game, 4.6 assists per game, 5.8 rebounds per game
, and 2.0 steals per game during the series.
Despite Curry’s eye-popping numbers, he is not immune to the occasional bad per
formance. In Game 5, Curry shot 7-of-22 from the field, including 0-of-9 from th
e 3-point line, and finished with 16 points. Curry’s off night from three snapp
ed a 233-game streak of making at least one 3-pointer in a playoff game.
Wiggins is averaging 18.4 points per game and 9.4 rebounds while playing phenome
nal defense on Celtics’ star forwards Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown.
While Curry is considered one of the greatest players of all time, the one criti
cism he always seems to face is that he tends to shrink in big moments, with his
lack of Finals MVPs being held against him.
Wiggins’ claim to Finals MVP is reminiscent of Warriors guard Andre Iguodala wi
nning Finals MVP in 2015 over Curry even though Curry had superior numbers. Iguo
dala’s argument stemmed from him being able to somewhat interrupt the effective
ness of then-Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James.Iguodala’s contributions
on the defensive side of the ball during that series are looked at as a key reas
on why the Warriors were able to win the championship that year.
If the Warriors win the championship this year, it is possible that Curry’s off
ensive contributions could be overlooked for Wiggins’ defensive performance, wh
ich includes holding Tatum and Brown to shooting 37.3% and 40.9% from the field,
Unfortunately for Wiggins and proponents of the “Wiggins for Finals MVP” argum
ent, Curry has been the best player on the court from either team since game one
Before his disappointing performance in game five, Curry went for 43 points in g
ame four against a Celtics defense that is one of the best in the league.
One bad game should not have people questioning whether Curry deserves to win Fi
nals MVP because, without Curry’s high-scoring outputs, the Celtics would have
the Warriors on the ropes right now.
Curry has carried his team’s offense and his shooting ability brings additional
attention to him leading teammates like Wiggins, Klay Thompson, and Jordan Pool
e to feast on those easy scoring opportunities off Curry.
If the Warriors defeat the Celtics, Curry should unquestionably be named Finals
MVP and further cement himself as one of the greatest players of all time.
Can Andrew Wiggins win Finals MVP after Stephen Curry disaster?
Skip Bayless questions whether Warriors forward Andrew Wiggins should be the frontrunner for NBA Finals MVP over Stephen Curry. ...
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噓 : 不要再舒服了1F 06/15 21:21
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2022 21:21:28→ : 就算沒奪冠Curry也是穩拿FMVP了吧2F 06/15 21:22
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2022 21:22:34噓 : 太早3F 06/15 21:23
噓 : 別舒服4F 06/15 21:23
噓 : 還沒~先別舒服5F 06/15 21:24
推 : 舒服6F 06/15 21:24
推 : 不用若 穩了7F 06/15 21:25
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2022 21:26:13→ : 後兩場都個位數 圍巾繼續G5那表現才有戲8F 06/15 21:26
推 : 大旱9F 06/15 21:27
推 : 你果然是王牌10F 06/15 21:29
推 : 到時候沒贏就好笑了11F 06/15 21:31
→ : 還沒打完說個毛線12F 06/15 21:31
→ : 現在一堆網紅講的 好像勇士奪冠一樣13F 06/15 21:32
推 : 賽爾提克如果冠軍 FMVP還會是那個男人嗎??14F 06/15 21:32
推 : 穩了 勇士一定奪冠 GSW in 615F 06/15 21:32
推 : 勇士贏根本不擔心他拿不到啊 問題就是要贏16F 06/15 21:32
推 : 穩17F 06/15 21:32
→ : 確實18F 06/15 21:34
→ : 太早19F 06/15 21:34
→ : 如果冠軍的話肯定吧20F 06/15 21:34
→ : 但下一場真的要拿下來
→ : 但下一場真的要拿下來
推 : 確實 窩綠兒 in 622F 06/15 21:34
噓 : Skip?23F 06/15 21:34
→ : 賽贏的話數據上還是會給JT24F 06/15 21:34
推 : 咖啡FMVP真穩25F 06/15 21:34
→ : 窩綠 in 6 穩拿的26F 06/15 21:35
推 : 拿下來再吹好嗎?這種文看了真膩27F 06/15 21:35
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2022 21:37:00推 : 股市那麼慘 UA還有錢投公關嗎??28F 06/15 21:37
推 : 圍巾啦,投給圍巾才有趣29F 06/15 21:37
推 : 我覺得問題不在咖喱能不能拿到 而是有沒有全票 我認30F 06/15 21:39
→ : 真覺得可能會有人跑票
→ : 真覺得可能會有人跑票
推 : 結果下場MVP賠率又超越JT32F 06/15 21:39
推 : 確實33F 06/15 21:39
噓 : 拿了再發文34F 06/15 21:39
推 : 冷靜35F 06/15 21:40
噓 : 太早 勿奶 別亂舒服36F 06/15 21:41
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/15/2022 21:41:16推 : 雀37F 06/15 21:41
噓 : 是杰倫38F 06/15 21:41
推 : 老實說 本來就是咖哩有資格FMVP 咖黑繼續崩潰 嘻嘻39F 06/15 21:41
推 : 咖我超,穩惹☺40F 06/15 21:43
推 : 穩41F 06/15 21:44
推 : 太早 15年還不是被搶走了42F 06/15 21:44
推 : 拿冠軍的話 雀食43F 06/15 21:45
→ fedona …
推 : 不是啊 看到這篇我以為已經禮拜五過完了咧...45F 06/15 21:45
推 : JT才是FMVP,勇士隊的46F 06/15 21:45
推 : ==================== 確實 ======================47F 06/15 21:45
→ : 這還需要分析嗎,我阿罵來都會投咖哩48F 06/15 21:47
推 : 不管怎樣 咖哩應該會有同情票灌入 穩了49F 06/15 21:47
噓 : 別舒服50F 06/15 21:48
推 : 圍巾下一場砍個50分看看風向會不會變51F 06/15 21:48
→ : 咖哩這系列還需要同情票喔www52F 06/15 21:49
噓 : 系列賽1-2在客場扛43分還嘴軟手XDD53F 06/15 21:51
→ lwamp …
推 : 雀食55F 06/15 21:51
噓 : 大旱56F 06/15 21:52
推 : 菜市場阿嬤都知道要選咖哩57F 06/15 21:52
→ : 這跟去年公鹿冠軍字母FMVP一樣幾乎是100%58F 06/15 21:54
→ : 但前提是要冠軍 希望可以
→ : 但前提是要冠軍 希望可以
推 : 想太多 賽提要2連勝了.....60F 06/15 21:54
推 : 穩到不行 FMVP+4冠 超越一堆過譽仔61F 06/15 21:58
推 : 太早62F 06/15 21:58
→ : 目標是全票FMVP63F 06/15 21:59
推 : 這種根本沒啥好討論的 這次贏了肯定是他的 先贏再64F 06/15 21:59
→ : 說吧
→ : 說吧
推 : FMVP應該給圍巾吧66F 06/15 21:59
推 : 還沒打完耶吹太快了吧….67F 06/15 22:00
推 : 重點是冠軍,FMVP只要拿到冠軍百分之百是咖哩68F 06/15 22:00
噓 : 原來是skip 補噓69F 06/15 22:00
→ : 去年陽鹿G5打完好像也有幾乎一樣的文章70F 06/15 22:00
噓 : 超賽問號71F 06/15 22:01
噓 : 贏了再說72F 06/15 22:03
→ : 勇士是贏了嗎….這些人真的煩73F 06/15 22:03
→ : 當我雙J塑膠?74F 06/15 22:03
→ : 賽二連勝機會還是很大好嗎 賽就是比較強啊75F 06/15 22:03
推 : 雀實76F 06/15 22:04
推 : 確實77F 06/15 22:08
推 : 大旱78F 06/15 22:08
推 : 圍巾加油79F 06/15 22:09
推 : 有夠舒服80F 06/15 22:09
噓 : 拒絕舒服81F 06/15 22:10
推 : 贏了再說82F 06/15 22:10
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 53
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