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作者 標題 [外絮] 球探:灰狼是AE的球隊,而KAT也清楚這點
時間 Sat Jun 4 20:35:55 2022
Anthony Edwards and Karl-Anthony Towns are the two main stars on the roster. Mos
t people would agree that Karl-Anthony Towns is currently a better player, but t
hat Anthony Edwards has the potential to take that mantle in the future.
A scout that spoke to Michael Scotto of HoopsHype has suggested that Minnesota T
imberwolves are already Anthony Edwards' team and that Karl-Anthony Towns "knows
一位與HoopsHype的Michael Scotto交談的球探暗示灰狼已經是AE的球隊,而KAT“清楚這一
“It’s Ant’s team. It’s not KAT’s team, and KAT knows it. I think that’s th
e future for them. I wish his basketball IQ was a little better. He’s definitel
y a competitor and not the nonchalant guy that people thought he was coming out
of college. For him to become that bonafide superstar, he has to have the basket
ball IQ. His defensive commitment has to be better. I think he’s already on his
way to becoming a heck of a player. Will he become a top 10 or top 20 guy in th
e league? It remains to be seen. Playing in the playoffs was a great thing for h
im. If you play on a losing team, you don’t get that much exposure and chance t
o rise up to the challenge or taste winning.”
識必須更好。我認為他已經踏上了成為一名出色球員的道路,他會成為聯盟前10還是前20 ?
識必須更好。我認為他已經踏上了成為一名出色球員的道路,他會成為聯盟前10還是前20 ?
It remains to be seen if Anthony Edwards will in fact become that top-tier super
star, but if he does, then the Minnesota Timberwolves could be a title contender
sooner rather than later. Karl-Anthony Towns is the perfect star to put with hi
m. Notably, Karl-Anthony Towns is an elite scorer, and he became the first cente
r since Shaquille O'Neal to score 60 points in a game this season.
Hopefully, the Minnesota Timberwolves manage to figure things out and become a r
egular playoff team in the future. They have a good amount of talent, and with s
ome moves, they could be really dangerous.
NBA Scout Believes The Timberwolves Are Anthony Edwards' Team: "It's Not Karl-Anthony Towns' Team, And KAT Knows It." - Fadeaway World
The Minnesota Timberwolves have made their first playoffs since the 2018 season this year, and there's no doubt that this year could potentially be a ...
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→ : Dlo:你們是不是忘了什麼?1F 06/04 20:36
推 : ???這麼快就要立AE為少主了?KAT不會想跑嗎?2F 06/04 20:39
推 : kat:不要瞎掰好嗎3F 06/04 20:39
推 : KAT是撐住球隊的地板 AE就是天花板啊4F 06/04 20:40
推 : 灰狼灰熊系列最後一場最後雖然勝負差不多了但還沒5F 06/04 20:40
→ : 打完時 ja跑去找AE講話 AE根本不太想鳥他 我覺得他
→ : 只是平常很ㄎ一ㄤ 但對勝負很在意的
→ : 打完時 ja跑去找AE講話 AE根本不太想鳥他 我覺得他
→ : 只是平常很ㄎ一ㄤ 但對勝負很在意的
→ : KAT 要成為灰狼老大的意圖不知道夠不夠強烈8F 06/04 20:40
推 : 新少主AE9F 06/04 20:40
推 : 兩個打法又沒衝突10F 06/04 20:41
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/04/2022 20:41:37推 : 你要確定KAT真的這樣想耶,吉巴:11F 06/04 20:42
→ : 看第一輪熊狼就覺得AE未來可期12F 06/04 20:43
推 : Dlo在灰狼的存在比例大概就像這張新聞封面圖一樣13F 06/04 20:44
推 : 這是故意把灰狼的樹苗掐死嗎?14F 06/04 20:44
推 : kat還那麼年輕,要讓位?15F 06/04 20:44
推 : 太早= =16F 06/04 20:46
推 : KAT已經放棄了 真的假的17F 06/04 20:49
噓 : 想太多18F 06/04 20:49
噓 : ????腦補文??19F 06/04 20:50
→ : 看lue怎麼制定附加賽防守策略就好20F 06/04 20:51
→ : KAT: 說書的 給我滾!!21F 06/04 20:53
推 : Dlo的存在感都快比天空貝還低了22F 06/04 20:53
→ : 狼子野心23F 06/04 20:53
→ : 季後賽那個鳥樣完全沒有明星球員的樣子24F 06/04 20:54
推 : KAT:要確定欸25F 06/04 20:55
推 : KAT季後賽G2 G3軟成那樣好意思當老大26F 06/04 20:55
推 : AE來就有季後賽打 是誰的很清楚了27F 06/04 20:58
推 : 扣掉KAT也不會有季後賽打阿28F 06/04 20:59
→ : AE的心態才是球隊老大該有的啊29F 06/04 20:59
推 : AE的競爭心態比較像球隊老大 未來可期30F 06/04 21:03
→ : 看不懂為什麼有這篇,就算高層有意扶正 AE 當新少主31F 06/04 21:05
→ : ,也沒必要刻意講出來,而且是球探講出來更詭異。
→ : ,也沒必要刻意講出來,而且是球探講出來更詭異。
推 : KAT:我看報紙才知道 灰狼是AE的球隊33F 06/04 21:06
推 : 軟糖就是軟糖34F 06/04 21:07
推 : dlo 這張合約走完搞不好就沒球打了提他幹嘛35F 06/04 21:08
推 : 富堡小將個個基石36F 06/04 21:10
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