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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 鉛筆講到沒有西門的76
時間 Tue Jan 25 16:57:33 2022
來源: USA Today
網址: https://tinyurl.com/2p954fwp
Joel Embiid opens up on doing more for Sixers with Ben Simmons gone
Joel Embiid opens up on having to do more for the Philadelphia 76ers with Ben Simmons no longer an option in the lineup. ...
Joel Embiid opens up on doing more for Sixers with Ben Simmons gone
Joel Embiid講到沒有Ben Simmons 他為76人做得更多
The Philadelphia 76ers have had to play a different style in the 2021-22
season than in the previous years as they work through the absence of Ben
While the team’s offensive execution has left much to be desired at times,
it has been able to lean on Joel Embiid on a regular basis. He delivered
again in the 115-109 win over the San Antonio Spurs on Sunday. He had 38
points, 12 rebounds and six assists. It was another terrific performance for
the big fella in a season full of them.
儘管76人在進攻執行上有時不是很好,不過似乎可以比較依靠在Joel Embiid身上了。他
“First of all, it was great that we got the win especially bouncing back
“First of all, it was great that we got the win especially bouncing back
from blowing that lead the other night against the Clippers,” said Embiid. “
I’ve always believed that especially with the progress that I’ve made
offensively the last two or three years, being a complete player, I believe
that I could be one of the greatest scorers in the league right now.”
Embiid had one of his better passing games and he did a terrific job making
sure Philadelphia was set in the offense. He has been talking to his
teammates more often and has taken games into his hands. He has been given
more freedom to do some of the stuff Philadelphia needs with Simmons not
“It’s always been there, but this year, there’s more freedom to be able to
“It’s always been there, but this year, there’s more freedom to be able to
whether it’s bringing the ball up and pushing up in transition,” Embiid
explained. “I got more freedom to do that this year. In the previous year,
we had someone that was so good in transition that you had to get the ball to
him so he can make plays attack or making plays and he was so good at it. His
absence obviously puts a hole in that category. That’s why I decided to kind
of take my game to another level when it comes to that.”
While Embiid is obviously referring to Simmons, he understands he has to do
more for this team right now in the absence of the 25-year-old three-time
“I still got a long way to go,” Embiid finished. “There’s so much that I
can add to my game whether it’s playing off pick-and-rolls and a bunch of
other stuff that I can add to my game, but yeah, I think it’s always been
For the Sixers to have the success they expect, they will need Embiid to
continue to play this way and continue to add to his game.
"Ben had to die for embiid to transcend"
"Not saying Simmons name is interesting."
"He Who Must Not Be Traded"
"Very mature answer from Embiid."
"He who shall not be named"
"Lol someone, can't even say his name."
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Xxxk1-O (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1643101057.A.F98.html
推 : 爽1F 01/25 16:57
你也太快※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 16:58:09
→ : 不投籃的後衛就下去2F 01/25 16:58
→ : 不提名字3F 01/25 16:58
推 : 大後鋒4F 01/25 16:58
推 : 辣個男人5F 01/25 16:58
推 : 鉛筆:鉛筆不急 莫雷:收到6F 01/25 17:00
推 : “SOMEONE”7F 01/25 17:00
推 : 整隊都不能提到名字的男人8F 01/25 17:03
推 : You Know Who9F 01/25 17:03
推 : 欸 那個25號10F 01/25 17:04
推 : 看那個男人沒錢錢 應該更爽了11F 01/25 17:04
推 : 排12F 01/25 17:06
推 : someone 笑死 you know who13F 01/25 17:06
→ : 罰到西門虧錢 爽死14F 01/25 17:07
推 : 那個名字不能說出來的人 原來西門是佛地魔??15F 01/25 17:07
推 : 排出後清爽多了16F 01/25 17:09
→ : 清爽歸清爽 但能走多遠 現在也不過東六而已17F 01/25 17:15
推 : you know who18F 01/25 17:19
推 : NBA佛地魔西門 不能說的名字19F 01/25 17:19
→ : 費城佛地魔20F 01/25 17:21
推 : 現在爽 季後賽就知道了21F 01/25 17:22
→ : 鉛筆這樣講才安全,假如有人因為他這席話 因而得到22F 01/25 17:23
→ : 心靈疾病就慘了
→ : 心靈疾病就慘了
→ : 現在本來就走不遠啊 吃這麼多薪資的不在24F 01/25 17:24
→ : 卡薪資空間 走不遠正常吧25F 01/25 17:25
→ : 又不是KD
→ : 又不是KD
推 : 鉛筆:對不起了冠軍 但是我真的想要讓西門沒有錢錢27F 01/25 17:48
推 : 季賽才不爽吧 西門至少還能扛 金筆今年特別健康28F 01/25 18:03
→ : 之前每年平均只能打52場
→ : 之前每年平均只能打52場
推 : 繼續臭~30F 01/25 18:09
推 : 看緯來的報導,鉛筆完全不提西門名字,超級臭XDD31F 01/25 18:12
→ : 技能包越來越多的確要感謝那位不能說名字的選手32F 01/25 18:21
推 : somebody33F 01/25 18:24
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 47
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