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作者 標題 [外絮] LBJ與Melo:龜龜對於自己的失誤感到很自
時間 Mon Jan 3 18:58:36 2022
"He was kicking himself a lot tonight with his turnovers, especially in the firs
t half," James said of Westbrook turning it over seven times before halftime. "C
leaned up in the second half, only had two in the second half, and it resulted i
n us being able to get shots. And when we get shots, we're a really good team. W
hat has really hurt us this year is when we turn the ball over a lot, and not ab
le to set our defense, where we're really good in half court, have teams run it
out on us.
"So us being able to take care of the ball in the second half was key in us gett
ing this win tonight. The ball is in his hands a lot, the ball is in my hands a
lot, so it starts with the two of us being able to take care of the ball, and we
did that."
Westbrook said he cut his second-half turnover total by "just making easy reads.
"I don't think we have to be on him about what he does out there on the basketba
ll court, the turnovers or anything like that, because he beats himself up about
it anyways," Anthony said. "We're just there to support him, let him figure it
out, and we'll be right by his side."
Lakers' Russell Westbrook brushes off rocky outing vs. Timberwolves - I'm allowed to miss shots, turn the ball over
After his 9 turnovers and 0-for-5 shooting from 3 allowed the Wolves to hang around late into Sunday's game, Lakers guard Russell Westbrook saw no iss ...
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1641207518.A.3E7.html
推 : 好氣氛1F 01/03 18:59
推 : 咦咦?雙重人格嗎 自己就受訪時是裡人格嗎?2F 01/03 18:59
噓 : 自責:比賽的一部分3F 01/03 18:59
→ : 可是龜採訪說自己打的不錯4F 01/03 18:59
推 : 標題斷 以為豪5F 01/03 19:00
推 : 還以為是很自豪6F 01/03 19:00
推 : 很自豪笑死7F 01/03 19:01
推 : 自責 下場繼續8F 01/03 19:01
推 : 龜龜:我打得很好9F 01/03 19:01
推 : 笑死下一篇馬上打臉10F 01/03 19:02
噓 : 龜龜也就說說而已啦,低級失誤一大堆要改早就……11F 01/03 19:02
推 : 自責12F 01/03 19:03
→ : 以前失誤那麼多,終於知道自責?13F 01/03 19:03
→ : 別幫人道歉欸 人家沒這樣想欸14F 01/03 19:03
推 : 可是龜龜不是這麼想欸15F 01/03 19:03
→ : 還是不改,自責有啥用16F 01/03 19:03
→ : 龜式自責法啦你們是有NBA球員懂逆17F 01/03 19:03
推 : 自豪XD18F 01/03 19:04
推 : 對外強硬 對內示弱 溫柔堅定的龜龜19F 01/03 19:05
→ : 看來要被交易了20F 01/03 19:05
→ : 9失誤是平均值?21F 01/03 19:06
推 : 下半場有減少22F 01/03 19:07
推 : 不要幫別人自責好嗎XD23F 01/03 19:07
→ : 龜龜自責歸自責 沒多久就又會開始腦衝模式了24F 01/03 19:07
推 : 美國高國豪25F 01/03 19:07
→ : 被自責26F 01/03 19:08
推 : 甜瓜最近的表現有很好嗎?27F 01/03 19:09
推 : 自責 會改嗎28F 01/03 19:09
推 : 俠客是命中率太低嗎?29F 01/03 19:11
推 : 下一篇打臉30F 01/03 19:11
推 : 哇靠,樓下直接打臉,網內互打31F 01/03 19:13
推 : 下一篇龜龜馬上說自己打的不錯32F 01/03 19:18
推 : 龜龜:我覺得我打得不錯33F 01/03 19:18
推 : 下一篇XD34F 01/03 19:21
→ : THE 騙35F 01/03 19:23
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 70
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