※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-12-18 07:02:10
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 籃網考慮讓KI打客場
時間 Sat Dec 18 06:08:05 2021
@wojespnSo far, Irving has been unwilling satisfy New York City mandates and become vaccinated to play home games, but the turbulence of the ongoing NBA season has caused the organization to reconsider their preseason decision to fully sideline Irving, sources said.https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1471964462383083527 …
ESPN Sources: With the unfolding circumstances of Brooklyn’s season – including injuries, Covid losses and an inordinate minutes load on their superstar players – the Nets are bringing back All-Star guard Kyrie Irving as a part-time player for games outside of New York.
@wojespnKyrie Irving's return isn't expected quickly. He has to pass a series of Covid tests before he can start working out with team. Nets haven't seen him workout and are unclear the kind of shape he's in now. He's expected to take his time ramping up again.
ESPN Sources: With the unfolding circumstances of Brooklyn’s season – includ
ing injuries, Covid losses and an inordinate minutes load on their superstar p
layers – the Nets are bringing back All-Star guard Kyrie Irving as a part-tim
e player for games outside of New York.
So far, Irving has been unwilling satisfy New York City mandates and become va
ccinated to play home games, but the turbulence of the ongoing NBA season has
caused the organization to reconsider their preseason decision to fully sideli
ne Irving, sources said.
Nets owner Joe Tsai, GM Sean Marks, Coach Steve Nash and key players were full
y supportive of the idea --- and Irving has been eager to return to play in th
e team’s away games. He can start practicing at team facility.
Kyrie Irving's return isn't expected quickly. He has to pass a series of Covid
tests before he can start working out with team. Nets haven't seen him workou
t and are unclear the kind of shape he's in now. He's expected to take his tim
e ramping up again.
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※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 12/18/2021 06:09:36
※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 12/18/2021 06:12:37
※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 12/18/2021 06:19:11
推 : WOW1F 12/18 06:08
→ : 革命要成功了 加油2F 12/18 06:09
※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 12/18/2021 06:10:27※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 12/18/2021 06:12:37
→ : 沒打疫苗中標風險不是更大,勸他打一打吧3F 12/18 06:11
推 : 敗也肺炎 成也肺炎4F 12/18 06:11
推 : 不然也沒人了……5F 12/18 06:12
推 : 打2場又會觸發安全協議了吧…哈哈哈6F 12/18 06:13
※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 12/18/2021 06:14:04推 : 籃球是高傳染性的運動 不中也難7F 12/18 06:14
→ : ki 根本革命家,構造改革8F 12/18 06:15
推 : 革命成功9F 12/18 06:15
推 : 他不打疫苗欸 中了的話?10F 12/18 06:16
※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 12/18/2021 06:17:53※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 12/18/2021 06:19:11
→ : 又沒差 中了再說11F 12/18 06:23
→ : 中了如果能讓他轉念也不是啥壞事
→ : 聯盟安全協議算是造成這情況不得已的選擇
→ : 中了如果能讓他轉念也不是啥壞事
→ : 聯盟安全協議算是造成這情況不得已的選擇
推 : KI大獲全勝14F 12/18 06:24
推 : kd之前沒打疫苗也中了還不是沒怎樣15F 12/18 06:26
推 : 聯盟也不只KI沒打疫苗啊16F 12/18 06:26
推 : 打疫苗的不能打 找沒打疫苗的救兵 這局智將KI贏了17F 12/18 06:27
推 : 籃網只能縮了18F 12/18 06:27
推 : 因為實在是太操大哥了19F 12/18 06:28
推 : 重點ki會願意打嗎20F 12/18 06:30
※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 臺灣), 12/18/2021 06:32:57→ : 沒打確診重症率比有打高很多耶 當然當事人不怕也不21F 12/18 06:32
→ : 好說什麼
→ : 好說什麼
推 : 他如果確診變重症的話…23F 12/18 06:33
推 : 打贏病毒也是打疫苗的一種吧 還是希望他健康24F 12/18 06:34
推 : 樓上這劇本很地獄25F 12/18 06:35
推 : 中了會怎樣也是KI自己選擇的阿 沒人逼他不打26F 12/18 06:36
推 : 現實上NBA這種檢測法 陽性就被抓去觀察治療了
推 : 現實上NBA這種檢測法 陽性就被抓去觀察治療了
推 : KI贏了28F 12/18 06:39
推 : 回來啦29F 12/18 06:40
推 : 在座各位都是打疫苗的倖存者 死掉的人可不會出來聲30F 12/18 06:41
→ : 援KI的決定 他既然有自己的理解 那就尊重一下吧
→ : 援KI的決定 他既然有自己的理解 那就尊重一下吧
推 : KI大獲全勝 聯盟其他29隊瑟瑟發抖了 無敵籃網來囉32F 12/18 06:42
噓 : ㄏ33F 12/18 06:42
推 : 人權教父 大成功34F 12/18 06:42
推 : 他們畢竟都是世界頂尖的運動員,體格跟抵抗力還是比35F 12/18 06:47
→ : 一般人強太多了,就算沒打疫苗,要重症也很難啦。
→ : 一般人強太多了,就算沒打疫苗,要重症也很難啦。
推 : 宇宙網合體37F 12/18 06:50
→ : 籃網自己連客場也不給他跟 最後回頭喊支持 這是XD38F 12/18 06:51
推 : 二師兄回來啦!39F 12/18 06:51
噓 : 籃網居然縮了40F 12/18 06:52
推 : 籃網跪了41F 12/18 06:56
推 : KI的堅持獲得了勝利 西門多學學好嗎42F 12/18 06:58
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 28
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