※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-12-05 18:41:57
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 槍西:球隊缺乏榮譽感,這種輸球方式我
時間 Sun Dec 5 15:41:24 2021
Chauncey Billups: "Lack of pride, of course that bothers me. If that doesn't bot
her you, there's something going on. Sometimes it's not your night, cool, it hap
pens. There's a way I'm willing to lose, and that's not the way I'm willing to l
ose. It was embarrassing."
Sean Highkin
@highkinChauncey Billups: "Lack of pride, of course that bothers me. If that doesn't bother you, there's something going on. Sometimes it's not your night, cool, it happens. There's a way I'm willing to lose, and that's not the way I'm willing to lose. It was embarrassing."
@highkinChauncey Billups: "Lack of pride, of course that bothers me. If that doesn't bother you, there's something going on. Sometimes it's not your night, cool, it happens. There's a way I'm willing to lose, and that's not the way I'm willing to lose. It was embarrassing."
arters. That shit is crazy to me. It's supposed to be the other way around."
Sean Highkin
@highkinChauncey Billups: "I've never seen a team that needs its bench to inspire our starters. That shit is crazy to me. It's supposed to be the other way around."
@highkinChauncey Billups: "I've never seen a team that needs its bench to inspire our starters. That shit is crazy to me. It's supposed to be the other way around."
ut that's something the vets should be teaching them. ... I was more mad at the
starters for putting [the bench] in that situation."
Sean Highkin
@highkinChauncey Billups: "The young guys, they don't know the politics of the league. But that's something the vets should be teaching them. ... I was more mad at the starters for putting [the bench] in that situation."
@highkinChauncey Billups: "The young guys, they don't know the politics of the league. But that's something the vets should be teaching them. ... I was more mad at the starters for putting [the bench] in that situation."
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Xh6qdgW (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1638690087.A.AA0.html
推 : 這隊差不多了啦1F 12/05 15:46
→ : 真的可以拆了
→ : 真的可以拆了
推 : 受不了了3F 12/05 15:48
→ : 贏球治百病 輸球渾身病4F 12/05 15:49
推 : 完蛋 這次教頭不領繩5F 12/05 15:54
→ : 搶西有進75大嗎?在嗆誰呢?6F 12/05 15:55
推 : Dame:看我幹嘛 我又沒上場7F 12/05 15:58
→ : 所以下一場會把原本先發降為板凳嗎?8F 12/05 15:59
推 : 教練帶頭氣氛9F 12/05 16:00
→ : 這一隊的努力程度真的有問題 你當自己是拓荒者迷看10F 12/05 16:04
→ : 個幾場 不會不爽算了贏
→ : 個幾場 不會不爽算了贏
推 : 氣氛12F 12/05 16:05
噓 : 可悲的拓荒者13F 12/05 16:06
推 : Stotts:看吧 不是我不教防守14F 12/05 16:08
推 : 教練帶頭氣氛球員15F 12/05 16:10
→ : 我不能接受.jpg16F 12/05 16:12
推 : 第一年就氣氛17F 12/05 16:13
→ : 好了啦 要重建就動作快一點18F 12/05 16:14
噓 : 經理很爛19F 12/05 16:16
推 : 就戰績不上不下太久 陣容也一直沒變 核心球員心態20F 12/05 16:16
→ : 也有點鬆懈了吧
→ : 反正在怎麼樣大概也是季後賽一輪二輪遊
→ : 也有點鬆懈了吧
→ : 反正在怎麼樣大概也是季後賽一輪二輪遊
→ : 推薦你整隊賣掉 那個沒上場的主將這季也用FG 40%23F 12/05 16:20
→ : 3P 30%在帶隊 沒甚麼救了這隊
→ : 3P 30%在帶隊 沒甚麼救了這隊
推 : 教練帶頭氣氛 看來沒救了25F 12/05 16:26
→ : 說真的,阿拓直接大破大立的重建可能比現在這樣不斷26F 12/05 16:28
→ : 治標不治本的做法來得實際,都這樣幾年了。
→ : 治標不治本的做法來得實際,都這樣幾年了。
推 : 兇28F 12/05 16:41
推 : 看起來暑假就要處理呃29F 12/05 16:43
推 : 小李換龜 湖人小虧30F 12/05 16:44
推 : 小李+CJ換哈登+KI31F 12/05 16:45
推 : 看來要努力找個可以接受的輸球方式32F 12/05 16:50
→ : 兇33F 12/05 16:57
推 : 你河<-> 小李 湖人小虧34F 12/05 17:01
推 : 忠誠小李表示35F 12/05 17:07
→ : 總仔 你要學會接受 懂嗎36F 12/05 17:15
→ : 看來要打爆拓荒換總仔了37F 12/05 17:28
推 : 小李去奪冠隊吧...這樣下去真的不值得38F 12/05 17:29
推 : 槍西回來快艇了啦39F 12/05 17:33
推 : 這隊都老將了,教練這說法就是看有沒有人要挺了,沒人40F 12/05 17:41
→ : 挺就準備拆了
→ : 挺就準備拆了
→ : 當面問你隊上的忠誠75大阿42F 12/05 17:42
推 : 小李就不是帶隊的料43F 12/05 17:44
→ testutw …
推 : 欸欸 不是啊 你是教練耶45F 12/05 17:54
推 : 小李:吹me去換西門46F 12/05 18:06
推 : 不然你期待剋蛋仔嗎47F 12/05 18:07
推 : 先發替補對換就能解決了48F 12/05 18:29
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 66
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