※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-20 00:58:09
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 太陽老闆被指控(8)
時間 Fri Nov 19 10:40:44 2021
Allegations of racism and misogyny within the Phoenix Suns: Inside Robert Sarver's 17-year tenure as owner
An ESPN investigation, featuring interviews with more than 70 current and former Suns employees, reveals accusations of racism and misogyny against ow ...
EVEN THE SIMPLEST, most corporate tasks were met with widespread suspicion.
Former employees told ESPN that, in some cases, employees lied on team-administered surveys about working for the team because they feared retaliation or felt the exercise was pointless: "There was no way in hell I was going to answer that thing honestly," said one former human resources representative.
前員工告訴ESPN, 他們在回答企業評鑑問卷裡頭說謊,因為擔心遭到報復。「跟本不可能誠實回答問題。」一位前HR説
A second former HR rep said employees were told not to file complaints and that they shouldn't come to the HR office, that they should instead meet outside the office: "I would say, 'Let's go take a walk. Because if they see you being here, they're gonna come after you.'"
Several employees said they were taking antidepressants and going on medical leave because of the issues they were having with superiors, according to the former
Added the first former HR rep: "Unfortunately, HR is a place that most people come to, to get refuge from things that go on. You should be able to go there and get some help. [But] it's sort of a culture of complicity. Which I was a part of. And I hate saying that."
On multiple occasions some years ago, according to people with direct knowledge of the interactions, employees reported alleged issues to HR -- including a complaint against Sarver for alleged comments to a female employee about how she looked in a dress and alleged racial discrimination raised by a Black employee regarding promotions for white colleagues -- and were told soon after that they no longer fit in the organization.
"It wrecked my life. I was contemplating suicide."
Female former Suns employee
Multiple staffers said they would not go to HR with complaints because they feared retaliation. "That is standard in our company," said a current business employee: "If something happens, don't go to HR."
Said another current staffer: "God no, that's the last place you go.多位員工表示,他們不會去投訴了,因為怕遭到報復。「這就是我們公司的現況/標準」一位業務説「發生什麼事情,也別去找HR」
Yeah, definitely don't go to HR with anything." The first former Suns HR rep confirms that this sentiment was common throughout the organization.
"You want to do right by the employee and make sure that they're not getting infringed upon," the first former HR rep said. "But ultimately, you're getting paid by the owner. So you're the police. And there were some times where I told people, 'You know, I'm not gonna tell you this on the record, and we need to go out to the parking lot or someplace, but I think you should sue.'"
「你希望做正確的事情,保護那些員工不受侵犯。」一位HR說「但你始終是拿老闆的錢,所以你就是老闆的錦衣衛。」(so you are police不是指公職的警察 比較像貶義的老闆密探)「有時候我會告訴那些人,”你知道的,我不會留下紀錄,我們去別的地方聊聊,但我建議你起訴那些人。”」
When aggrieved workers said they had been considering legal action after being told that the organization would be parting ways with them, two former business operations employees said those people were often offered severance packages in exchange for signing nondisclosure agreements.
The second former HR rep said this approach was common: The organization would settle when an employee brought any sort of legal action, threatened to sue or raised issues that could lead to legal action. "They didn't want the press," the former rep said. "There were people that were wrongly terminated. And then the people who had the know-how to threaten to sue would get paid. But the ones who just couldn't maneuver that landscape would just go away."
The rep continued, "I would hope they would sue, because I knew they would get money. So whenever we [would] see the claims come in, I would just be like, 'Well, at least that person's going to get some money.'"
Although a few explored legal action, there were more who did not. Half a dozen former employees said they didn't pursue a lawsuit because they didn't have the financial resources for a legal battle to do so, or felt so worn down from their experience that they just wanted to move on.
"Ultimately, I was too afraid and exhausted to pursue it," a female former marketing employee said. "I even had my attorney offer to do the whole pro bono thing, but I was broken down so badly by then. I wasn't sleeping or eating or functioning well, so I felt it was easier to move on and take the offer. I regret not pursuing it."
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→ : 哈欠,這不是每個公司都一樣,這種黑法只會惹到上層1F 11/19 10:42
→ : 人士們吧
→ : 人士們吧
→ : 在美國只能做不能說3F 11/19 10:44
推 : 這系列也太多篇了吧4F 11/19 10:44
推 : 原文就真的很長 原PO願意翻非常有耐心了5F 11/19 10:45
推 : 感謝原PO翻譯!6F 11/19 10:46
→ : 我原本以為大概2-3000字 拉下去一直網頁load… QQ7F 11/19 10:48
推 : 我以為這是公司普遍狀況8F 11/19 10:50
噓 : 要幾篇,洗文仔滾辣9F 11/19 10:50
推 : 牆倒眾人推而已 因為美國一旦出現這種事情 宣稱自10F 11/19 10:57
→ : 己也是受害者也可以得到賠償
→ : 己也是受害者也可以得到賠償
推 : 前面幾篇比較毒,這篇看起來就是個結果?感謝辛苦12F 11/19 11:02
→ : 翻譯啦~
→ : 翻譯啦~
推 : 到後面看來把行政部門的主管抓來祭旗就好了14F 11/19 11:02
推 : 想知道整個系列文會有幾篇?15F 11/19 11:06
推 : 翻譯辛苦了,亂噓仔滾16F 11/19 11:11
推 : 翻譯辛苦了17F 11/19 11:13
→ : 大概剩一篇18F 11/19 11:22
推 : 推翻譯,噓文那隻一篇外電都沒翻過,唯一一篇是廢文19F 11/19 11:25
→ : 居然有臉說別人洗文
→ : 居然有臉說別人洗文
推 : 這篇看起來是各大企業的共同問題,台灣這種樣子的21F 11/19 11:26
→ : 公司也不在少數,真的是公開的秘密,殺傷力不是很
→ : 大
→ : 公司也不在少數,真的是公開的秘密,殺傷力不是很
→ : 大
推 : 感謝原po24F 11/19 11:50
推 : 笑死了 發廢文的人還嫌翻譯文25F 11/19 12:10
推 : 黑人主導的利益集團這種事才鬧的起來 你們白人靠黑26F 11/19 12:12
→ : 人賺錢竟敢欺負黑人員工 我氣噗噗
→ : 人賺錢竟敢欺負黑人員工 我氣噗噗
推 : 原po善心,但ESPN靠這種平權風向文想鬥掉殺佛唷,很28F 11/19 12:14
→ : 難讓人認同吧,大概要一直有風向故事讓他們洗才有可
→ : 能
→ : 難讓人認同吧,大概要一直有風向故事讓他們洗才有可
→ : 能
推 : 加油 等你們跟猶太人一樣有錢就可以把白豬通通趕出31F 11/19 12:14
→ : 去
→ : 去
推 : 翻譯很辛苦,噓的人有事嗎,謝謝原po33F 11/19 12:54
推 : 哪間公司不是這樣,要靠這殺殺佛太弱,砍主管就好34F 11/19 13:01
噓 : 翻譯是很辛苦沒錯,但翻譯錯誤導致讀者誤會,被人35F 11/19 13:19
→ : 指正也不修正內文很不OK(詳見本系列文第6篇第一段)
→ : 指正也不修正內文很不OK(詳見本系列文第6篇第一段)
推 : 看起來人資推出去祭旗就差不多的指控...37F 11/19 13:40
→ : 原來說的是台灣大多的企業啊38F 11/19 14:16
→ : 呃 其實我有更正(6)39F 11/19 14:35
→ : 可是(6)的第一段,不是在講記錄錯誤啊40F 11/19 14:54
推 : 還沒改喔。failed to record a block or foul,在(41F 11/19 18:06
→ : 6)那篇指的是Ayton那場完全無刪鍋或製造犯規的紀錄
推 : 感謝原po, 原文翻譯很辛苦的
→ : 6)那篇指的是Ayton那場完全無刪鍋或製造犯規的紀錄
推 : 感謝原po, 原文翻譯很辛苦的
推 : 我們上市上櫃公司都有退休老員工提議尾牙當天讓年44F 11/19 19:02
→ : 輕女同仁穿露肚裝幫倒酒
→ : 輕女同仁穿露肚裝幫倒酒
→ : 那你們公司還好在台灣46F 11/19 19:25
推 : @@|||47F 11/19 20:38
推 : 推翻譯48F 11/19 21:11
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 43
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