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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-13 12:26:46
看板 NBA
作者 jackie0414 (哇哈哈)
標題 [外絮] 想在現在的時代打球嗎?R.Miller:No
時間 Sat Nov 13 11:47:27 2021

Reggie Miller: "Playing today? No thanks, I keep my Nineties" - Ruetir
The legend of Indiana, a specialist for three before it became essential: “I jealously guard my 18 years in the NBA” There was Michael Jordan with his ...


Reggie Miller: “Playing today? No thanks, I keep my Nineties”


Reggie, how would you see in today’s NBA, considering how important the three-p
oint shot is compared to when he was playing?




“I would never trade my career between the end of the Eighties, through the Nin
eties and up to the beginning of the 2000s: that was my era, those were my oppon
ents. I don’t think it’s fair to ask what it would have been like, out of resp
ect for those who came before me, who played with me and who is a professional t
oday. It went as it went, I jealously guard my 18 years in the NBA and I love th
e era in which I played, the opponents I faced “.

我不想拿我的職業生涯 跟其他時代交換


那就是我的時代 我面對的對手

一直設想我到了現代會打得如何 這是不公平的

也是對我的前輩 我的對手



我愛我身處的時代 以及我面對的對手

The NBA has included you in the list of the 75 best players of all time: what ef
fect does it have?



“It’s still surreal. If they had told me in 1987, when Indiana chose me in the
 Draft, that at 56 they would have put me on the list of the best players in his
tory, I probably would have called crazy who was telling me. I am truly honored
to be a part of it: it is a tangible recognition that I can speak to my children
 to make them understand that hard work really pays off ”.









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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XZpLItZ (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1636775250.A.DE3.html
CircusWorld : 推 說話得體1F 11/13 11:48
BOSTONstyle : 得體2F 11/13 11:49
nkfcc       : 得體!  Miller for president!!3F 11/13 11:49
nathan2000  : 講這話太油條了.4F 11/13 11:51
Toy17       : 推Miller5F 11/13 11:51
bonebonebone: 得體6F 11/13 11:52
jerrylin    : 大嘴米勒退休後變得真會說話  XD7F 11/13 11:52
hunt5566    : 可以去問歐肥才有話題流量XD8F 11/13 11:52
juniorpenny : 說話得體,身材自律,大推9F 11/13 11:53
ICpo        : 神米!10F 11/13 11:53
bleachdie   : 得體11F 11/13 11:54
Kidd0502    : 真的得體12F 11/13 11:54
boshrush    : 歐肥來現代就是個Ayton13F 11/13 11:54
Sparxxx     : 看看神米,看看pippen14F 11/13 11:54
King5566    : 油條嗎 我覺得蠻像他的想法15F 11/13 11:54
matthew60707: 太得體了16F 11/13 11:55
kerry50407  : 推推!真的超級得體的~17F 11/13 11:55
kaede0711   : 他的身材能成為一代傳奇很勵志18F 11/13 11:55
airmark     : Miller   Jabbar說話都很得體19F 11/13 11:56
cross980115 : 神米講話一直都邏輯清晰20F 11/13 11:57
SwissMiniGun: 懂得思考的21F 11/13 11:57
GordnHayward: 可能會被瘋狂罰款22F 11/13 11:58
bluesgzr    : 神米該推23F 11/13 11:58
jerrychlin  : 神米得體啊 老皮最近真的崩壞24F 11/13 11:59
peter89000  : 神米蠻聰明的,不像某些貴古老人25F 11/13 11:59
ginopun10477: 很自愛很謙虛的球員26F 11/13 11:59
ianasd      : 問歐肥很無聊吧,他只會回哪個時代他都能碾壓27F 11/13 11:59
liefuchen   : 他說的真的沒錯啊 不同年代真的沒什麼好比的28F 11/13 11:59
watwmark    : 得體29F 11/13 12:00
a1684114    : 確實 當時的打法來到現代不一定有當時引響力大30F 11/13 12:03
humbler     : 得體!31F 11/13 12:03
breakingduck: 標題以為要嘲諷,結果超得體32F 11/13 12:03
edhuang     : 有夠得體33F 11/13 12:04
aaron97     : 垃圾話噴歸噴 神米本人很正向的34F 11/13 12:06
bestforbest : 得體的米勒 跨時代比較本來就失智35F 11/13 12:06
aoe2aom2ted5: 推得體36F 11/13 12:07
※ 編輯: jackie0414 ( 臺灣), 11/13/2021 12:07:54
southernwood: Respect37F 11/13 12:08
hughjetman  : 大嘴真的會講話38F 11/13 12:08
ODFans      : 推 神米的講話真的是有思考過的 完全不會得罪人39F 11/13 12:09
ja860325    : 神米!!!40F 11/13 12:09
CLawrence   : 讚讚!正確思考41F 11/13 12:11
harry881210 : 推 不要一直假設不會成立的事42F 11/13 12:11
wondada     : 大嘴頂多場上噴垃圾話,場下都滿得體的43F 11/13 12:11
l2l         : 他在他的年代才顯得特別 在現代可能反而平凡了44F 11/13 12:13
TVXFQ       : 太得體了吧45F 11/13 12:13
WIGGINS22   : 氣度!46F 11/13 12:13
killuaz     : 神米就是值得尊敬  反觀某第二人47F 11/13 12:14
isley196    : 得體~48F 11/13 12:15
demonh311   : 高度真的有差49F 11/13 12:15
joshnike    : 確實 放到現今可能就Herro水平50F 11/13 12:15
dehlin      : 推51F 11/13 12:16
SnakeO      : 這番話真得體,看一堆比來比去的新聞看得有點膩52F 11/13 12:17

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