※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-09 07:51:04
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 西門已和76人推薦的心理健康專家會面
時間 Tue Nov 9 07:13:56 2021
ESPN Sources: After initial reluctance, Sixers All-Star Ben Simmons has met wi
th a team-recommended specialist to discuss mental health concerns. Among othe
r issues, the organization had recently reinstituted fines for Simmons’ failu
re to agree to those meetings.
@wojespnESPN Sources: After initial reluctance, Sixers All-Star Ben Simmons has met with a team-recommended specialist to discuss mental health concerns. Among other issues, the organization had recently reinstituted fines for Simmons’ failure to agree to those meetings.
Simmons is planning to continue meeting with his @NBPA-provided mental health
specialist and working out regularly at the team practice facility, sources te
ll ESPN. Simmons has yet to play for the Sixers this season and there remains
no timeline on a possible debut.
@wojespnSimmons is planning to continue meeting with his @NBPA-provided mental health specialist and working out regularly at the team practice facility, sources tell ESPN. Simmons has yet to play for the Sixers this season and there remains no timeline on a possible debut.https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1457834857317421057 …
ESPN Sources: After initial reluctance, Sixers All-Star Ben Simmons has met with a team-recommended specialist to discuss mental health concerns. Among other issues, the organization had recently reinstituted fines for Simmons’ failure to agree to those meetings.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XYQyv6y (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1636413241.A.1BC.html
推 : 罰一次怕一次,有夠孬的XD1F 11/09 07:15
推 : 美國看醫生好貴2F 11/09 07:15
推 : 心理($$$)治療的確滿有用的3F 11/09 07:15
→ : 果然遇到錢就軟了4F 11/09 07:15
→ : 澳洲人被看沒有
→ : 澳洲人被看沒有
推 : $才是心理6F 11/09 07:18
推 : 不只他要領錢 其他人也在要領錢7F 11/09 07:19
推 : 病快裝不下去了8F 11/09 07:19
推 : 欠罰...9F 11/09 07:21
推 : 罰錢就乖了10F 11/09 07:25
推 : 西門以前賺的都花掉啦?這麼怕罰錢11F 11/09 07:26
推 : 孬12F 11/09 07:27
推 : 看來76人真的找到對西門特效藥$$了?13F 11/09 07:28
推 : 球隊:屁孩心裡狀態真好懂(挖鼻14F 11/09 07:28
推 : 心理專家會拿三分線的圖片給他看問他那是什麼嗎15F 11/09 07:29
推 : 心理健康專家是要輔導76人高層嗎16F 11/09 07:32
推 : 會怕就好17F 11/09 07:33
推 : 沒錢要我們西門貴公子怎麼把妹?18F 11/09 07:33
→ : 來台灣當街友19F 11/09 07:34
推 : 真勞工典範 打一下動一下20F 11/09 07:34
推 : 罰錢真是萬靈丹,建議直接罰到領低薪21F 11/09 07:35
推 : 離開76人就痊癒了啊22F 11/09 07:36
推 : 76人心理專家:你很好,罰23F 11/09 07:36
→ : 又認輸了 這劇本要幾次 笑死24F 11/09 07:38
推 : 沒得皮囉25F 11/09 07:38
推 : 之前不是說不怕罰錢,還點讚?26F 11/09 07:40
推 : 被看破手腳 只想賺錢不想打球27F 11/09 07:40
噓 : 一聽到罰錢什麼都好配合了,嘻嘻28F 11/09 07:41
推 : 媽寶成長日記29F 11/09 07:42
推 : 西門你怎麼了呢?「我沒事...」X子,我是醫生。30F 11/09 07:43
推 : 之前不是很嘴秋強硬嘛,怎麼要罰錢就肯配合了31F 11/09 07:43
推 : 果然還是要罰款 停薪才有用32F 11/09 07:43
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 31
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