※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-11 00:19:24
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Kerr:Bjelica突然對Curry說我愛你
時間 Wed Nov 10 23:13:54 2021
@LOLKNBRSteve Kerr: "I think it was a couple of games ago, they were walking off the court together and Belly turned to him and said, 'Steph ... I love you.'"
Steve Kerr: "I think it was a couple of games ago, they were walking off the
court together and Belly turned to him and said, 'Steph ... I love you.'"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XY-6sX3 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1636557238.A.843.html
噓 : 甲上1F 11/10 23:14
→ : 樓上吃醋2F 11/10 23:14
→ : 你要小心Curry老婆3F 11/10 23:15
推 : 突然的一個情不自禁4F 11/10 23:15
推 : 甲5F 11/10 23:16
推 : 甲8F 11/10 23:21
推 : 甲上9F 11/10 23:22
推 : 貴圈真是.......XDDDD10F 11/10 23:25
推 : 靠背11F 11/10 23:27
推 : 中年出櫃12F 11/10 23:27
→ : 甲 貴隊真亂13F 11/10 23:28
→ : Where gay happens14F 11/10 23:29
推 : 謝謝Curry你讓我行情大漲15F 11/10 23:31
推 : 小心,咖哩嫂不好惹16F 11/10 23:31
推 : 由申甲申由申甲申由申17F 11/10 23:34
推 : .....茶哥看起來挺正經的怎麼突然19F 11/10 23:36
→ : 下面有人說也是他叫枸杞哥去打疫苗的,笑死
→ : 下面有人說也是他叫枸杞哥去打疫苗的,笑死
推 : 貴圈...真亂...21F 11/10 23:44
推 : 甲22F 11/10 23:46
推 : l love you….r mother24F 11/10 23:54
推 : 樓上上那是海虎嗎......25F 11/10 23:56
→ : 笑死26F 11/11 00:07
→ : 原來...龍陽之...!(X27F 11/11 00:07
推 : 甲28F 11/11 00:12
推 : 咖哩大好き29F 11/11 00:13
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 47