※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-02 18:40:28
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 更換籃球品牌導致命中率下降 PG:不是藉口
時間 Tue Nov 2 15:05:20 2021
來源: LA時報記者Andrew Greif推特/BR記者Farbod Esnaashari推特
網址: https://twitter.com/AndrewGreif/status/1455408612109537283
@AndrewGreifAsked Paul George about his theory behind the league-wide shooting drops and he said he didn't want to use it as an excuse but the new Wilson basketball "is a different basketball. ... It doesn't have the same touch and softness that the Spalding ball had."
@Farbod_EPaul George on players struggling shooting with the new Wilson basketball:
"Not to make an excuse or anything, it's just a different basketball. It doesn't have the same touch or softness as the Spalding ball had. You'll see this year, there's going to be a lot of bad misses."
Asked Paul George about his theory behind the league-wide shooting drops and
he said he didn't want to use it as an excuse but the new Wilson basketball
"is a different basketball. ... It doesn't have the same touch and softness
that the Spalding ball had."
當被問到聯盟內許多球員的命中率下降,Paul George說,他不想拿換球來當作藉口。
Paul George on players struggling shooting with the new Wilson basketball:
"Not to make an excuse or anything, it's just a different basketball. It
doesn't have the same touch or softness as the Spalding ball had. You'll see
this year, there's going to be a lot of bad misses."
Paul George被問到球員們最近對於用新的Wilson比賽用球的掙扎:
"PG shot 41.1% on 3 pointers last year.
He's shooting 41.1% on 3 pointers with the new ball.
Pretty sure he's talking about the league wide drop in percentages and not
talking about himself."
"We found Dame’s problem now lol"
"Dame is sponsored by Spalding after all"
"Ben Simmons has the perfect excuse this season, idk what he's waiting for'
"I like the new balls, considering it’s made Carmelo look like the best catch
and shoot player in the league"
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1635836723.A.DDB.html
推 : 球是真的有差吧 只是有些人適應比較快而已1F 11/02 15:07
推 : 球一定有差,只是有些人適應比較快,射手到季中應2F 11/02 15:12
→ : 該都會回來
→ : 該都會回來
推 : 雷吉上一季就沒那麼慘 這季爆炸爛4F 11/02 15:13
推 : 怎麼每篇都要鞭西門XD5F 11/02 15:14
推 : 新球在開季前應該早適應了吧? 球員自練團練還用舊6F 11/02 15:23
→ : 球?
→ : 球?
推 : 練習跟真正打比賽還是有差8F 11/02 15:25
→ : 我才不相信射手每天不投幾百球,只是肌肉記憶不是9F 11/02 15:26
→ : 那麼好替換的,尤其小李又去奧運
→ : 那麼好替換的,尤其小李又去奧運
→ : 看來是換球讓小李不適應 投不進11F 11/02 15:27
噓 : 難得理由伯不找藉口12F 11/02 15:27
推 : 球感一定有差的,就看每個人適應速度了13F 11/02 15:29
→ : 瓜哥:14F 11/02 15:32
推 : 瓜哥利多15F 11/02 15:33
推 : 嘴沒差的應該是沒在打球16F 11/02 15:33
→ : 瓜哥 : 這顆球好!17F 11/02 15:36
推 : 籃球也有彈力球喔18F 11/02 15:36
推 : PG來講真的沒問題 他這個賽季一樣鬼19F 11/02 15:39
推 : 笑死 一定要嘴西門欸20F 11/02 15:41
推 : 一堆彈球得利者 疑?21F 11/02 15:46
推 : 承認籃框進步很難嗎22F 11/02 15:47
推 : 有實力的人命中率還是一樣高23F 11/02 15:50
→ : 一定有差的啦 只能看各人適應速度了24F 11/02 15:51
推 : 晚上摸的兩顆藥球比新球難掌握,毫不影響25F 11/02 15:53
推 : PG最近的表現說這話好有說服力XD26F 11/02 16:02
→ : 對他們職業的來說的確有差 但是他們是職業的應該改27F 11/02 16:04
→ : 很快
→ : 很快
推 : 以前And1的球紋路像葵花子一樣,很好抓29F 11/02 16:06
推 : 記得十幾年前換過球 一堆射手投不好 又改回來30F 11/02 16:14
→ : 雷擊要帶面具才強31F 11/02 16:15
推 : 球的多樣性也是萬花筒的一環32F 11/02 16:21
推 : 有一年換塑膠球 大家抱怨不好抓 就換回來了33F 11/02 16:21
→ : KD:?34F 11/02 16:26
推 : PG還真的沒什麼差 看人吧35F 11/02 16:33
→ : PG今年表現其實沒受影響阿XD36F 11/02 16:35
→ : 以前雙十字刮手被罵爆阿
→ : 以前雙十字刮手被罵爆阿
推 : 上一次換球我還是國中生,現在都變叔叔了QQ38F 11/02 16:48
→ : 當時讀貴族學校,有同學去弄了nba等級的十字球給大
→ : 家打
→ : 當時讀貴族學校,有同學去弄了nba等級的十字球給大
→ : 家打
噓 : pg13%41F 11/02 16:50
→ : 那時候雙十字籃球季前被吹高高 最新科技甚麼的42F 11/02 16:51
→ : 過了一年連公園都沒人在用了笑死
→ : 過了一年連公園都沒人在用了笑死
推 : 終於PG發言也改善~還是表現改善嘞??44F 11/02 16:56
推 : idk what he's waiting for,哈哈45F 11/02 16:59
推 : 西門那句笑死46F 11/02 17:08
推 : 小李:不是藉口 是真的影響到手感47F 11/02 17:18
推 : 同意,「承認籃框進步很難嗎?」48F 11/02 17:23
推 : PG這季打得比可愛還威猛,沒毛病阿49F 11/02 17:24
→ : 這季要比可愛爛好像有點難(X50F 11/02 17:25
推 : 聯盟是要大家多打籃下 手感就沒差了51F 11/02 17:27
→ : 球變不黏 影響轉速52F 11/02 17:27
推 : 打習慣皮球了很難接受其他材質的53F 11/02 17:31
推 : 瓜哥:蛤!?有換?54F 11/02 17:45
→ : 承認防守進步很難嗎55F 11/02 18:08
推 : 西門這樣也中槍 XD56F 11/02 18:08
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 53
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