※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-10-09 23:14:07
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Mann守住Doncic進攻後 Doncic講髒話
時間 Sat Oct 9 20:07:23 2021
來源: 快艇記者Tomer Azarly推特
網址: https://twitter.com/tomerazarly/status/1446645348479373316?s=21
Tomer Azarly
@tomerazarlyTerance Mann drew an offensive foul on Luka Doncic. Mann celebrated and let him hear it as he was being helped up.
Luka reacted by saying, 'shut the f*ck up' twice.
@tomerazarlyTerance Mann drew an offensive foul on Luka Doncic. Mann celebrated and let him hear it as he was being helped up.
Luka reacted by saying, 'shut the f*ck up' twice.
Terance Mann drew an offensive foul on Luka Doncic. Mann celebrated and let
him hear it as he was being helped up.
Terance Mann守Luka Doncic,讓Doncic被判進攻犯規。Mann被隊友拉起來後大聲慶
Luka reacted by saying, 'shut the f*ck up' twice.
影片1: https://twitter.com/i/status/1446736075595010054
Tomer Azarly
@TomerAzarlyHere’s the play where Terance Mann blocks Luka Doncic and then draws an offensive foul on him.
Mann celebrated and let him hear it while Luka says, ‘shut the f*ck up,’ twice to the Clippers bench.
@TomerAzarlyHere’s the play where Terance Mann blocks Luka Doncic and then draws an offensive foul on him.
Mann celebrated and let him hear it while Luka says, ‘shut the f*ck up,’ twice to the Clippers bench.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XOON-Sp (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1633781246.A.733.html
推 : 77真的很容易生氣1F 10/09 20:07
推 : 球商高情商低的代表2F 10/09 20:08
推 : 蝦惹花啊3F 10/09 20:13
噓 : 下一篇:077進球喊ㄔㄨㄚˋ可4F 10/09 20:14
推 : 閉嘴啦臭O魚5F 10/09 20:14
→ : shut the fucking up twice?幹麼罵我們家twice啦,6F 10/09 20:15
→ : 要就去罵bp啦
→ : 要就去罵bp啦
推 : 肥宅之光8F 10/09 20:15
推 : 四樓有梗XDD9F 10/09 20:16
→ : 樓上完美示範沒讀書的人有多悲哀10F 10/09 20:17
→ : 英文是體育老師教的??
→ : 英文是體育老師教的??
推 : Shut the fucking up...12F 10/09 20:18
→ : 好繞口喔
→ : 好繞口喔
推 : 可能沒上過英文14F 10/09 20:18
推 : 笑死了四樓,好有畫面XD15F 10/09 20:19
推 : mann打球很髒,罵的好16F 10/09 20:21
推 : 這球不髒阿17F 10/09 20:22
推 : 推文說twice應該是開玩笑的吧 我覺得滿好笑的啊XDD18F 10/09 20:22
→ : 喊ㄔㄨㄚˋ可會怎樣嗎? 一直喊犯規才煩吧19F 10/09 20:23
推 : ㄔㄨㄚˋ可笑死21F 10/09 20:23
推 : 這對Mann的職涯來說應該蠻寶貴的22F 10/09 20:25
推 : Mann算很髒的話你沒多少聖人能看也耶23F 10/09 20:28
推 : MANN很拚但不髒好嗎24F 10/09 20:29
推 : 推文有人說比較像 that's a flop25F 10/09 20:33
→ : 嘴型也比較像 that's a flop
→ : 嘴型也比較像 that's a flop
推 : 4樓笑死27F 10/09 20:35
推 : 人家玩個梗而已,某人在找什麼優越感啦笑死28F 10/09 20:37
推 : mann菜鳥年 熱身賽就找上77玩了啦29F 10/09 20:39
推 : 反串吧..30F 10/09 20:40
推 : Mann打球有髒嗎==? 別亂帶風向了31F 10/09 20:41
推 : 那是犢迷帶風向...大可不必理會32F 10/09 20:44
→ : 屌~人對了就開始造謠對手33F 10/09 20:44
→ : 然後4樓超有畫面34F 10/09 20:44
→ : mann哪裡打球髒,剪些剪輯來品香一下吧!35F 10/09 20:45
→ : 造謠風氣從其他版轉過來這邊了瞜
→ : 造謠風氣從其他版轉過來這邊了瞜
推 : 連續兩年被快艇淘汰 輸不起37F 10/09 20:46
噓 : 你會表情笑笑的罵shut the f*ck up嗎 感覺很不自然38F 10/09 20:51
推 : 年輕人39F 10/09 20:58
推 : 他就半開玩笑噴一下垃圾話吧,沒到暴怒的程度40F 10/09 20:59
→ : 球場垃圾話笑笑帶過就好 何必大驚小怪41F 10/09 21:01
推 : 同樣的話如果讓天空貝說看來大家肯定噓爆42F 10/09 21:05
推 : 球商高情商低 XD43F 10/09 21:17
→ : 這樣也能看出因為季後賽被淘汰輸不起喔 太厲害了吧44F 10/09 21:18
推 : ...這年頭這麼容易大驚小怪喔...?45F 10/09 21:42
推 : EQ高一點好嗎巨嬰= =46F 10/09 21:43
推 : 這兩隊近兩年的比賽都蠻火爆的47F 10/09 21:51
→ : 生7748F 10/09 22:04
→ : 淘汰又如何,可愛還不是被操到後面無法上場49F 10/09 22:05
→ : 更早前就有結怨了50F 10/09 22:17
推 : 77的體脂到底多少啊?51F 10/09 22:27
推 : 都笑著講還情商低 會笑死52F 10/09 22:35
推 : 竟然去刺跟可愛一模一樣的刺青53F 10/09 22:37
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 40
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