※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-05-24 00:30:43
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 嘴綠:現在的我對其他人來說非常恐怖
時間 Tue May 24 00:09:10 2022
With solid performances on both ends of the floor, Green is doing everything he
can to bring another title to San Francisco, and this year may be one of his fin
est yet.
As Green told ESPN, he's feeling better mentally now than he ever has in his car
eer before:
Following a down 2019-20 and postseason absence, the Warriors' fiery leader is n
ot only eager to remind what he can do on this stage again, but he's ready to sh
ow he is the best version of Playoff Draymond yet.
"I think that's very scary for people," Green told ESPN. "And that's why I feel
so confident ... people had a hard time dealing with me before. [But] I'm in a s
pace now that's a totally different, better space. Not even close. Much, much be
tter than I was in before."
Green said he has never been more "locked in" mentally and defensively, even dur
ing the Warriors' run to five straight NBA Finals, than he is now. He's allowing
37.3% shooting as a closest defender in the 2022 playoffs, his best in the Stev
e Kerr era when excluding last year's play-in, according to Second Spectrum.
期間也不如現在。根據Second Spectrum的數據,在2022年的季後賽中,作為距離最近的防
期間也不如現在。根據Second Spectrum的數據,在2022年的季後賽中,作為距離最近的防
“I feel like right now, I am at the highest as far as my mental capacity that I
’ve ever been. For sure."
Draymond Green Drops Truth Bomb On His Current Condition: "I Am At The Highest As Far As My Mental Capacity That I’ve Ever Been." - Fadeaway World
With just two wins to go before securing a trip to the NBA Finals, the Golden State Warriors are back on top of the basketball world, and Draymond Gre ...
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※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 05/24/2022 00:09:33
推 : 白痴失誤也不少 好意思說1F 05/24 00:10
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 05/24/2022 00:10:09→ : 物理上的恐怖2F 05/24 00:11
推 : 確實3F 05/24 00:12
推 : 蛋疼4F 05/24 00:12
推 : 恐怖喔!恐怖5F 05/24 00:13
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 05/24/2022 00:13:18推 : 你一直都很恐怖 在各種方面上6F 05/24 00:13
推 : 恐怖7F 05/24 00:13
推 : G2才爆炸過....8F 05/24 00:14
推 : 謙虛了,您一直都對其他人而言很恐怖9F 05/24 00:14
→ : Scary Hours10F 05/24 00:15
推 : 防守很給力 但拜託不要每次都傳一堆危險的Lead pass11F 05/24 00:15
推 : 一直都是12F 05/24 00:16
推 : 失誤也很恐怖13F 05/24 00:16
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 05/24/2022 00:16:30→ : 現在的我現在的我是個笑連給14F 05/24 00:19
推 : 鋼鐵蛋表示:15F 05/24 00:19
推 : 雷點時候隊友怕 認真的時候對手怕16F 05/24 00:19
推 : 一直都很恐怖17F 05/24 00:20
推 : 灰熊G5不就被你失誤敗掉的XD18F 05/24 00:20
→ : 不過今年防守很強倒是真的
→ : 不過今年防守很強倒是真的
推 : 下一場......= =20F 05/24 00:20
推 : G2超雷還敢說21F 05/24 00:21
推 : 謙虛了22F 05/24 00:22
噓 : 自信點 把現在去掉23F 05/24 00:22
→ : 的確很恐怖24F 05/24 00:22
推 : 失誤跟發瘋吃T很可怕25F 05/24 00:23
推 : 其他人應該包含隊友吧 XDDDD26F 05/24 00:23
推 : 不止現在,是一直都很恐怖27F 05/24 00:23
推 : 是在恐嚇誰 不是說好要身體對抗但不髒嗎?28F 05/24 00:24
→ : Adam:29F 05/24 00:25
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 44