※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-05-13 22:35:36
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作者 標題 [外絮] Luka Doncic:喜歡背水一戰的比賽
時間 Fri May 13 20:41:44 2022
Luka Doncic Q&A: Trash talk vs. Suns, MVP voting, Mavs’ keys to win Game 6 and more
Luka Doncic might’ve had a rough morning. After the Mavericks watched film of Tuesday’s 30-point Game 5 loss to the Phoenix Suns, they held a shootaro ...
You talked about attacking the paint. What goes into that? Is it as simple as
putting your head down and get in there, or are there things that lead up to
Doncic: “I think it’s both. It’s easier said than done, as you know. And
Phoenix, I think when they set their defense, it’s amazing. I’m sure they’
re the best in the league. So it’s tough to get into the paint. I think we’
re going to have to do a little more pace and just get into actions quicker
than we were in Game 5. We didn’t execute that well. So we’ve just got to
play with a little more pace.”
You have been in more elimination games than pretty much anyone over the last
year with the qualifier and Olympics last summer, too. What did you learn
from those experiences?
Doncic: “I mean, I like those games. You know, before for the game you have
that feeling, like butterflies in your stomach. I like that feeling.
Basketball feeling is a great feeling for me. And [what] I’ve learned is we’
ve just got to stick together. I know I’ve been in a lot of those games,
especially in Europe and with the national team. And when we’re winning it’
s a lot of fun, so I hope I’m on that side again.
“When we had to qualify [for the Olympics] against Lithuania [last summer].
It was very fun. We won. It’s gonna be really tough, but we believe right
now. We believe and this is a great group, a great group. And I think we made
a huge, huge step this year, from the beginning, I think from the start, we
started out bad and we just picked it up. And our defense has improved a lot,
so I think we took a huge step this year.”
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→ : 還是比較想看太陽勇士,抱歉了771F 05/13 20:42
噓 : 純推牛熊2F 05/13 20:43
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噓 : 一樓我勇岌岌可危啊 別舒服6F 05/13 20:45
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推 : 西門面臨背水一戰可是一點都不緊張,這更厲害8F 05/13 20:46
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→ : 西門背水一戰背痛啊11F 05/13 20:46
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推 : 發言的挺好的欸7713F 05/13 20:47
推 : 反觀樓下那篇1-814F 05/13 20:47
→ : 10分內就可以颯爽結束本季了15F 05/13 20:49
噓 : 勇士 太陽下去吧 看膩了16F 05/13 20:49
推 : 太陽:等等 我還沒奪冠欸17F 05/13 20:50
推 : 你說勇士就算了 太陽也中槍....?18F 05/13 20:50
推 : 下一場淘汰大腸吧19F 05/13 20:52
推 : 太陽這次季後賽沒打出季賽的統治力有點意外20F 05/13 20:57
推 : 搞不好是熊犢 嗚嗚嗚21F 05/13 20:57
噓 : 對立陶宛那場,軍訓小沙和大v到生活不能自理,然後22F 05/13 20:58
→ : 大沙臭臉頒mvp講座給77哈哈哈
→ : 大沙臭臉頒mvp講座給77哈哈哈
推 : 最後會是熱火公鹿小牛勇士24F 05/13 20:59
推 : 你是不是喜歡魔女25F 05/13 21:00
推 : G7肯定是太陽拿下,謝謝太陽給小牛G7打26F 05/13 21:02
推 : 我犢vs灰熊很不錯啊 開啟新世代27F 05/13 21:02
推 : 超譯:太陽防守超好的但還是被我打爆了28F 05/13 21:03
推 : 熊犢也不錯 新生代明星PG也有話題29F 05/13 21:03
推 : 小犢能到這一刻很猛了,就給太陽的那一次冠軍吧30F 05/13 21:04
推 : 加油31F 05/13 21:04
推 : 小牛對灰熊這個組合的真的太新穎了32F 05/13 21:04
→ : 要過小犢先祈禱那37老人回神吧 連四場了33F 05/13 21:06
推 : 你陽主場穩爆34F 05/13 21:06
→ : 拿3w可以了啦35F 05/13 21:07
推 : is fun36F 05/13 21:09
推 : 77衝啊啊啊 太陽下去37F 05/13 21:10
→ : Luka的背水一戰喔(PTSD發作38F 05/13 21:12
推 : 期待小牛勇士39F 05/13 21:16
推 : 期待小牛熱火40F 05/13 21:20
→ : 小犢穩了41F 05/13 21:21
推 : 可是太陽勇士現在都不樂觀42F 05/13 21:25
推 : 這個接在鬍子那篇後面真滴諷刺43F 05/13 21:27
推 : 西門是背水一痛44F 05/13 21:27
推 : 勇陽後場軟手組合下去45F 05/13 21:30
推 : 要就太陽對勇士,不然就灰熊對小牛….46F 05/13 21:30
→ : 西門:喜歡背痛一季的比賽47F 05/13 21:31
推 : 期待我牛對勇士QQ48F 05/13 21:31
推 : 你勇再一場就晉級啦 蒿吐鷺鷥49F 05/13 21:33
推 : 77未來是你的 先讓CP3吧50F 05/13 21:35
推 : 梗圖是哪一部劇?51F 05/13 21:38
推 : 加油啊52F 05/13 21:38
推 : 既然這樣 以後比賽水都讓你來背吧53F 05/13 21:38
推 : 歐洲韓信54F 05/13 21:41
推 : 期待熊牛大戰!55F 05/13 21:51
推 : 又大又硬56F 05/13 21:56
推 : 西冠牛熊,牛市vs熊市,超應景57F 05/13 21:57
推 : CP3藏到G758F 05/13 21:58
推 : 我只說一次勇士在一場晉級59F 05/13 22:03
推 : 熊犢之戰 老人家通通下去60F 05/13 22:03
→ : 熊牛比較好吧 新人新氣象61F 05/13 22:16
推 : 希望可以看到讓三追四的系列戰62F 05/13 22:21
推 : 這樣最會背水的77遇上最會關門的公鹿不知鹿死誰手63F 05/13 22:22
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