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作者 標題 [外絮] 杜馬斯成為NBA執行營運副總監
時間 Tue May 3 13:07:52 2022
Joe Dumars named Executive Vice President, Head of Basketball Operations
The Hall of Fame player and veteran team executive will oversee all Basketball O
perations matters for the NBA.
Official release
May 3, 2022 1:17 AM
NEW YORK – The National Basketball Association (NBA) announced today that Joe
Dumars, a Hall of Fame player, distinguished team executive and NBA champion wit
h more than 30 years of experience in the league, has been appointed Executive V
ice President, Head of Basketball Operations. Dumars will begin with the leagu
e office on May 9 and report to Byron Spruell, President, League Operations.
The NBA announced today that Joe Dumars, a Hall of Fame player, distinguished te
am executive and NBA champion with more than 30 years of experience in the leagu
e, has been appointed Executive Vice President, Head of Basketball Operations.
More https://t.co/mMVhbsIgkz pic.twitter.com/O9OKyWhICa
Joe Dumars named Executive Vice President, Head of Basketball Operations - NBA.com: NBA Communications
The National Basketball Association (NBA) announced today that Joe Dumars, a Hall of Fame player, distinguished team executive and NBA champion with m ...
In his new role, Dumars will oversee all Basketball Operations matters for the N
BA, including the development of playing rules and interpretations, conduct and
discipline, and policies and procedures relating to the operation of games. He
will engage with players, coaches, team executives, officials and other key sta
keholders to sustain the highest level of play and competition. Dumars will al
so lead the overall talent strategy for Basketball Operations and reinforce a cu
lture of inclusivity and innovation.
“Joe’s extensive track record of accomplishment as an NBA player and team exec
utive and the leadership and expertise that he has demonstrated in various roles
make him a natural fit to drive efforts to further enhance the game,” said Spr
uell. “As a respected longtime member of the NBA family, Joe has developed st
rong relationships across the league that will set the foundation for success in
his new position.”
“My life has centered on the NBA for nearly 40 years, which makes the opportuni
ty to serve the entire league incredibly exciting and rewarding,” said Dumars.
“I’m looking forward to using my skills and experience to collaborate with
all 30 teams on ways to shape the future direction of the league and help the ga
me continue to evolve.”
The NBA Sportsmanship Award is named for Dumars, with the Joe Dumars Trophy pres
ented annually to the NBA player who best represents the ideals of sportsmanship
on the court. Dumars was the inaugural winner of the NBA Sportsmanship Award
(1995-96 season). As a player, he also received the J. Walter Kennedy Citizens
hip Award for his outstanding service and dedication to the community.
Dumars joins the league office after working three seasons with the Sacramento K
ings, the last two as Chief Strategy Officer. In his most recent position, he
developed and implemented strategy across the organization’s entire portfolio o
f activities, including business, basketball, new ventures, entertainment and re
al estate.
Prior to Sacramento, Dumars served 15 seasons as a basketball executive with the
Detroit Pistons (1999-2000 – 2013-14), including the final 14 as President of
Basketball Operations. With Dumars overseeing player personnel decisions, the
Pistons won an NBA championship (2003-04 season), made six consecutive appearanc
es in the Eastern Conference Finals (2002-03 – 2007-08) and recorded at least 5
0 victories in seven straight seasons (2001-02 – 2007-08). He was named the N
BA Basketball Executive of the Year for the 2002-03 season.
Dumars joined the Pistons’ front office after a decorated 14-year playing caree
r in the NBA, all with Detroit, which selected him in the first round (18th ove
rall pick) of the 1985 NBA Draft. A six-time NBA All-Star selection and three-
time All-NBA Team honoree, Dumars helped the Pistons win back-to-back NBA champi
onships in the 1988-89 and 1989-90 seasons and was named the Most Valuable Playe
r of the 1989 NBA Finals. He is the franchise leader in games played.
One of the top all-around guards of his era, Dumars averaged at least 20 points
per game three times and was selected to the NBA All-Defensive Team five times.
In international competition, Dumars won a gold medal with USA Basketball at
the 1994 FIBA Basketball World Cup. He was inducted into the Naismith Memorial
Basketball Hall of Fame in 2006.
In addition to his success as an NBA player and executive, Dumars served as Pres
ident of Basketball Division for Independent Sports & Entertainment (ISE), an in
tegrated sports, media, entertainment and management company, from 2017-19. He
also founded the automotive supply company Detroit Technologies Inc. and Joe Du
mars Fieldhouse, an indoor sports and entertainment complex with two locations i
n the Detroit area.
A native of Shreveport, Louisiana, Dumars holds a bachelor’s degree in business
management from McNeese State University, where he had a legendary basketball c
areer as a four-time selection to the All-Southland Conference First Team. Reco
gnized as the Southland Conference’s 1980s Player of the Decade, Dumars is a me
mber of the National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame.
Joe Dumars named Executive Vice President, Head of Basketball Operations | NBA.com
The Hall of Fame player and veteran team executive will oversee all Basketball Operations matters for the NBA. ...
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→ : 算是做到更高階去了
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 39
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