※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-05-02 18:30:09
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] KT:小AI跟我說"冷靜點"
時間 Mon May 2 16:29:17 2022
Anthony Slater
@anthonyVslaterKlay Thompson was celebrating hard after that stop to seal the Game 1 win: "Then Andre (Iguodala) grabbed me and said: 'Keep your composure!' Then I realized I needed to settle down. It's one game. We didn't come here to win one."
@anthonyVslaterKlay Thompson was celebrating hard after that stop to seal the Game 1 win: "Then Andre (Iguodala) grabbed me and said: 'Keep your composure!' Then I realized I needed to settle down. It's one game. We didn't come here to win one."
Klay Thompson was celebrating hard after that stop to seal the Game 1 win:
"Then Andre (Iguodala) grabbed me and said: 'Keep your composure!' Then I
realized I needed to settle down. It's one game. We didn't come here to win
Andre showing his value without stepping on the court for 1 second.
So happy he’s back with us.
He also tried to stop Draymond from running around the court after the
ejection. He failed but he tried.
Couldn't do it with Draymond. Only David West could, lol.
你阻止不了嘴綠啦~只有大衛西可以 lol
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1651480160.A.376.html
推 : 真假1F 05/02 16:31
推 : 原來他在灰熊就是這樣展現價值的2F 05/02 16:31
推 : 真假3F 05/02 16:31
推 : 確實 冷靜 真假 亂講4F 05/02 16:31
推 : 下面回文都在酸嘴綠XDDDD5F 05/02 16:31
推 : 小AI今天出賽的時間跟他在灰熊出賽的時間一樣6F 05/02 16:31
→ : KT : ㄚㄚㄚㄚㄚㄚㄚㄚㄚㄚ7F 05/02 16:31
推 : XDDD8F 05/02 16:31
→ : 贏一場就在爽9F 05/02 16:32
推 : 冷靜10F 05/02 16:33
→ : 笑死,嘴綠這樣嗆對手,有時反而會激勵對方士氣11F 05/02 16:33
→ : 難怪罰球…..12F 05/02 16:35
推 : 真假13F 05/02 16:36
推 : 今天的裁判不需要被激勵士氣啦 就讓嘴綠跑跑吧14F 05/02 16:36
推 : 確實15F 05/02 16:38
噓 : 罰球16F 05/02 16:39
推 : 灰狼表示:17F 05/02 16:39
推 : 確實18F 05/02 16:39
推 : 練罰好嗎19F 05/02 16:40
推 : 真假20F 05/02 16:42
推 : 確實 罰丟兩球是手感跑掉的警訊21F 05/02 16:42
推 : 冷靜22F 05/02 16:42
推 : 真假23F 05/02 16:42
推 : 老將價值,穩定軍心24F 05/02 16:43
推 : 賽後綠在球員通道迎接隊友的時候 小Ai也拉著綠想跟25F 05/02 16:44
→ : 他說什麼
→ : 他說什麼
推 : FMVP的場合 出來穩定軍心27F 05/02 16:44
噓 : 差點被你雷掉 雖然也是你投進了逆轉三分 好好練罰球28F 05/02 16:44
→ : 好嗎?
→ : 好嗎?
推 : 老AI:一堆神經病30F 05/02 16:45
推 : 小AI大概也很想送灰熊回家吧XDDD31F 05/02 16:45
推 : 賽後通道依估也拉著嘴綠說一堆 XD32F 05/02 16:45
推 : 小AI怕在客場被圍巴,畢竟之前的事得低調33F 05/02 16:46
推 : 冷靜.jpg35F 05/02 16:50
→ : 老將價值,再一年再一年36F 05/02 16:50
推 : 雖然失敗但他試過了XDDDD37F 05/02 16:51
推 : 亂講38F 05/02 16:57
推 : 冷靜39F 05/02 16:57
推 : KT今天很雷40F 05/02 16:59
推 : 不知道被驅逐出場之後還能被插 T 嗎 !? 綠真大膽耶41F 05/02 17:03
→ : 冷靜點偏激肥宅43F 05/02 17:07
推 : 原來小ai是薛寶45F 05/02 17:18
→ : 兩個字,大中計46F 05/02 17:19
噓 : 看到小AI這垃圾就是噓啦47F 05/02 17:23
推 : 樓上冷靜,不過來不及了48F 05/02 17:25
→ : 亂講49F 05/02 17:33
推 : 年輕人就是衝動 再見了50F 05/02 17:37
推 : 嘴綠真的超嘲諷的51F 05/02 17:40
→ : 灰狼不懂52F 05/02 17:41
→ : 真假53F 05/02 17:44
推 : 真假54F 05/02 17:50
推 : 冷靜55F 05/02 17:51
推 : 確實56F 05/02 17:52
推 : 確定是薛寶不是好傑寶嗎?57F 05/02 18:01
→ : 雖然8 vs5贏了,還是要冷靜58F 05/02 18:07
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 86
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