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作者 標題 [外絮] Jerry West要求HBO影集"勝利時刻"道歉
時間 Thu Apr 21 01:24:15 2022
來源: https://pse.is/444qhg ESPN
Jerry West demands retraction, apology over portrayal in HBO series 'Winning Time'
Former Lakers executive Jerry West has demanded a retraction and an apology for what he called "a baseless and malicious assault" on his character in ...
Former Los Angeles Lakers executive Jerry West is demanding a retraction and
an apology for what he called "a baseless and malicious assault" on his
character in the HBO series "Winning Time," in a letter sent Tuesday evening
by his legal team to the network and producer Adam McKay that was obtained by
根據ESPN收到來自前洛杉磯湖人管理層Jerry West法律團隊給製片人Adam McKay的律師信
West's lawyers allege that "Winning Time falsely and cruelly portrays Mr.
West as an out-of-control, intoxicated rage-aholic," saying that "bears no
resemblance to the real man." They ask for a retraction no later than two
weeks from the receipt of the letter.
"The portrayal of NBA icon and L.A. Lakers legend Jerry West in 'Winning
Time' is fiction pretending to be fact -- a deliberately false
characterization that has caused great distress to Jerry and his family,"
said Skip Miller, a partner at the Miller Barondess LLP law firm in Los
Angeles and attorney for West. "Contrary to the baseless portrayal in the HBO
series, Jerry had nothing but love for and harmony with the Lakers
organization, and in particular owner Dr. Jerry Buss, during an era in which
he assembled one of the greatest teams in NBA history.
"在劇中對於NBA門面及湖人傳奇Jerry West的描繪是預設為現實的創作--這個故意捏造的
角色塑造造成Jerry及他的家人極大的困擾,"Skip Miller, Miller Barondess法律事務所
球團並沒有怨懟且只有愛與和諧,尤其是與前老闆Jerry Buss博士,在湖人是NBA史上最偉
角色塑造造成Jerry及他的家人極大的困擾,"Skip Miller, Miller Barondess法律事務所
球團並沒有怨懟且只有愛與和諧,尤其是與前老闆Jerry Buss博士,在湖人是NBA史上最偉
"Jerry West was an integral part of the Lakers and NBA's success. It is a
travesty that HBO has knowingly demeaned him for shock value and the pursuit
of ratings. As an act of common decency, HBO and the producers owe Jerry a
public apology and at the very least should retract their baseless and
defamatory portrayal of him."
"Jerry West在湖人及NBA的成功是不可或缺的一部分。HBO為了譁眾取寵與追求收視率而公
West's lawyers said HBO's disclaimer that the series is a dramatization does
not insulate the network from liability.
HBO did not immediately respond to or comment on West's letter.
The series, which has been airing on Sunday nights this spring on HBO, is
based on author Jeff Pearlman's book "Showtime: Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the
Los Angeles Lakers Dynasty of the 1980s."
勝利時刻:湖人王朝崛起這個春季每周日晚上上映,是根據作家Jeff Pearlman的著作"
Showtime: 魔術,卡里姆,萊利及1980湖人王朝"進行改編。
West's lawyers allege that the series creators acted with "legal malice"
because many scenes in the series showing West's purported rage did not
appear in Pearlman's book and did not happen. The letter includes statements
from former players such as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Michael Cooper and Jamaal
Wilkes, as well as Lakers employees such as Claire Rothman, Charlene Kenney,
Bob Steiner and Mitch Kupchak who worked with West during the time period
covered in the show, denying that they ever saw him commit any of the
rage-filled acts or drink alcohol in the office, as depicted in the series.
克斯及一些湖人員工Rothman, Kenney,Steiner與Kupchak這些在這段時間與West共事的人
克斯及一些湖人員工Rothman, Kenney,Steiner與Kupchak這些在這段時間與West共事的人
"Instead of exploring his issues with compassion as a way to better
understand the man, they turn him into a Wile E. Coyote cartoon to be laughed
at," Abdul-Jabbar said in a statement. "He never broke golf clubs, he didn't
throw his trophy through the window. Sure, those actions make dramatic
moments, but they reek of facile exploitation of the man rather than
exploration of character."
Rothman, who ran operations at the Great Western Forum for over 20 years and
is portrayed by Gaby Hoffmann in the series, said, "Jerry treated me and
everyone else in the Lakers organization with dignity and respect. I never
saw Jerry break or throw anything in anger or rage nor did I hear anyone ever
say he did such things."
Rothman,經營Great Western論壇長達20年且由Gaby Hoffmann飾演,說"Jerry對我與其他
Kupchak, now the Charlotte Hornets' general manager, played for the Lakers
from 1981 to 1986 and then worked alongside West in the Lakers' front office
from 1986 to 2000.
"During my time with the Lakers as a player and in the front office, Jerry
was always professional, even-keeled and soft-spoken," Kupchak said. "He was
always positive and encouraging with me. I also found Jerry to be honest and
sincere. I never saw or heard Jerry lose his temper with anyone. I also never
saw or heard Jerry go on an angry rant or tirade, nor did I ever see or hear
Jerry scream or yell at anyone. That was not his personality. Jerry is
soft-spoken and does not like confrontation. He always keeps his composure
and remains calm even when he has a disagreement with someone. Last, I've
never heard or seen Jerry ever break or throw anything in anger."
West's lawyers said he is due a retraction, an apology and damages from HBO
and the show's producers because "the show goes out of its way to denigrate
Jerry West despite his accomplishments as an executive."
控且詆毀了Jerry West,即使他做為湖人的管理層的勞苦功高。"
The letter goes on to cite the series' depiction of West's role in the
drafting of Magic Johnson, saying it implies West had "personal animus"
against Johnson and tried to "sabotage" his selection. West's lawyers said he
only pointed out Sidney Moncrief's scoring ability and that the Lakers should
consider him, while then-team owner Jack Kent Cooke had the final decision.
力並湖人應該要考慮他,但老闆Jack Kent Cooke做出了最終抉擇。
力並湖人應該要考慮他,但老闆Jack Kent Cooke做出了最終抉擇。
"So instead of seeing the true Jerry West -- a brilliant GM who was the
architect of one of the great NBA dynasties -- anyone who watched the show
would be left with the false impression that West is incompetent, that he
didn't want Magic Johnson. This is a fabrication," the letter says. "Contrary
to the show, the book leaves readers with the true impression of Jerry as a
brilliant and thoughtful GM. Your extreme departure from the book shows
malice in your false portrayal."
"所以比起描繪真實的Jerry West--一名睿智並作為NBA最偉大王朝之一的建築師的GM--任
來 製片人之一的Jeanie Buss你還有甚麼話要說?
"Shit Show"
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YO472BB (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1650475458.A.2CB.html
→ : 湖人場內場外戲都好多1F 04/21 01:28
推 : 這部戲怎麼風波這麼多 0.02F 04/21 01:30
其實就是Jeanie Buss又一次秀下限 以為在戲裡偷嘴不會被看到= =推 : 謝謝譯文,辛苦了3F 04/21 01:39
我把扣打用完了 結果看到西門第四戰回歸的消息不能發= =推 : 看來Logo爺的怒火將要用法律戰訴諸行動了……4F 04/21 01:39
噓 : 這隻誰? ==5F 04/21 01:41
推 : NBA LOGO的代表人物都不知道樓上好雲6F 04/21 01:47
推 : 滿扯的,那麼多曾經共事的人有出來幫忙澄清了7F 04/21 01:47
→ : 看來真的是新一輪對Logo爺的惡搞,無下限欸?
→ : 看來真的是新一輪對Logo爺的惡搞,無下限欸?
推 : 不知道logo爺是有在看球嗎==9F 04/21 01:48
推 : 湖人管理層越來越臭10F 04/21 01:58
推 : 珍妮真是把湖人搞得烏煙瘴氣 -.-11F 04/21 01:59
推 : 湖人是想把本業變成拍影集嗎?12F 04/21 02:09
推 : 支持告死13F 04/21 02:12
推 : 取消west的季票又在影集中抹黑,Buss跟west是有什14F 04/21 02:14
→ : 麼深仇大恨嗎?
不知道 而且從可愛爭奪戰之前就交惡了 魔術好像也有一份→ : 麼深仇大恨嗎?
推 : Wow,WOJ的推特西門第四戰要復出!?16F 04/21 02:14
對啊 你要不要發一下QQ 我翻完這篇文剛好看到要復出 很嘔 不能發了推 : 稍微逛了一下Twitter裡湖人粉絲團17F 04/21 02:19
推 : 我也是看到78大提才去刷的,真的要復出耶靠,不過18F 04/21 02:19
→ : 我不太會發文,留給其他人XD
→ : 我不太會發文,留給其他人XD
→ : 好像有很多人覺得這不過是個影集,又不是紀錄片20F 04/21 02:20
有 律師信裡有提到蠻多次 但主要爭議點是在惡意改編的部分 而且你根據現實事件改編的影集本來就要顧慮到現實人物的想法與形象 造成實際損失本來就很容易被告
推 : 其實也很常見啦21F 04/21 02:23
→ : 《霍元甲》不是也被滅門嗎哈哈
對啊 那件事也是鬧很大 最主要還是因為湖人就有人參與製作了這個影集 整個事情更加→ : 《霍元甲》不是也被滅門嗎哈哈
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 臺灣), 04/21/2022 02:24:37
→ : 雖然我還蠻喜歡看這部片的,但對West 老爺以及其他23F 04/21 02:24
→ : 人的描述我都是抱著一種這是演戲但現實根本不可能
→ : 的心態在看
→ : 人的描述我都是抱著一種這是演戲但現實根本不可能
→ : 的心態在看
推 : 欸不是,你說球隊經營的爛就算了,怎麼整天搞隊史的26F 04/21 02:27
→ : 球星= =還嘴人家...
→ : 球星= =還嘴人家...
→ : 西門要復出不是早就有消息了嗎28F 04/21 02:28
→ : 幹嘛大驚小怪
→ : 幹嘛大驚小怪
推 : 就算影集也不能隨便這樣搞人家吧,怎麼不這樣弄珍妮30F 04/21 02:33
→ : 湖人高層到底為啥要這樣追殺一個退休名宿 超級難看31F 04/21 03:01
推 : 惡搞自家球隊傳奇球星不遺餘力32F 04/21 03:02
推 : 這大概是湖人帶風向作業的結果吧33F 04/21 03:04
→ : 二代上位鬥老臣的戲碼…34F 04/21 03:09
→ : 一代跟老臣一步步建立王朝的革命情感,二代沒有還
→ : 自認很行辭退老臣自己搞爛公司,真是標準劇情。
→ : 一代跟老臣一步步建立王朝的革命情感,二代沒有還
→ : 自認很行辭退老臣自己搞爛公司,真是標準劇情。
→ : 光是劇名就不符現實了37F 04/21 03:27
推 : 有這麼容易免責 那大家就隨便寫小說攻擊現實人物啦38F 04/21 03:36
推 : 看來就是很容易就沒事39F 04/21 03:51
推 : 湖人老闆真的很低級 為了污衊前員工直接捏造事實40F 04/21 04:02
→ : 說真的 你球隊經營的爛是能力和運氣問題 但是這種捏
→ : 造、醜化並傳播出去來詆毀前員工 就是單純的人品低
→ : 劣了 哪是什麼戲劇效果就可以說得過去
→ : 說真的 你球隊經營的爛是能力和運氣問題 但是這種捏
→ : 造、醜化並傳播出去來詆毀前員工 就是單純的人品低
→ : 劣了 哪是什麼戲劇效果就可以說得過去
推 : 堂堂West爺這樣羞辱,實在太無恥44F 04/21 04:15
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 42
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