※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-20 00:08:05
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 雷霆Presti:認為快艇擁有最佳陣容去奪冠
時間 Tue Apr 19 21:18:31 2022
Joe Mussatto
@joe_mussattoPresti: "I think the Clippers probably have the best roster in basketball and probably will win a title, multiple titles."
Presti said this in context of the Clippers' injuries.
@joe_mussattoPresti: "I think the Clippers probably have the best roster in basketball and probably will win a title, multiple titles."
Presti said this in context of the Clippers' injuries.
Presti: "I think the Clippers probably have the best roster in basketball and
probably will win a title, multiple titles."
Presti said this in context of the Clippers' injuries.
雷霆總經理Sam Presti談快艇隊:
Clemente Almanza
@CAlmanza1007Sam Presti on potential roster crunches with four top-34 picks: "If we have to cut some good players, we'll have to cut some good players... I can see us picking four times... It all comes down to value... I can see us trading the 12th pick."
@CAlmanza1007Sam Presti on potential roster crunches with four top-34 picks: "If we have to cut some good players, we'll have to cut some good players... I can see us picking four times... It all comes down to value... I can see us trading the 12th pick."
Sam Presti on potential roster crunches with four top-34 picks: "If we have
to cut some good players, we'll have to cut some good players... I can see us
picking four times... It all comes down to value... I can see us trading the
12th pick."
Sam Presti談到4個前34順位選秀簽對潛在球隊陣容擁擠的影響:
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YNhQgV1 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1650374314.A.7C1.html
※ 編輯: sezna ( 臺灣), 04/19/2022 21:19:49
推 : 喔~雷霆要幹大事了嗎1F 04/19 21:21
推 : 相信普總2F 04/19 21:23
※ 編輯: sezna ( 臺灣), 04/19/2022 21:25:17→ : 往上換嗎?是看上誰了呢?3F 04/19 21:25
推 : 把全部籤跟人梭哈KD鬍子跟龜龜!4F 04/19 21:25
推 : 龜 鬍 KD LBJ 小丑5F 04/19 21:27
推 : 不坦了?6F 04/19 21:29
→ : 有人知道他嗑了什麼嗎?7F 04/19 21:33
推 : 嫌籤太多不好用吧8F 04/19 21:33
推 : 把鬍子忍者龜KD找回去啊9F 04/19 21:34
→ : 把籃球之神、籃球天才、籃球勇士組一隊,有搞頭嗎10F 04/19 21:38
推 : [花邊] 東區GM:LBJ試圖讓Presti取代Pelinka11F 04/19 21:39
推 : 全員健康的情況下,的確12F 04/19 21:41
推 : 這說不準喔 說不定又把12順位籤拿去換更多籤…換上13F 04/19 21:46
→ : 癮
→ : 癮
推 : 全員健康真的很可怕啊 大概就是禁區有點隱憂15F 04/19 21:49
→ : 快艇今年直接給他一個樂透籤 他當然要吹一下…16F 04/19 21:56
推 : 雷霆的籤太多17F 04/19 21:56
推 : 普總在放眼2023...18F 04/19 22:03
推 : 雷霆到底什麼時候要秀操作好期待 搞了一堆籤19F 04/19 22:07
推 : 雷霆表示雙槍,三少之後當然是要組雷霆四天王20F 04/19 22:16
→ : 真的好奇要怎玩弄這堆籤,練蠱就不好玩了21F 04/19 22:20
推 : 全員健康還是只能操五小 沒先發等級5號是要怎麼奪22F 04/19 22:28
→ : 冠
→ : 冠
推 : 雷霆以前加IBAKA的確叫四少24F 04/19 22:36
推 : 總管應該是說快艇籤如果沒神抽前四就要換走25F 04/19 22:37
推 : 四少沒問題啊 問題是IBAKA年齡謊報不知道幾歲26F 04/19 22:49
推 : 抽獎27F 04/19 23:13
→ : 在臭快艇?28F 04/19 23:52
→ : 快艇根本湊不齊人
→ : 快艇根本湊不齊人
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 55
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