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作者 標題 [外絮] 今天老鷹贏球後,尼克巫師沒季後賽了
時間 Fri Apr 1 14:52:24 2022
Knicks, Wizards Eliminated from Playoff Contention After Hawks' Win over Cavs | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
The New York Knicks and Washington Wizards have been eliminated from ...
Knicks, Wizards Eliminated from Playoff Contention After Hawks' Win over Cavs
The New York Knicks and Washington Wizards have been eliminated from playoff
contention following the Atlanta Hawks' 131-107 win over the Cleveland
Cavaliers on Thursday.
Washington sits 12th in the Eastern Conference with a 33-43 record, while New
York is 11th with a 34-43 record.
The 2021-22 campaign has been a highly disappointing one for the Knicks, who
reached the playoffs last season after finishing fourth in the Eastern
Conference with a 41-31 record.
New York had high hopes this year after adding Evan Fournier and Kemba Walker
before the season and trading for Cam Reddish in mid-January. However, none of
those additions have worked out.
The Knicks and Walker agreed last month to have him sit out the remainder of
the season due to ongoing issues with his knee and his subpar performance
through 37 games. He was averaging 11.6 points, 3.0 rebounds and 3.5 assists
before being shut down. It had been his worst season in the league.
As for Fournier, he is also in the midst of a subpar season, averaging 14.3
points, 2.6 rebounds and 2.1 assists through 75 games. For comparison, he
averaged 17.1 points, 3.0 rebounds and 3.4 assists during the 2020-21 campaign
Reddish, meanwhile, has seen minimal time on the court since being acquired
from the Hawks. So he's not as much to blame for the team's lack of success
this year.
In addition, Derrick Rose, the team's starting point guard, has appeared in
just 26 games this year. He underwent surgery on his ankle and hasn't played
since Dec. 16.
As for the Wizards, this season has been similarly disappointing after they
reached the playoffs during the 2020-21 campaign. Washington traded Russell
Westbrook to the Los Angeles Lakers during the offseason in exchange for
Montrezl Harrell, Kyle Kuzma and Kentavious Caldwell-Pope. Harrell, however,
is now with the Charlotte Hornets
The Wizards also signed Spencer Dinwiddie over the offseason, but he struggled
with the franchise and ended up being traded to the Dallas Mavericks at the
And much like the Knicks, Washington is also missing one of its best players
in Bradley Beal, who is out for the season after undergoing season-ending
surgery to repair a torn ligament in his wrist.
With both teams now officially eliminated from playoff contention, they can
focus on ways to improve their squads entering the 2022-23 season.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1648795948.A.100.html
→ : 東區名額都定了吧 剩下排順位而已1F 04/01 14:53
推 : 恐怖巫師來惹2F 04/01 14:54
推 : 八卦是巫師戰績比湖人好3F 04/01 14:54
推 : 恐怖巫師走了4F 04/01 14:55
推 : 巫師開季猛成那樣 結果也太慘5F 04/01 14:55
推 : 巫師尼克加油,戰績好一點我鶘的籤位才能好6F 04/01 14:55
→ : 在西區的話還有機會7F 04/01 14:55
推 : 龜龜交易湖人巫師雙輸8F 04/01 14:56
推 : 恐佈巫師後 一路向下9F 04/01 14:56
推 : 所以巫師的問題是什麼啊?10F 04/01 14:57
Beal關機、丁丁沒打出來推 : 還記得巫師開季被亂吹一通 不過Kuz這季真不錯11F 04/01 14:57
推 : 旅湖就是神,有褲子怎麼可能沒東冠12F 04/01 14:57
※ 編輯: hanson90244 ( 臺灣), 04/01/2022 14:57:41推 : 巫師備戰下一季吧13F 04/01 14:57
推 : 反觀西區14F 04/01 14:57
→ : 巫師不是因為氣氛嗎15F 04/01 14:57
推 : 恐怖巫師沒進季後賽,真的恐怖16F 04/01 14:58
→ : 東區第10勝率都還在5成1917F 04/01 14:58
推 : 巫師的問題就得分比對手少的場次比較多 也沒什麼大18F 04/01 14:58
→ : 不了 其實很多隊都有這樣的問題
→ : 不了 其實很多隊都有這樣的問題
推 : 巫師中間調度時間變得有點像是在練兵20F 04/01 14:58
推 : 巫師至少清掉龜龜的薪資 還大有可為 湖人就真的21F 04/01 14:58
→ : 慘
→ : 慘
推 : 恐怖巫師23F 04/01 14:59
→ : 丁丁在巫師的時候超爛啊24F 04/01 14:59
推 : 巫師有夠恐怖25F 04/01 14:59
推 : Beal立旗之後巫師就26F 04/01 14:59
推 : 巫湖維持差不多戰績很長一段時間 最近湖還更爛27F 04/01 14:59
→ : 巫師就Beal報銷+休息室氣氛最後乾脆交易處理28F 04/01 14:59
推 : 巫師一開始看起來蠻不錯 後面直直滑落29F 04/01 15:00
推 : 巫師球員定位不明確 吃大鍋飯平均主義30F 04/01 15:00
[情報] Beal發出警告“巫師隊有多恐怖” - 看板 NBA - 批踢踢實業坊
消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Bradley Beal issues a warning of how ‘scary’ the Wizards could be “Just imagine when everything starts clicking, when everybody's gelling,
消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Bradley Beal issues a warning of how ‘scary’ the Wizards could be “Just imagine when everything starts clicking, when everybody's gelling,
推 : 巫師真的要好好整頓一下+找個控球33F 04/01 15:01
推 : 褲子快穿起來34F 04/01 15:01
→ : 但巫師現在整體陣容很年輕且核心陣容有慢慢明確了35F 04/01 15:01
推 : 沒龜 巫師就沒季後賽了36F 04/01 15:01
推 : 巫師就讓褲子刷 真正的少主八村壘反而沒時間37F 04/01 15:01
推 : beal在能扛進?我是懷疑啦38F 04/01 15:02
→ : 如果Beal沒報銷巫師今年應該有機會打附加賽39F 04/01 15:02
→ : 八村能力夠格當少主嗎…40F 04/01 15:02
→ : 前6很難 但卡個9-10名應該有機會41F 04/01 15:03
→ : 巫師問題算比較小是真 整合起來還是很容易翻身 材料42F 04/01 15:03
→ : 算有
→ : 算有
噓 : 恐怖巫師 倒了44F 04/01 15:03
→ : Beal就算沒報銷 我是也不覺得有比東區前10哪隊強45F 04/01 15:03
推 : Beal關機前 戰績就掉下來了46F 04/01 15:03
→ : 還輪不到八村當少主啦 他現在頂多排第4XD47F 04/01 15:03
→ : 關鍵那是那二個...48F 04/01 15:03
推 : Beal就幹分後衛,他可以不用吃球權,但控球要有人49F 04/01 15:04
推 : 無情雙殺50F 04/01 15:04
→ : 不用不覺得 沒報銷戰績應該會比現在更好 老鷹也是51F 04/01 15:05
→ : 巫師補個控球 其實剩下整合不難 該有也都有52F 04/01 15:05
→ : 拉尾盤才在最近甩開巫師的53F 04/01 15:05
推 : 不可能,我旅湖小將天下無敵54F 04/01 15:05
推 : 老鷹又淘汰了尼克一次55F 04/01 15:06
→ : 東區現在是誰一定有季後賽,誰要先打附加賽的差別56F 04/01 15:06
推 : 老鷹拉尾盤就是因為整體戰力有啊 之前傷病問題不比57F 04/01 15:07
→ : 巫師就一路向下,人家老鷹也傷了jc58F 04/01 15:07
→ : 給八村當少主應該會沉淪十年59F 04/01 15:07
推 : 反觀龜要把七五湖扛進附加賽了 真心respect60F 04/01 15:07
→ : 你光是看最近幾場巫師沒有Beal+褲子打出的內容就知61F 04/01 15:07
→ : 巫師少 巫師之前比老鷹戰績好不也是老鷹傷病問題62F 04/01 15:07
→ : 道球隊整體陣容還是可以的63F 04/01 15:08
→ : 論兩邊都健康的話 巫師不太可能贏老鷹64F 04/01 15:08
→ : 這很難說吧 因為巫師少的是他們的第一主將65F 04/01 15:09
→ : 這就跟老鷹少吹楊是一樣的道理
→ : 雖然吹楊隊球隊的影響力是大於BEAL的啦
→ : 這就跟老鷹少吹楊是一樣的道理
→ : 雖然吹楊隊球隊的影響力是大於BEAL的啦
推 : beal在的時候是17勝23敗 不在是16勝20敗68F 04/01 15:11
→ : 結果全部都在討論巫師69F 04/01 15:11
→ : 他就重來沒扛過球隊,在那邊70F 04/01 15:11
→ : 從來
→ : 從來
噓 : 沒交易掉龜龜的話八成還可以靠龜扛進季後賽的72F 04/01 15:13
推 : 不管有沒有扛球隊 人家就是球隊頭號得分手 說他缺陣73F 04/01 15:13
推 : 龜這兩場有扛起湖人前進附加賽?你看的是哪個湖人74F 04/01 15:14
→ : 沒影響就跟說Ja Morant對球隊沒影響力一樣75F 04/01 15:14
推 : 旅湖就跟湖人一起放暑假 XD76F 04/01 15:14
推 : 去年是龜扛沒問題啊,怎麼了77F 04/01 15:14
推 : 湖人也要跟著下去了78F 04/01 15:15
→ : 沒說沒影響阿,是影響真的沒想像大79F 04/01 15:15
推 : 旅湖!80F 04/01 15:17
推 : 沒想像大沒錯 但巫師在他缺陣後很常出現單節得分荒81F 04/01 15:17
推 : 走路人 求仁得仁82F 04/01 15:17
→ : 其實令人失望的只有尼克吧 巫師本來就沒被看好83F 04/01 15:18
推 : 隔壁還有恐怖湖人84F 04/01 15:19
推 : 留龜龜會不會進季後賽不好說 但交易後確實沒進85F 04/01 15:19
推 : 巫師很難說龜一個人扛起來,尤其前面他真的雷86F 04/01 15:19
→ : 後面關鍵老實說是因為其他人也都有發揮起來
→ : 除了龜龜+Beal,像是Gafford小羅Smith表現都不錯
→ : 巫師真的也是要一個控球來搭,不然即使Beal在
→ : 我想戰績會好一點,但增幅可能是蠻有限的
→ : 後面關鍵老實說是因為其他人也都有發揮起來
→ : 除了龜龜+Beal,像是Gafford小羅Smith表現都不錯
→ : 巫師真的也是要一個控球來搭,不然即使Beal在
→ : 我想戰績會好一點,但增幅可能是蠻有限的
→ : 尼克季前補強+去年成績確實讓人對他們今年充滿期待91F 04/01 15:20
推 : 去年就補進Gafford,然後Russ跟Beal搭配還不錯92F 04/01 15:20
→ : 我看走路人去巫師好了 看能不能找到第2春93F 04/01 15:20
→ : 去年Lopez勾射也是猛猛94F 04/01 15:21
→ : 走路人現況,說真的比較適合帶二陣了95F 04/01 15:21
→ : 他控場沒到穩阿,尤其如果到季後賽層級
→ : 他控場沒到穩阿,尤其如果到季後賽層級
推 : 走路人就不行了,頂多二陣撐一下97F 04/01 15:22
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 52
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