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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Lonzo Ball未來十天停止跑動恢復
時間 Tue Mar 22 18:09:56 2022
Lonzo Ball: Latest snag in Chicago Bulls guard's recovery - Chicago Tribune Chicago Bulls guard Lonzo Ball will stop running for the next 10 days as he continues to rehabilitate from meniscus surgery. ...
A late-season return from meniscus surgery is becoming increasingly unlikely
for Chicago Bulls guard Lonzo Ball.
Ball ceased running this week in the latest development in his recovery
process, which has been stymied by continued knee discomfort for several
weeks. He won’t attempt to run again for 10 days. Ball hasn’t been able to
sprint or perform any drills at full speed since he underwent surgery in
At the time, Ball was given a six-to-eight-week window to rehabilitate from
surgery and rebuild strength. But his recovery has been complicated by a deep
bone bruise in the knee that he suffered before the torn meniscus.
Every time Ball attempts a drill at full speed, he experiences pain in the
knee, coach Billy Donovan said Monday. Every time he feels that twinge, he’s
forced to stop.
Donovan emphasized that the discomfort isn’t indicative of further damage to
the knee, but the injury isn’t healing as swiftly as the Bulls hoped.
The Bulls will determine whether Ball can return for the regular season after
the 10-day moratorium on running. At that point, only six games will remain
on the schedule, which means Ball is unlikely to return to the rotation
before the postseason.
對於芝加哥公牛隊後衛Lonzo Ball來說,接受半月板手術後於賽季末回歸變得越來
每次Ball嘗試全速奔跑時,他都會感到膝蓋疼痛,教練Billy Donovan週一表示。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YEQ1tCW (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1647943799.A.320.html
※ 編輯: sezna ( 臺灣), 03/22/2022 18:10:20
推 : 痛1F 03/22 18:12
推 : 旅狐2F 03/22 18:13
推 : 公牛掰掰 明年再來3F 03/22 18:13
噓 : 常規賽4F 03/22 18:13
※ 編輯: sezna ( 臺灣), 03/22/2022 18:16:31→ LBJ23 …
推 : 公牛看來要掰了6F 03/22 18:17
推 : 照公牛今年對陣強隊這個戰績本來機率也不太大7F 03/22 18:17
→ : 其實沒差 今年公牛進playoff也只是陪打的8F 03/22 18:21
→ : 湖爪迷真可怕 追殺一輩子9F 03/22 18:22
推 : 少他差很多10F 03/22 18:23
→ LBJ23 …
→ : 結束了QQ12F 03/22 18:26
→ : NBA要全員健康還真困難13F 03/22 18:27
推 : 什麼湖爪 湖羌迷吧14F 03/22 18:37
推 : 簽約之前本來就痛痛了,公牛下季大概要考慮更嚴格保15F 03/22 18:38
→ : 護他
→ : 護他
推 : 公牛變成強隊檢測機17F 03/22 18:38
→ : B2B都不能上之類的18F 03/22 18:39
推 : 球哥還不錯 但有點痛阿 半月板的問題很久了19F 03/22 18:44
推 : QQ20F 03/22 18:47
推 : 公牛今年先累積季後賽經驗吧 反正拉文看起來會續21F 03/22 18:49
→ : 後幾年還是有機會
→ : 後幾年還是有機會
推 : 球哥加油啊23F 03/22 18:55
推 : 他和P-Will都是大傷 後者才剛復出 就好好把季後賽24F 03/22 18:58
→ : 經驗吸收起來展望明年 現在根本不用去考慮能走多遠
→ : 經驗吸收起來展望明年 現在根本不用去考慮能走多遠
推 : 球哥體質也真的是滿脆的...26F 03/22 19:02
推 : 還是跟wade一樣直接拿掉更好嗎27F 03/22 19:05
→ : 大球痛痛人28F 03/22 19:07
推 : 拿掉會比較好嗎? 短期會吧 長期不會29F 03/22 19:09
推 : 全員到齊的公牛是有競爭力的,球不要太急30F 03/22 19:14
→ : 當年的四大控31F 03/22 19:14
→ : 其實他本身不錯 就是玻璃了點 尤其之前三分有長出來32F 03/22 19:24
推 : 好的,加油33F 03/22 19:26
→ : 可惜了,每年都在大修34F 03/22 19:26
推 : 可惜今年公牛那麼精彩35F 03/22 19:28
推 : 球哥也是住院醫生等級的了36F 03/22 19:30
推 : 看來這季要回來很困難了37F 03/22 19:45
推 : 他太玻璃了 穿錯鞋誤一生38F 03/22 19:52
推 : 直接關機吧 膝蓋不多休息會更糟糕39F 03/22 20:07
→ : WADE說過他非常後悔拿掉40F 03/22 20:09
推 : 沒關西靠我大球三了41F 03/22 20:10
推 : 保重42F 03/22 20:13
推 : 未來是公牛的43F 03/22 20:14
→ : 這幾次傷有明顯碰撞嗎? 如果傷勢常常只是動作做一做44F 03/22 20:26
→ : 就會發生 這體質真的太脆弱了
→ : 就會發生 這體質真的太脆弱了
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 35
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