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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] DDR穿Jordan鞋 Kobe: 你他X的穿那鞋幹嘛?
時間 Thu Mar 10 10:56:42 2022
來源: FadeAwayWorld
網址: https://tinyurl.com/2x3a3dka
DeMar DeRozan Reveals Kobe Bryant's Epic Reaction When He Wore A Pair Of Jordans To A Game: "The F--k You Go Those On For?" - Fadeaway World
In a sitdown with Serge Ibaka on his show, 'How Hungry Are You?' Bulls star DeMar DeRozan told a number of interesting stories about his past. In one ...
DeMar DeRozan Reveals Kobe Bryant's Epic Reaction When He Wore A Pair Of
Jordans To A Game: "The F--k You Go Those On For?"
DeMar DeRozan講到他穿Jordan鞋去跟Kobe打球 Kobe的反應
In a sitdown with Serge Ibaka on his show, 'How Hungry Are You?' Bulls star
DeMar DeRozan told a number of interesting stories about his past.
DDR上了Serge Ibaka的節目,「How Hungry are you?」,這位公牛球星講了很多他
In one particular segment, he described an encounter with Kobe Bryant that
has many fans smiling. According to DeRozan, it all started when he wore a
pair of Jordan's during a game against Bryant and the Lakers:
影片: https://streamable.com/qaa7qh
"The relationship we had, I always wore his shoe. I remember walking out and
the first thing he did was look at my feet. I was like 'nah I ain't wearing
his shoes to play against him tonight.' So I wore Jordans. And he said 'what
the f--k you got those on for?' He was mad at me for doing that and he ended
up hitting the game-winner on us that night, too. Talking trash and
everything. Ever since then, I never ever put another pair of Jordans on."
"Don't wear the shoe -> Kobe hits game winner.
Wear the shoe -> you are wearing your opponent's shoe."
"Wearing the shoe of your opponent is asserting your dominance. Ginobili wore
LeBron's when the Spurs beat the Heat in 2014"
"The real winning move is to steal his shoe midgame and put it on"
"Wearing kobe's while playing against kobe; "your wearing my shoes bitch, I
own you""
"Go barefoot, that's the only way"
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YAMZjS4 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1646881005.A.704.html
推 : XDDDDDDD1F 03/10 10:57
推 : 笑死2F 03/10 10:58
→ : 所以到底能不能穿對手主將的鞋子?3F 03/10 10:58
推 : 推老大4F 03/10 10:59
推 : kobe我好想你QQ5F 03/10 10:59
→ : 78人6F 03/10 10:59
推 : 不知道是哪場比賽7F 03/10 11:00
推 : 笑了QQ8F 03/10 11:00
推 : DDR:可是現在kobe鞋好難買9F 03/10 11:01
推 : KD:Boucher沒資格穿我的鞋10F 03/10 11:01
推 : 真的想看到教練Kobe QQ11F 03/10 11:01
推 : 穿Jordan會激起Kobe鬥志吧 乖乖穿自己的鞋就好12F 03/10 11:01

推 : 日常Kobe小故事+115F 03/10 11:02
→ : 潛規則是不穿對面的16F 03/10 11:03
推 : 這個以前DDR就講過得樣子 應該不算+117F 03/10 11:03
推 : 太無情啦18F 03/10 11:05
推 : 老大QQ19F 03/10 11:05
推 : 穿別人鞋就吃醋了20F 03/10 11:07
推 : 傲嬌21F 03/10 11:09
推 : 穿對面鞋子你要先不被自己隊友靠北 一般就不會穿22F 03/10 11:09
推 : 悀jQQQQQ23F 03/10 11:10
→ : 可惜現在沒這種強勁對手了24F 03/10 11:10
推 : 感謝13樓 下面留言有提到Jordan鞋子 哈哈25F 03/10 11:11
推 : 打的不好鞋子會被kobe沒收26F 03/10 11:11
推 : 還以為顯靈了27F 03/10 11:11
推 : 又想念老大了28F 03/10 11:13
推 : 兩個都推!29F 03/10 11:16
推 : 換鞋不就:你竟然穿我的鞋子來對付我30F 03/10 11:17
推 : DDR有自己的鞋嗎?31F 03/10 11:18
→ : 笑死XD 老大傳說+132F 03/10 11:20
推 : 這很老大XDD33F 03/10 11:22
推 : 應該就是上面那場沒錯,可以看到DDR穿AJ10 XD34F 03/10 11:24
推 : 強勁的對手(X35F 03/10 11:28
→ : 78人(O
→ : 78人(O
推 : 笑了笑了就哭了37F 03/10 11:33
推 : DDR值得有自己的鞋38F 03/10 11:33
推 : 說DDR值得有自己的鞋的 自己會買幾雙39F 03/10 11:39
推 : 老大 俺想你!40F 03/10 11:40
推 : 哼 我們9分衛偷丟前隊友的鞋才好玩呢41F 03/10 11:47
推 : 老大QQ42F 03/10 11:50
推 : 老大啊!!!43F 03/10 11:51
推 : 老大太狂了44F 03/10 11:52
推 : 到時候又有黑酸冒出來說,哪來那麼多Kobe小故事,45F 03/10 11:54
→ : 第幾篇了
→ : 第幾篇了
推 : 影片那場沒錯,真的穿Jordan47F 03/10 12:06
推 : 哭啊老大的鞋現在不好找...48F 03/10 12:11
→ : 不要穿對方球衣就好49F 03/10 12:18
推 : 老大霸氣日常QQ50F 03/10 12:20
推 : 哭了51F 03/10 12:26
推 : 還在巔峰的老大 動作超優美...52F 03/10 12:30
推 : 老大森77,撃敗DDR53F 03/10 12:43
推 : 這個故事以前就說過了54F 03/10 12:44
推 : 狗鼻強爆了55F 03/10 12:48
推 : 老大56F 03/10 13:07
推 : 78人57F 03/10 14:27
推 : 老大58F 03/10 15:50
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 113
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