※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-10 18:39:24
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] KD:比較MJ跟LBJ沒意義,兩人沒同場打過
時間 Thu Mar 10 18:20:30 2022
Brooklyn Nets superstar Kevin Durant has grown tired of all the comparisons betw
een LeBron James and Michael Jordan. KD has chimed in on the raging debate with
a very interesting take that could possibly put an end to all of this.
布魯克林籃網隊巨星KD已經厭倦了LBJ和MJ之間的所有比較。 KD 以非常有趣的方式加入了
In a recent episode of The ETCs with Kevin Durant podcast, the Nets star decided
to spend some time to talk about the LeBron vs. MJ debate. KD started off his a
rgument by saying that despite all the comparisons, the fact of the matter is th
at these legends will never get to face off on the basketball court:
在最近一集的播客中,這位籃網球星決定花一些時間談論LBJ與MJ的辯論。 KD 一開始就表
“MJ would never play against LeBron in a game,” Durant stated (h/t Justin Thom
as Hammill of Sportskeeda).
According to the Nets superstar, it just doesn’t make sense trying to determine
who the better player is between LeBron and MJ. The fact of the matter is that
these two won’t get the chance to prove it in the best way possible: on the bas
ketball court.
“Why the hell are we always comparing these guys like they’re gonna play again
st each other?” Durant said. “… When you look at what they’ve done separate
of, like, the comparisons, it’s some unbelievable shit from both of them. And t
hat transcends the game of basketball, you know. I’ve heard people say ‘You’r
e the LeBron of this,’ so, you know, he’s in that realm, too.”
Be that as it may, Durant did not hesitate to heap praise on these two icons of
the sport:
“I think LeBron will be in that same realm,” said Durant. “… There’s, like,
no comparison to what Michael Jordan did. It’s just different. You know what I
’m saying? … Y’all both are something we never seen before. You know, both un
ique, both sitting in your own areas of greatness.”
已。你們知道我在說什麼? ......你們都是我們以前從未見過的球員。你們知道,你們兩
已。你們知道我在說什麼? ......你們都是我們以前從未見過的球員。你們知道,你們兩
KD clearly holds both LeBron James and Michael Jordan in very high regard. For t
he fans, many would argue that Durant himself is worthy of being mentioned in th
e same breath as these two legends, too.
KD 顯然非常重視LBJ和MJ。對於球迷來說,許多人會爭辯說,KD本人也值得與這兩位傳奇人
Nets news: Kevin Durant on LeBron James-Michael Jordan comparisons
Nets star Kevin Durant gets brutally honest about why he thinks it doesn't make sense comparing LeBron James and Michael Jordan. ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YAT3m4h (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1646907632.A.12B.html
→ : KD真會說話1F 03/10 18:21
推 : 意思是比較我跟LBJ比較有意義2F 03/10 18:21
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 03/10/2022 18:22:00→ : 好 一個山羊 一個山羌3F 03/10 18:22
推 : 確實4F 03/10 18:22
→ : 事實 羊跟羌沒什麼好比較的5F 03/10 18:22
→ : 意思是我跟LBJ打過 你們可以比較我跟他(X6F 03/10 18:23
推 : KD最近在中肯個什麼7F 03/10 18:23
→ : 反正KD一挑一 一定血洗這兩隻8F 03/10 18:23
推 : 確實 因為不用比 山羊詹厲害多了 MJ現在不敢來找山9F 03/10 18:23
→ : 羊詹單挑 怕自己的招牌被搶走
→ : 羊詹單挑 怕自己的招牌被搶走
推 : 一個動作那麼醜11F 03/10 18:25
推 : KD:可以跟我比12F 03/10 18:25
推 : KD:不過在推特上就算兩個組隊也會被我噴到無法自理13F 03/10 18:25
推 : 確實14F 03/10 18:26
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 03/10/2022 18:26:12推 : KD重拾鄉民本業15F 03/10 18:26
→ : KD:KD打贏LBJ16F 03/10 18:26
推 : 確實17F 03/10 18:27
推 : KD務實 KD有料18F 03/10 18:28
→ : KD忘記切帳號吧 得體19F 03/10 18:28
推 : 這個時間點說是不是偷酸XD20F 03/10 18:29
→ : KD:但我跟LBJ同場過21F 03/10 18:29
推 : KD:但KD跟LBJ同場過,還贏了兩年22F 03/10 18:29
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 31
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