※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-09 13:02:10
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] KD:有些人生活不如意藉罵人來獲得釋放
時間 Wed Mar 9 12:14:56 2022
KD: "I think part of the experience of coming to an NBA game is to heckle. Som
e people don't even enjoy basketball, their lives are so shi*** that they get
to just aim it at other people. So it's easy to kind of get that release at a
basketball game. Ben understands that."
Nick Friedell
@NickFriedellKD: "I think part of the experience of coming to an NBA game is to heckle. Some people don't even enjoy basketball, their lives are so shi*** that they get to just aim it at other people. So it's easy to kind of get that release at a basketball game. Ben understands that."
@NickFriedellKD: "I think part of the experience of coming to an NBA game is to heckle. Some people don't even enjoy basketball, their lives are so shi*** that they get to just aim it at other people. So it's easy to kind of get that release at a basketball game. Ben understands that."
KD on being center of firestorm "It's a different situation because I got to p
lay and shut people up every time I hit a jump shot. And when you win it feels
good..but Ben doesn't have that opportunity right now he's got to sit there a
nd just take a bunch of people being childish"
Nick Friedell
@NickFriedellKD on being center of firestorm "It's a different situation because I got to play and shut people up every time I hit a jump shot. And when you win it feels good..but Ben doesn't have that opportunity right now he's got to sit there and just take a bunch of people being childish"
@NickFriedellKD on being center of firestorm "It's a different situation because I got to play and shut people up every time I hit a jump shot. And when you win it feels good..but Ben doesn't have that opportunity right now he's got to sit there and just take a bunch of people being childish"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YA2d6me (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1646799302.A.C28.html
→ : KD:KD1F 03/09 12:15
推 : 自介?2F 03/09 12:15
→ : KD就比較高招了 都開小號偷酸3F 03/09 12:15
推 : 笑死,真的是這樣4F 03/09 12:15
→ : 圓仔 自介5F 03/09 12:15
推 : 鄉民被嗆6F 03/09 12:15
推 : 忘了切小號7F 03/09 12:16
推 : 我大KD成熟得體心態正確!8F 03/09 12:16
→ : KD:像我都開小號9F 03/09 12:17
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 03/09/2022 12:18:12推 : 罵人的工作都交給分身了10F 03/09 12:18
推 : KD中肯11F 03/09 12:18
推 : KD:所以我罵人都開小號12F 03/09 12:19
推 : 幹 地圖炮13F 03/09 12:19
→ : KD:KD都開分身罵人來釋放,實在有夠爽14F 03/09 12:19
推 : 認同15F 03/09 12:19
→ : 場上熱身 場下才是上班16F 03/09 12:20
推 : KD身體力行17F 03/09 12:20
→ : KD:分身越開越多,罵得越來越爽,真是紓壓18F 03/09 12:20
推 : KD說這話很有說服力啊,親身經歷XD19F 03/09 12:20
推 : 誰生活不如意20F 03/09 12:20
推 : 例如他自己21F 03/09 12:20
→ : 阿你不也一樣嗎XDDD笑死22F 03/09 12:21
推 : 但西門沒辦法,沒辦法命中跳投23F 03/09 12:21
推 : 這個版很多 嘻嘻24F 03/09 12:21
推 : KD:說你啦easymoneysniper25F 03/09 12:22
推 : KD:門沒有關係,他們只是在忌妒你26F 03/09 12:22
推 : 一次全臭 KD不愧為推特王27F 03/09 12:22
推 : 欸不是 今天是歐半仙的大日子耶 洗什麼洗28F 03/09 12:22
→ : 很顯然今天KD打球沒有流汗29F 03/09 12:22
推 : KD說這話很有說服力 畢竟他自己也是過來人30F 03/09 12:22
噓 : 不就是你31F 03/09 12:23
→ : …KD罵到自己了32F 03/09 12:23
推 : 今天精力都花在這了33F 03/09 12:23
推 : KD最懂噴人的快樂34F 03/09 12:23
推 : 今天不忍了耶 火力全開35F 03/09 12:23
→ : 照一下鏡子36F 03/09 12:24
→ : 中肯啊37F 03/09 12:24
推 : 嗆PTT嗆夠了沒38F 03/09 12:24
推 : 臭到版上好多人,要被追殺了39F 03/09 12:24
推 : Some people=酸民40F 03/09 12:24
→ : 所以他拿冠軍以後就沒開小號了嗎XDDD41F 03/09 12:24
推 : 本板不歡迎自介42F 03/09 12:25
推 : 每當我命中跳投....確實西門那那個機會43F 03/09 12:26
噓 : 鄉民日常44F 03/09 12:26
推 : 推KD 自嘲45F 03/09 12:26
推 : KD:在座的各位都是狗屎46F 03/09 12:26
→ : KD講這種話最有說服力47F 03/09 12:26
推 : 你各位聽到沒48F 03/09 12:26
推 : 西門狂被嘴XD49F 03/09 12:27
推 : 阿不就自我介紹?50F 03/09 12:27
推 : 大哥是不是一直在背演講稿 所以今天心不在焉51F 03/09 12:27
→ : 就是講你們52F 03/09 12:28
→ : KD:剛跟黃蜂只是熱身53F 03/09 12:28
推 : KD是不是影分身之術 今天狂嘴欸54F 03/09 12:28
推 : KD洗板55F 03/09 12:29
推 : KD體力都拿來打推特56F 03/09 12:30
推 : KD之夜57F 03/09 12:30
推 : 最強鄉民真的很懂58F 03/09 12:32
→ : elvit Magic03 rothanl AdaDa lavarsla 表示:不要59F 03/09 12:33
→ : KD(線上)進攻能力完全解放60F 03/09 12:33
→ : 噹我,不要洗我臉61F 03/09 12:33
→ : 西門小貓,只能坐在那邊62F 03/09 12:33
推 : 在嗆人生失敗只能鍵盤在那靠北的意思?XD63F 03/09 12:34
→ : KD今天特別兇喔64F 03/09 12:34
推 : 自介...65F 03/09 12:35
推 : 偷臭西門沒辦法命中跳投66F 03/09 12:38
推 : 但是西門不會跳投67F 03/09 12:39
→ : XDDDD KD真的鄉民68F 03/09 12:39
推 : KD真的讚 喜歡他直白的個性!69F 03/09 12:41
推 : KD今天好夯70F 03/09 12:42
推 : 請勿自介71F 03/09 12:42
推 : 臭酸民間接臭西門?72F 03/09 12:43
推 : 所以你才需要那麼多小號嗎wwww73F 03/09 12:43
推 : 本版部分人士能被KD提到,與有榮焉!74F 03/09 12:43
推 : 這個版真的很多某羌族特別臭75F 03/09 12:43
推 : 例如開小號還忘記切換的北七76F 03/09 12:45
推 : KD: 我可以跳投,西門不行77F 03/09 12:46
推 : 我大KD就是嘴 讚!78F 03/09 12:47
推 : 就是我啦 哈哈79F 03/09 12:48
推 : 靠邀 本版一堆人中槍80F 03/09 12:49
推 : 我有點分不清他是在臭酸民還是在臭西門81F 03/09 12:49
推 : KD火力全開笑死82F 03/09 12:49
→ : NBA陳禹勳83F 03/09 12:49
推 : 直接本尊現實嗆惹84F 03/09 12:50
推 : 賺那麼多錢不會想,花點錢找1450帶風向,也不會被85F 03/09 12:50
→ : 嘴分身一輩子!
→ : 嘴分身一輩子!
推 : KD自己87F 03/09 12:53
推 : theeasymoneysniper?88F 03/09 12:54
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 62
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