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作者 標題 [外絮] Dudley如何轉換角色並幫助達拉斯獨行俠
時間 Wed Mar 2 18:34:56 2022
How Jared Dudley switched seats on the bench and became a key part of the Mavs - The Official Home of the Dallas Mavericks
Jared Dudley thought he would be wearing a Lakers jersey right now. When the Lakers made their way to Dallas in December, Dudley was on the court, but ...
Jared Dudley thought he would be wearing a Lakers jersey right now. When the Lakers made their way to Dallas in December, Dudley was on the court, but ...
Jared Dudley thought he would be wearing a Lakers jersey right now. When the
Lakers made their way to Dallas in December, Dudley was on the court, but in
a completely different role than he imagined–a coach for the Dallas
When Dudley took off his Lakers jersey in early June 2021 after a
series-ending loss to the Suns in the first round, he fully expected to put
it back on a few months later. But free agency passed and he was preparing
for the season when a zoom call with the Lakers took him by surprise.
“I had a Zoom meeting with them,” Dudley said. “They were looking to go
younger. That was their whole message. I talked with Bron, AD, and Russ and
they all wanted me back. But the organization wanted to go a different way
and all you can do is respect it.”
If Dudley knew of the Lakers’ desire to go younger earlier in the summer
when free agency was just getting underway, he might still be wearing a
jersey right now. “If I would have known beforehand, I might have gone to
the Clippers with T-Lue or with Chauncey in Portland. There were so many
people I had resources to.”
Dudley obviously didn’t get that chance and had to change course. The next
step: to become an NBA general manager. His plan was to live in Los Angeles
and commute back-and-forth to New York for Adam Silver’s GM program.
All of this unfolded as Dudley was in Las Vegas training for the season,
something he has done throughout his career. Training alongside Kyle Lowry,
Josh Green, and other NBA players, Dudley received a call from a friend –
former Lakers assistant and current Mavericks assistant, Greg St. Jean.
正當達叔照慣例在洛杉磯,與Kyle Lowry、Josh Green等球員訓練時,他接到一通由前
湖人助教、現任獨行俠助教Greg St. Jean打給他的電話。
“We might have an opportunity for you,” St. Jean said over the phone.
「我們或許有個機會給你。」St. Jean在電話上是這麼說的。
Over the next few days, everything fell into place. Once Jason Kidd and Nico
Harrison came calling, registering Dudley’s interest in joining Kidd’s
coaching staff in a front-of-the-bench role, it was an opportunity Dudley
couldn’t pass up. So, what was the pitch from Kidd to Dudley on why he
should hang up the jersey to join his coaching staff?
Kidd talked about the combination of Harrison, Luka Doncic, and an owner that
wants to win. How they were building something in Dallas and wanted a player’
s perspective with the influence of Dudley. “I think they were thinking
about Rasheed Wallace as a candidate. They had different candidates. I think
they both knew that I dealt with other players like LeBron, Giannis, Booker,
Bradley Beal. To help Luka and KP. Not only that, but we are also looking for
free agents. I know 70 percent of the league.”
Kidd談到全隊上下從老闆、GM到Luka Doncic都渴望贏球,以及他們想在達拉斯打造的東西
Rasheed Wallace,但他們知道我和LBJ、字母、書人和Beal等人相處過,不僅能幫助
“Duds just finished playing and probably could still play,” Kidd said after
practice one day. In fact, if you stick around long enough, you can catch
Dudley getting in a sweat with the guys post-practice as he helps instill a
defensive system that comes from Frank Vogel.
Dudley knew the scrimmaging in practice would be the easy part, but he didn’
t expect the coaching part to be as easy. He got the computer work and
cutting clips down in just a few weeks. The public speaking comes naturally
and the scouting is a newfound love. Watching a team play five times as he
scouts and develops gameplans is one of his favorite parts of the job.
Because he knows that if he doesn’t do his job, players will sniff that out
quick. “Me being a coach, they respect your professionalism depending how
prepared you are,” Dudley said. “You can’t bull**** a player.”
Dudley does his job, and he does it well. Most of all, he enjoys it, but he
also misses the comradery in the locker room. The plane rides and the bus
rides to the arena. For someone who loves the relational side of the game,
relationships just look different now as a coach. But it’s his relationships
around the league that make him the coach that he is.
“Being able to relate to the guys, winning a championship, and playing with
the best players in the world. Just his street cred and being able to talk to
our players and tell them what is coming, giving them the answers and what it
means to work, I think it’s a big thing to have a coach like that,” Kidd
And Kidd is 100 percent correct. When talking with players on the team,
having someone like Dudley who can relate to them at their level has been a
key part of the season. Reggie Bullock told me about getting drafted to the
Clippers and spending time behind Dudley in the rotation. The professionalism
and work he saw Dudley put in every day has led to the trust Bullock has in
Dudley coaching him defensively.
Maxi Kleber spends time with Dudley before every game going over video and
said that Dudley helps him “read situations better and make adjustments for
the next game.” For Dorian Finney-Smith, it’s about the details Dudley can
recognize having just played the game. But it all comes down to the
connection that Dudley has with the players.
“What he sees out there on the floor is just like us as players,” Tim
Hardaway Jr. said. “We can relate to him. He does a great job talking to us
on the bench. Just his role and presence plays a huge role in our success.”
Jalen Brunson added, “I’ve talked to JD a little bit about the transition
from a player to a coach. Coaching might be something in my future. I think
the transition he is going through will help me. Just watching him from that
aspect, how he is connected with the guys. He is someone we can all look
towards because he has been through the fire.”
Dudley went through that fire for 14 years, but he always knew coaching would
be the endgame. His goal was to play one more year and then get into
coaching. It just came a little faster than he thought. And when the
opportunity arose for him to join the Mavs in a front-of-the-bench role
alongside Jason Kidd, he couldn’t pass it up.
Most assistants scout 10-15 games in a season. Dudley is scouting 29 games
this season and, in his mind, it’s basically two seasons of scouting under
his belt and two steps closer to being a head coach one day. At this moment,
he is gathering his own infinity gauntlet with stones coming from coaches of
his past. He took the motivation stone from Doc Rivers and the Xs & Os stone
from Ty Lue. Last year, he took the defensive stone from Frank Vogel.
“You take a little bit of everything,” Dudley said. “I think what will
separate me from a lot of these coaches is the communication. If I can look
LeBron in the face and tell him he’s messing up and play better and call him
out, then I can call anyone out. There is a certain way you must do it. It is
a unique thing not all coaches have. I have hung out with 19-year-old
Giannis, 20-year-old Booker…Nash 38, Shaq 37. I have range on how to talk to
It is the relationships that mean more now than ever. When Spencer Dinwiddie
was traded to the Dallas Mavericks, it was Jared Dudley that spent the time
with him upon arrival. When opposing players come out of the tunnel for their
pregame routine, it’s Dudley that many of them are dapping up and spending
time with on the court. And he recognizes that relationships are what leads
to player movement. “It’s a player’s league,” Dudley said. “If they don’
t like the coach or situation, they aren’t going.”
So, what is Dudley, through his relationships, hearing from around the league
on what Dallas is building?
“They love the city,” Dudley said. “Most people believe Luka is top-five.
Some people either love Mark Cuban or don’t get him. Half and half on that.
I think that there is a lot of potential. Them doing Kidd and Nico was a
power move. Nico has been offered many jobs in front offices. I think that is
huge. It is not a matter of how, but when. Once we get those meetings, it
will be hard to turn this down.”
And make no mistake about it, Jared Dudley is part of “this” now.
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推 : 「他們希望補強年輕人」???1F 03/02 18:37
推 : 獨行俠加油2F 03/02 18:38
推 : 佩總說想補強年輕人,結果最後是找軟豆、DAJ 湖迷想3F 03/02 18:38
→ : 只是不想簽你而已4F 03/02 18:38
→ : 念你啊達叔….5F 03/02 18:38
推 : 恭喜達叔6F 03/02 18:38
推 : 「他們希望補強年輕人」???7F 03/02 18:39
→ : 曾經的巨頭(物理)8F 03/02 18:40
→ : 最後的格子湖人補了豆總、DAJ、AB9F 03/02 18:40
→ : 真的是很想補強年輕人欸XD
→ : 啊有一個轉正AR啦
→ : 真的是很想補強年輕人欸XD
→ : 啊有一個轉正AR啦
推 : 將他從Vogel那學來的防守系統灌輸給球員?!這樣真12F 03/02 18:40
→ : 的好嗎XD
→ : 的好嗎XD
→ : 季中裁掉DAJ 繼續找老人後衛 說想要年輕人14F 03/02 18:41
→ : 很沒有說服力
→ : 很沒有說服力
→ : 他們希望補強年輕人(最好是16F 03/02 18:42
推 : 就只是個不想簽達叔的理由17F 03/02 18:42
推 : 湖人的補強真的莫名奇妙,有西河補一堆老人跑不動18F 03/02 18:43
→ : Vogel養防守還算有定評啦19F 03/02 18:43
→ : 然後又屯一堆矮後衛,沒有側翼20F 03/02 18:43
→ : 達叔真的有情有義 被當空氣…甚至離開 AD減重也是21F 03/02 18:44
→ : 透過他的建議…謝謝你 達叔
→ : 透過他的建議…謝謝你 達叔
推 : 豪門球隊就是迂腐,他們需要有資歷的年輕人,定義23F 03/02 18:44
→ : 跟大家都不同
→ : 跟大家都不同
→ : 我哥招牌就是他的防守體系 kidd也學了不少25F 03/02 18:45
→ : 從前我一直沒想到小牛可以跟防守有什麼關聯QQ26F 03/02 18:46
推 : 湖人沒有留達叔真的很鬧27F 03/02 18:49
→ : 我哥的防守體系再罩也罩不住隊上有防守球商低落跟28F 03/02 18:50
推 : 我牛現在有防守真的沒想過29F 03/02 18:50
→ : 油箱剩的油只夠進攻的30F 03/02 18:50
推 : 有機會來快艇找我們扣取盧31F 03/02 18:52
推 : 雞湯寶石32F 03/02 18:52
推 : 補強比他年輕的人33F 03/02 18:53
推 : 終於有關於達叔的文了,我一直認為Kidd找他來是賺到34F 03/02 18:54
→ : 了,光他的人和就可以給Kidd很大幫助了
→ : 了,光他的人和就可以給Kidd很大幫助了
→ : 聽說湖人老闆不想花錢找個不能上場的人所以踢下車?36F 03/02 18:57
→ : 這篇就不是在臭姆斯了 是在臭珍妮37F 03/02 18:59
推 : 湖人沒留達叔就是個錯誤38F 03/02 19:07
推 : 然後他們花了一千萬美金簽了一個還沒上過場的39F 03/02 19:07
推 : 湖人的嘴,騙人的鬼。40F 03/02 19:11
推 : 推41F 03/02 19:15
推 : 珍妮女王希望簽的球員能上場 結果不要達叔去簽的是42F 03/02 19:22
推 : 我哥的防守沒問題啊,奪冠那年防守超強,是從去年開43F 03/02 19:22
→ : 始就補一堆增加進攻沒防守的,然後今年又更慘
→ : 始就補一堆增加進攻沒防守的,然後今年又更慘
推 : 推達叔45F 03/02 19:23
→ : DAJ、杯子那種上場就很..46F 03/02 19:24
推 : 推翻譯 也推原作者 超級牛迷47F 03/02 19:26
推 : 達叔之前說他是圍事組只是玩笑,但防守真的很有料的48F 03/02 19:28
→ : 所以kidd找他來配合帶防守體系,真的是讓小獨超轉變
→ : 小獨以前一直就是攻大於守的,往往第四節開劇場
→ : 所以kidd找他來配合帶防守體系,真的是讓小獨超轉變
→ : 小獨以前一直就是攻大於守的,往往第四節開劇場
推 : 順帶一提奪冠當時Dudley對Vogel的執教給予100%肯定51F 03/02 19:30
→ : 認為Vogel為首的教練團功勞很大,不過現在看來這個
→ : 對奪冠功勞很大的教練快要掰了
→ : 認為Vogel為首的教練團功勞很大,不過現在看來這個
→ : 對奪冠功勞很大的教練快要掰了
推 : 上季防守也不錯吧 是這季被罵爆的工兵組拿去換人才54F 03/02 19:32
→ : 一路下探
→ : 一路下探
→ : 老實說現在第四節也常常開劇場阿XDDD56F 03/02 19:32
推 : 補年輕人???57F 03/02 19:34
推 : 小獨之前是第四節開劇場輸球,而且是一洩到底,現在至58F 03/02 19:35
→ : 少能穩住情況,在對手超常表現的時候撐住,甚至贏下來
→ : 有再看就知道,以前第四節開劇場就是守死77,外線亂投
→ : 投不進分差拉大,靠77賣肉硬撐,大概維持10分差輸球
→ : 少能穩住情況,在對手超常表現的時候撐住,甚至贏下來
→ : 有再看就知道,以前第四節開劇場就是守死77,外線亂投
→ : 投不進分差拉大,靠77賣肉硬撐,大概維持10分差輸球
推 : 喇叭湖人時期的圍事組62F 03/02 19:46
推 : 補充 Dudley的年紀比LEBRON小63F 03/02 19:54
推 : 我愛達叔64F 03/02 19:56
推 : 姆斯現在動不動散步防守就是缺個敢定他的人 …65F 03/02 19:57
推 : 多少有幫助啦 小犢這季防守優等生66F 03/02 20:00
推 : 達叔人際能力真強 跟任何年齡或類型的球員都能溝通67F 03/02 20:01
推 : 達拉斯根本把湖人奪冠教練團拿走一半68F 03/02 20:03
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 42
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