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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] AE:沒有西區球隊想在季後賽碰到恐怖灰
時間 Fri Feb 25 23:44:51 2022
Anthony Edwards has recently claimed that the Minnesota Timberwolves are the tea
m in the Western Conference that other teams don't want to see in the playoffs,
due to the fact that they're a "quiet" and "super-talented" team. It is unclear
whether the Minnesota Timberwolves will in fact make it to the playoffs, as they
are a play-in tier team currently, but Anthony Edwards previously expressed a b
elief that it will happen.
I'm super confident in my team. I think we're the team in the West that don't no
body want to see. I think we got that quiet team, super talented. You don't know
what you're gonna get on any given night.
Like I might come out score 50. Or D-Lo might go score 50, or KAT might score 5
0. Then if KAT score 50, I score 30, D-Lo score 20, that's a crazy game. You don
't know what you're gonna get any given night, so that's why we're scary.
There's no doubt that the Minnesota Timberwolves have a lot of young talent on t
he roster. D'Angelo Russell is a stellar talent on the offensive end, blending s
coring and playmaking together well. Karl-Anthony Towns is the best sharpshootin
g big man in the league, while Anthony Edwards has shown that he is an extremely
explosive scorer. Overall, they are definitely a team that could be trouble if
they get going offensively.
Anthony Edwards Believes That Nobody In The Western Conference Wants To Face The Timberwolves In The Playoffs: "We Got That Quiet Team, Super Talented..." - Fadeaway World
The Minnesota Timberwolves are currently the 7th seed in the Western Conference. They will have a chance to make an appearance in the playoffs if they ...
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推 : 遇到灰狼不就穩晉級1F 02/25 23:45
推 : 你在撞牆期還是別廢話......2F 02/25 23:46
推 : 又恐怖 恐怖聯盟3F 02/25 23:46
推 : Beal表示:4F 02/25 23:46
推 : 放心,三年後就要拆伙了,灰狼劇本熟的很5F 02/25 23:47
推 : 恐怖時刻6F 02/25 23:47
推 : 今年能進 接下來又可以再放空十年了7F 02/25 23:47
推 : 上一個講恐怖的,似乎是恐怖時刻?8F 02/25 23:48
推 : AE真的很會做效果9F 02/25 23:48
推 : 自信都寫在臉上了 大家別激動10F 02/25 23:49
推 : 月月11F 02/25 23:49
推 : 他講的神奇得分有真的發生過嗎?12F 02/25 23:49
推 : 確實 不知道天空貝這次季後賽又要傷害誰13F 02/25 23:49
→ : 你最近進攻有點.........趕快調整吧14F 02/25 23:49
推 : 你先調整一下15F 02/25 23:50
推 : 恐怖灰狼16F 02/25 23:51
推 : 恩恩 今天投11中117F 02/25 23:53
推 : 遇到太陽很難贏就是了 太陽幾乎就是強化版的灰狼18F 02/25 23:53
推 : 快笑死 別瞎吹好嗎19F 02/25 23:53
推 : 看標題以為是恐怖灰....熊20F 02/25 23:55
推 : 真的很有自信21F 02/25 23:56
推 : 灰熊感覺比較恐怖22F 02/25 23:57
噓 : 這隻最近根本瘋狂打鐵23F 02/25 23:57
推 : 對,不過恐怖的球隊很多啊24F 02/25 23:57
→ : 這位真的有趣 就算鐵爆嘴巴一樣不輸人25F 02/25 23:57
推 : 灰狼的打法跟太陽差很多啊26F 02/25 23:58
推 : 不知道灰狼這季的改變是不是跟A-Rod有關,雖然還沒27F 02/25 23:58
→ : 正式上任
→ : 正式上任
推 : 上個喊恐怖的已經在刷數據了29F 02/25 23:58
推 : 自信過了頭就是自大了30F 02/25 23:58
→ : AE永遠自信爆棚,聽習慣了就好31F 02/25 23:58
→ : KAT說過,AE覺得只要後面能接player的東西他都最強
→ : KAT說過,AE覺得只要後面能接player的東西他都最強
推 : 附加賽的 都這麼恐怖 怎麼打33F 02/25 23:59
推 : 前幾年好像也是天賦滿滿耶 AE你要不要想一下34F 02/26 00:01
推 : 太早……35F 02/26 00:02
推 : AE大部分時間都在蝦雞巴打,但偶爾會很神奇的有一場36F 02/26 00:02
→ : 4、50分的演出
→ : 4、50分的演出
→ : 不過AE比起某位全明星先發前鋒確實企圖心多很多啦38F 02/26 00:02
→ : 太陽跟灰狼玩法差很多吧....39F 02/26 00:03
推 : 每個都在恐怖是怎樣40F 02/26 00:04
噓 : 怎麼附加賽隊伍吹得跟聯盟龍頭一樣42F 02/26 00:05
→ : 這季改變就比上季健康吧XD 上季其實三少到齊也不差43F 02/26 00:05
推 : AE有趣在他其實很認真,不是純嘴砲人45F 02/26 00:06
推 : 第幾支恐怖隊46F 02/26 00:07
→ : 湖人比較恐怖 太陽勇士都不想遇到47F 02/26 00:08
推 : 去年褲子馬也說過48F 02/26 00:11
→ : 太陽最不想遇到的首輪對手就灰狼阿 單點爆破的體能49F 02/26 00:15
→ : 少年 打瘋了還真的不好說
→ : 少年 打瘋了還真的不好說
→ : 不過我最不想第一名一定是快艇...個人排名51F 02/26 00:16
→ : AE先把投射找回來= = 最近烙賽很嚴重52F 02/26 00:18
推 : 季賽先打出來吧53F 02/26 00:18
推 : 就你在雷還話這麼多54F 02/26 00:23
推 : 熊熊比哈士奇恐怖多了55F 02/26 00:27
推 : 恐怖喔56F 02/26 00:31
推 : 上一隻說自己很恐怖的球隊…57F 02/26 00:33
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