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作者 標題 [外絮] 在 Murray 受傷時伸出援手的球員兄弟會
時間 Mon Jan 31 10:53:55 2022
Meet the All-Stars who've helped Jamal Murray back from ACL surgery
Jamal Murray didn’t want the wheelchair. Moments after his left knee buckled on a drive at Golden State last April, Murray chose to hobble off the flo ...
Meet the All-Stars who coached Jamal Murray back from ACL surgery: “It’s a
“If we don’t look out for each other, who will? No one understands us
better than each other,” Victor Oladipo says
Victor Oladipo 如是說。
By MIKE SINGER | msinger@denverpost.com | The Denver Post
January 30, 2022 at 5:45 a.m.
Jamal Murray didn’t want the wheelchair. Moments after his left knee buckled
on a drive at Golden State last April, Murray chose to hobble off the floor,
arms draped over two staff members, rather than roll off it.
Jamal Murray 不想坐輪椅。
Murray 選擇被兩個工作人員,攙著手臂一拐一拐的離開球場,而非坐著輪椅被推出去。
The toughness invoked memories of the strength Warriors star Klay Thompson
used when he limped back onto the court after tearing his left ACL in Game 6
of the 2019 NBA Finals.
這種強悍讓人想起了勇士隊球星 Klay Thompson ,
在2019年 NBA 總決賽第六戰撕裂 ACL 之後瘸著腳回到球場上時展現的力量。
In the grim postgame locker room, as Murray grappled with the magnitude of
his injury, his knee burned. There, inside the visiting locker room at the
Chase Center, was Thompson — one of the few people who could empathize.
Murray 努力應對他嚴重的傷勢,他的膝蓋受創甚巨。
而在 Chase Center 的客隊休息室裡,
Thompson 是少數幾個能夠徹底感同身受這般苦楚的人之一。
“I told him that I felt for him, first off,” Thompson told The Denver Post.
“… I can tell by how competitive he is. If he channels that competitiveness
into his daily tasks he has to do for his knee, he’s going to be an All-Star
level player again.”
「首先,我告訴他,我為他感到難過,」 Thompson 這般告訴丹佛郵報。
Thompson said the moment was wrenching for him, bringing back memories of his
own devastating knee injury.
Thompson 說那一刻對他來說十分難受,因為喚回了他自己膝蓋受傷時的記憶。
“I hated seeing it,” he said. “He’s so important to their team, him and
(Nikola) Jokic. I really felt for him in that instance, because I’ve been
there, and it’s kind of uncharted territory. He’s in the prime of his
career. It just sucks, not just for the Nuggets but for the whole NBA.
「我討厭看到 Murray 受傷,」 他這麼說。
「他對他們的球隊來說非常重要,他和 (Nikola) Jokic 是球隊關鍵要角。
“… It’s so hard to win without one of your best players. It’s been
evident for us the last couple years,” Thompson added. “I felt for him. I
love his game. I think he’s a great lead guard, can do everything. I know he
’ll bounce back because his skill level is so high. Great athlete, too. I’
ve seen him catch a lot of bodies. He’ll gain that back because I did in my
jumping knee, too.”
球隊是很難取勝的。過去幾年我們勇士隊就是一個很明顯的例子。」 Thompson 補充。
Thompson came back from his extended absence Jan. 9, an absence made longer
by a torn Achilles suffered while rehabbing his ACL. Murray, who’s now more
than nine months removed from his ACL tear, made a point of watching Thompson
’s return.
Thompson 在1月9日從長期缺賽中復出。
Murray 現在已經因傷缺陣九個多月了,他也特別關注 Thompson 復出的情況。
Murray 現在已經因傷缺陣九個多月了,他也特別關注 Thompson 復出的情況。
During a late December visit to Denver, the Warriors star was strolling
Cherry Creek and stumbled upon a mural that provoked a “surreal moment,” to
use his words. The mural was a coiling black snake that reminded Thompson of
a black mamba.
壁畫上是一條盤據的黑蛇,讓 Thompson 想起了黑曼巴。
“That mural was titled, ‘All things must pass.’ That resonated with me so
much, especially the last two years,” he said.
這引起了我很大的共鳴,尤其是過去兩年。」 他說。
“Just like Jamal’s time off the floor, my time off the floor, there’s an
endpoint. Those tough times will pass, just like Cherry Creek was flowing,
the water keeps flowing. That’s what I tried to tell Jamal that moment after
he did it.”
「就像 Jamal 被迫離開球場的時刻,如同我被迫離開球場的時刻一樣,
溪水會一直不停的流動。這就是我在 Jamal 面對這個狀況後試圖告訴他的。」
Heat guard Victor Oladipo was there for Murray, too. In the midst of his own
seasons-long rehab for a quad injury, Oladipo first reached out to Murray on
Instagram. Phone calls followed and then a chance in-person encounter.
熱火隊後衛 Victor Oladipo 是另一個對 Murray 伸出援手的人。
Oladipo 率先在 Instagram 上聯繫了 Murray。電話接踵而至,然後是一次偶然的碰面。
“Been a fan of his for quite some time,” Oladipo told The Post. “We have
mutual friends in the league. Just wanted to reach out and give him my two
cents on the rehab process and what goes into it. Just showing him how much a
lot of it goes into the mental aspect of believing that you can come back
better than you were.”
「我很長一段時間以來一直是他的球迷,」 Oladipo 告訴丹佛郵報,
Oladipo told Murray the mental parts of rehab can be much more daunting than
the physical: Wondering if you’ll ever have the same athletic ability.
Oladipo reassured Murray that controlling those aspects — heeding the
patience, tempering the progress — could ultimately speed up the recovery
Oladipo 告訴 Murray,面對重大傷情心理層面的狀況,
Oladipo 向 Murray 保證︰假使你控制住這些環節 —
保持耐心循序漸進,砥礪自己持續進步 — 最終可以加速你恢復的過程。
“At the end of the day, we compete against each other, but there’s only 400
of us in the world,” the two-time All-Star said. “Gotta have each other’s
backs somehow.
但是這個世界上在這個聯盟裡打球的只有 400 人。」 這位兩屆全明星球員如是說。
“We understand that, especially when you get older in the league. You
understand the dynamic of the league and what goes into it. Just do your best
to understand we’re the rarity. If we don’t look out for each other, who
will? No one understands us better than each other.”
Perhaps the most interesting revelation from their exchanges was how eager
Murray was to consume whatever advice he could find. A tireless worker and
antsy competitor, Murray had to channel his energy somewhere the past nine
或許他們的交流中最有趣的啟示是︰Murray 如何渴求著他所能找尋到的任何建議。
Murray 不得不在過去九個月間,把自己的精力引導到其他某個出口。
“He was very open to learning, which you could see from him when he first
got into the league and how much he’s grown, and how much better he’s
gotten since he’s been in the league,” Oladipo said. “He’s that type of
player, who’s open and willing to learn. When it came to rehab, it was no
different. He asked me, and I gave him the best advice I could give him.”
你可以看得出來他成長了多少,他進入聯盟之後提昇的幅度有多大。」 Oladipo 說。
A few weeks after Oladipo reached out to Murray on social media, the two
happened to run into each other at a restaurant. They sat down together and
the conversation continued, with Murray asking and Oladipo answering.
在 Oladipo 在社交媒體上和 Murray 取得聯繫的幾週後,
Murray 繼續提問,而 Oladipo 繼續回答。
“I’ve been a fan of Jamal’s for a while, especially him playing under
Coach (Michael) Malone, who’s one of my favorite coaches in the league just
to watch,” Oladipo said. “He’s grown under him. When I saw he was let down
by that whole situation, I felt it was my duty and obligation to reach out.
… Without adversity you can’t truly grow and be better.”
「我成為 Jamal 的球迷已經好一陣子了,特別是他在 (Michael) Malone 底下打球,
他是聯盟我最喜歡的教練之一,就是想看他領軍的球隊表現。」 Oladipo 表示。
「他在 Malone 教練麾下成長,當我看到他對自己面臨的整個處境感到沮喪的時候,
Chicago Bulls star Zach LaVine’s soaring ascension has rendered his 2017 ACL
tear a footnote in his blossoming career. A few years removed, LaVine is on
the verge of his second consecutive All-Star game.
芝加哥公牛球星 Zach LaVine 於聯盟飛速竄昇的時期,
2017 年的 ACL 撕裂,成為了他球員生涯急速嶄露頭角的一抹註解。
數年過去,LaVine 即將連續兩年入選到全明星賽當中。
In truth, there may be no better example of a player regaining his burst than
事實上,可能沒有比 LaVine 更好的,球員爆發力恢復的例子了。
So, when LaVine reached out to Murray in the aftermath of his injury, texting
him, “You’re gonna be fine,’” it wasn’t the same type of encouragement
as what he heard from everyone else.
所以,當 LaVine 在 Murray 受傷後聯繫他,用文字訊息告訴他「你會好起來的」,
“I’ve known Jamal for a while,” LaVine told The Post. “We were both with
Adidas for a little bit. We got to know each other, got respect for each
others’ games, obviously. Just checking in, seeing where he’s at at six
「我認識 Jamal 已經有一段時間了,」 LaVine 告訴丹佛郵報,
「我們都在 Adidas 待過,很明顯的,
“I remember the process, asking him, like, how much he’s lifting because
all I know is that you eat and you lift. That’s all you do. So obviously
maintain your weight, obviously telling him, ‘I know you’re doing nothing
but form shots’ and getting his left and right hand right. If he feels
something funny, I went through the same process, so just let me know if you
need anything. Not from a competitive standpoint but from a friendship.”
Before Murray entered health-and-safety protocols this past week, he’d
progressed to one-on-one work against player development coach Stephen
Graham. Ahead of last week’s home game against the Clippers, there was
Murray inviting contact, pacing and dancing with the ball, searching for a
window to get his shot off. Though there remains no timetable for his return,
the steely confidence that has long been a trademark of Murray’s never left
his face.
在上週 Murray 觸發球員健康安全協議之前,
他已經和球員發展教練 Stephen Graham 開始進行一對一的訓練,
Murray 開始接受了身體接觸,隨球移動,尋找空檔讓自己得以出手的訓練內容。
但長期以來,Murray 臉上鋼鐵般的自信和堅毅的神情從未消失過。
But according to LaVine, it’s impossible to know where Murray’s head is
truly at.
不過根據 LaVine 的說法,旁人不可能知道 Murray 腦海到底在想什麼。
“I know I put on a smile half the time just to let everybody know around me,
‘I’m OK,’ even though you have some up and down days,” he said. “It’s
tough to deal with. It makes you a stronger person, it makes you really
mentally tough.”
Not that Murray needed much help in that department.
但也不是 Murray 在這個範疇真的需要很多的幫助。
“It’s a fraternity, man, it really is,” LaVine said. “There’s only so
many of us and especially for guys that have some type of friendship and
respect for each other, I’m always there for that.”
「這是一個兄弟會,老兄,真的是如此。」 LaVine 表示。
Art by Jason Garcia (@_jason.garcia_)
"All Things Must Pass"
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推 : 兄弟會1F 01/31 10:56
推 : 兄弟幫2F 01/31 10:56
推 : 太暖了吧3F 01/31 10:56
推 : 他心裡層面應該滿強大的吧 畢竟那裡都被大家看光了4F 01/31 11:00
推 : 幹太感動了5F 01/31 11:00
→ : 很大6F 01/31 11:01
推 : Murray什麼時候才能復出啊,想看完成體的金塊等好7F 01/31 11:01
→ : 久了
→ : 久了
推 : 這個兄弟會有點強…9F 01/31 11:01
推 : 嘴綠++10F 01/31 11:02
推 : KD:KD不想加入愛迪達的小貓會11F 01/31 11:02
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推 : 拉文真是又帥又強又暖男13F 01/31 11:05
推 : 暖14F 01/31 11:06
推 : 超讚的15F 01/31 11:06
推 : 暖16F 01/31 11:06
推 : All things must pass17F 01/31 11:06
推 : KD 躺一年就退群組了18F 01/31 11:07
推 : 歐拉19F 01/31 11:08
推 : 加油20F 01/31 11:08
→ : 佛系KT21F 01/31 11:10
推 : 溫馨22F 01/31 11:13
推 : 溫馨23F 01/31 11:14
推 : 毛毛朋友幫24F 01/31 11:14
推 : 這對受傷的人真的很有幫助,尤其是精神層面上25F 01/31 11:17
推 : 推26F 01/31 11:20
推 : 大家都在幫莫瑞 但打球的是阿肥......?27F 01/31 11:23
推 : 哭了28F 01/31 11:26
推 : 拉文推!29F 01/31 11:26
推 : 溫馨30F 01/31 11:27
推 : 啊就莫瑞受傷不幫他去幫阿肥幹麻…31F 01/31 11:28
推 : 老大的黑曼巴精神永存NBA!32F 01/31 11:31
推 : 推33F 01/31 11:35
推 : 溫馨34F 01/31 11:41
推 : 推35F 01/31 11:42
推 : 傷友會36F 01/31 11:46
推 : 兄弟籃球37F 01/31 11:46
推 : 推友誼38F 01/31 11:56
推 : 兄弟籃球39F 01/31 11:58
推 : 這幾隻沒受傷聯盟的發展一定會差很多40F 01/31 12:04
推 : 預祝Murray能健康回歸41F 01/31 12:12
推 : 推 感人QQ42F 01/31 12:15
推 : 章魚花枝幫最棒43F 01/31 12:20
推 : !44F 01/31 12:20
→ : 兄弟幫45F 01/31 12:24
推 : 推 希望和Mitchell互爆那個屁孩可以早日回來46F 01/31 12:31
推 : "把自己的精力引導到某個出口"47F 01/31 13:12
推 : 金塊就差你了><48F 01/31 13:24
推 : 阿肥:有人能幫我嗎49F 01/31 13:27
推 : 推!50F 01/31 13:47
推 : 推51F 01/31 13:48
推 : 神好文 熱淚盈眶52F 01/31 15:11
推 :53F 01/31 15:44
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