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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 快艇完成NBA史上第二大分差逆轉(35分)
時間 Wed Jan 26 11:44:45 2022
Clippers stun Wizards in second-largest comeback in NBA history - Sports Illustrated
The Clippers trailed 66-31 late in the second quarter before mounting a historic rally to stun Washington. ...
Playing on the road for the fourth time in seven days as part of an eight-game
trip, it would have been easy for the Clippers to pack it in and start thinki
ng about their next plane ride after a pair of Bradley Beal free throws gave t
he Wizards a 66-31 lead late in the second quarter on Tuesday night. Instead,
Los Angeles kept chipping away en route to one of the most improbable wins in
NBA history.
The Clippers erased a 35-point deficit to upend Washington in a 116-115 win, m
arking the second-biggest comeback in league history. Los Angeles did not hold
a lead until the final second of the game, when Luke Kennard sunk a free thro
w to complete a four-point play and stun the Wizards's home crowd
快艇直到比賽最後一秒才在Luke Kennard完成致勝四分打之後首次領先,並在巫師球迷面

The Clippers pulled within three points with nine seconds left, then got the b
all back after forcing a five-second violation. That set up Kennard for the la
st-second heroics, giving the team just its fifth win in its last 12 games.
Kennard scored 25 points with eight rebounds and six assists off the bench, wh
ile Amir Coffey led all scorers with 29 points.
快艇首先在Q4最後九秒投進3分球,並造成巫師的5秒發球違例取得球權。最後在Luke Ken
nard 投進英雄式進球後,拿到了他們近12場比賽的第五勝
Luke Kennard今天取得25分8籃板6助攻的成績。Amir Coffey取得全場最高的29分
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→ : 強1F 01/26 11:45
※ 編輯: darren2586 ( 臺灣), 01/26/2022 11:46:49推 : 巫師是不是最後在搞啊2F 01/26 11:45
推 : 史上最大是幾分3F 01/26 11:45
→ : Lue有料4F 01/26 11:46
推 : 逆轉之神 Lue總!!5F 01/26 11:46
推 : 脫離母殼就是這麼強6F 01/26 11:46
推 : Lue新一代軍神7F 01/26 11:46
推 : !8F 01/26 11:46
→ : 扣區魯9F 01/26 11:46
→ : 旅湖就是強 我是說lue10F 01/26 11:46
推 : 36分11F 01/26 11:47
推 : 最大分差逆轉是36分,1996的阿爵12F 01/26 11:48
推 : 逆轉專業戶Lue13F 01/26 11:48
推 : 結果快艇躺了雙星 戰績跟湖人差不多14F 01/26 11:49
推 : 樓上不准這樣說,快艇雜魚陣只是被教練硬buff,湖人15F 01/26 11:50
→ : 磨合到季後賽才是真貨
→ : 磨合到季後賽才是真貨
推 : 鱸魚太神了17F 01/26 11:53
推 : 能贏一場是一場 go clippers18F 01/26 11:53
推 : 巫師沒暫停可挑戰了,不然這球若吹犯規應該是出手前19F 01/26 11:54
→ : 的犯規
→ : 的犯規
→ : Amir Coffey 這個巨頭是誰21F 01/26 11:55
推 : 領雙向合約的三年級生22F 01/26 11:56
→ : 好猛喔23F 01/26 11:58
推 : Lue: 我不當毛巾架啦24F 01/26 12:01
推 : 這是一支在兩年前常常被人大比分逆轉的球隊 快艇一25F 01/26 12:02
→ : 再的證明就算是滿等帳號 教練還是很重要
→ : 再的證明就算是滿等帳號 教練還是很重要
推 : 真的有料27F 01/26 12:02
→ : 巫師想念龜龜了嗎28F 01/26 12:02
推 : beal幹嗎抓那一下...29F 01/26 12:03
→ : 有料30F 01/26 12:03
※ 編輯: darren2586 ( 臺灣), 01/26/2022 12:05:01推 : 超會打逆轉的快艇31F 01/26 12:04
※ 編輯: darren2586 ( 臺灣), 01/26/2022 12:09:49推 : 反觀老河32F 01/26 12:11
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 59
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