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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-09-21 23:29:05
看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (你學廢了嗎?)
標題 [外絮] 12年輸熱火原因?臭臉:哈登神隱
時間 Mon Sep 20 17:38:34 2021


So San Antonio You guys win Six hard-fought. And then of course, you guys go
t the heat No surprise there like few days There's a few days between the Co
nference Finals and the finals There's that Stretch. What's the mindset What
's the messaging? How are the Thunder going to beat the heat?


You know what? It was hard, man, and I knew the challenge was going to be to
ugh because after we beat the Spurs, you can see guys kind of get relaxed. A
nd, you know, a lot of people don't realize is that, it's an honor just to g
o to the finals.


It very hard


and people don't realize, there's a lot of casuals, don't understand it They
 just think about winning it. But when you win your confidence and you know,
 you hold up that, Western Conference championship trophy. I could tell that
 a lot of our guys were kind of like relax, like we had done it. We won the
West, we go on to the finals like and so everything that comes with the fina
ls, the media attention of everything is the biggest stage of basketball


And so, I knew we were going to have our hands full because we were facing a
 veteran, team a hungry LeBron James that had just lost the year before so t
hey had already been they So that had already been there And you got guys, l
ike, Mike Miller, James Jones, those type of bets on your bench are going ag
ainst our yong-core

了,替補球員還有Mike Miller, James Jones這些優質好手來阻擋我們年輕的核心陣容

we'll win game one and we was a really LeBron James foul away from winning g

ame two They didn't call when KD drove basement but okay, the series tied 1-
1 and all of a sudden we get to Miami and South Beach, get a hose to us , ri
ght, South Beach, right? James Harden, Disappeared, Completely off the face
of her when we needed him the most, his numbers that I mean his numbers in t
he finest were mind bogging


That's what they, that's what everyone said is that, I mean, they said that
he was too young.


I was gonna? Well, I don't know what it was, but I just know he wasn't there
. And so when you go back and even look at KD and Russ numbers, like they de
livered. So but you needed like they delivered so but you needed we needed J
ames to be able to be that big three in this series because going against Bo
sch, Wead Lebron and then you had all those bets around them. We needed Jame
s to be the best version of James and he just wasn't.


But that third piece is missing.


The third piece was Missing that third piece and you know, the way that we h
ad already established who We were as a team. We all got hats on that Big Th
ree getting the job done offensively. This is who we are. This is who we are
. This is who we were the entire season. So we really didn't have room for o
ne of those guys to slip up and James actually slipped up.



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lovesm8627  : 不是吧,要一個替補球員背鍋??1F 09/20 17:44
ymsc30102   : 1:4被輾 然後怪菜鳥第六人?2F 09/20 17:45
nO25948     : 那時哈登的確打很爛3F 09/20 17:47
ZZZZ9999    : 12年雷霆還敢提裁判阿4F 09/20 17:50
ben840619   : 12年的雷霆是化圓的那年嗎?5F 09/20 17:52
s66449      : 鬍子表示:6F 09/20 17:53
alexmercerlo: 那年每天都在畫圓的球隊還敢提裁判7F 09/20 17:55
mmmn52332   : 那年哈登被抓去守LBJ耶......8F 09/20 17:56
wagner11v   : 從此變監視器9F 09/20 17:57
OliverJin   : 3mvp同一隊怎麼輸10F 09/20 17:59
Wwc0130     : 當年灰熊被弄得多慘 硬成那樣生生被化軟11F 09/20 18:01
juniorpenny : 贏了馬刺後,雷霆全隊都以為靠裁判的哨音就能過關,12F 09/20 18:02
juniorpenny : 當然鬆懈囉
BobPettit   : 雷霆那年不是打贏湖人小牛馬刺嗎14F 09/20 18:10
BobPettit   : 過去十年的西區冠軍
leo755269   : 必須用這咖打中鋒才是輸球主因吧16F 09/20 18:15
yanchi030   : 推樓上17F 09/20 18:16
o0991758566 : 總冠軍賽處女是能期待多強18F 09/20 18:16
linearppt   : 爛又怎樣,派新人鬍子去對姆斯到底是期待啥19F 09/20 18:22
live147222  : 對位姆斯的明明就是Sefolosha20F 09/20 18:25
sowenvoy    : 這咖當時有守住 Bosh 嗎?21F 09/20 18:25
sowenvoy    : 講得好像他不在場上一樣。
qsccft123   : 雷霆還敢提阿 當年黑成這樣23F 09/20 18:25
yyes5210    : 第四SG守不住第三SG正常啦24F 09/20 18:33
cancboy     : 沒裁判早輸給馬刺了25F 09/20 18:47
LeehomLee   : 哈登季後賽沒強過 越關鍵的比賽越鬼隱26F 09/20 18:52
semb15      : 沒裁判早就輸灰熊了好不好笑死27F 09/20 19:05
Russ        : 確實是吹的很誇張 可是那年根本沒碰到灰熊啊...28F 09/20 19:10
corlos      : 12年鬍子只是替補吧29F 09/20 19:10
f77928      : Perkins自己當時有打得很好嗎==30F 09/20 19:14
craymond    : 登登當年晚上在夜店玩瘋了好嗎31F 09/20 19:19
MarcPolo    : 那幾年的雷霆好意思提裁判 聯盟三大黑隊32F 09/20 19:21
amazingwow  : 那時候 鬍子第六人 3年級生 要背鍋不太對吧33F 09/20 19:34
Dino14124   : 那年龜四年級,結果被黑到現在34F 09/20 19:56
cody7052    : 2012年雷霆制服組特赦掉 Perkins的話,就能留哈登了35F 09/20 19:57
jodd        : 登登雖然打的爛爆了,但也不能鍋只算他的吧36F 09/20 20:06
davy86122   : 雷霆是最沒資格提裁判的37F 09/20 20:10
STRO        : 要當年那個還是三年級第六人的鬍子背鍋反而是在誇他38F 09/20 20:58
STRO        : 了吧……
storz1197   : 12雷黑到哭40F 09/20 21:04
NTUKarbe    : 樓下說一隊3MVP怎麼輸41F 09/20 21:08
EndGod      : 四次元抄截42F 09/20 21:10
david119327 : 鬍子第三年/打第6人/守LBJ還要分擔可能會對到Wade/43F 09/20 21:17
david119327 : 然後你他媽跟我說叫他背鍋
gydiaw      : 哈登前幾輪超級威 總冠軍賽真的消失 。當年有每場都45F 09/20 21:27
gydiaw      : 跟的真的會有這種感覺
RicFlair    : 那年吹到連熱火都變得像是正義之師XD47F 09/20 21:29
Wayne860406 : 哈登確實總冠打得差 但對上馬刺的系列賽沒有他早就48F 09/20 21:33
Wayne860406 : 掰了
AxelGod     : 圓仔傳奇 懷念50F 09/20 21:45
G400        : 不是啊 那臭臉可以跳出來啊51F 09/20 22:10
apple15518  : 出嘴52F 09/20 22:18
Windows11   : 這咖各種放話到底是?53F 09/20 22:21
ROUTE777    : 進final前場場得分兩位數54F 09/20 22:43
ROUTE777    : 總冠軍G1 5分 五場有三場得分個位數
ROUTE777    : 的確落差有點大
saTUnotSATO : 怎麼不說你自己打得跟...一樣場均<5分 命中率<43%57F 09/20 22:44
saTUnotSATO : 中鋒耶
jsliao9786  : 12烏龜打很好 但鬍子就真的荒腔走版59F 09/20 23:45
jsliao9786  : 不過問題還是對面LeBron+Wade太強
rial        : Harden只是菜鳥,而且也不是先發,勝敗他要扛?61F 09/20 23:57
taipeifinest: 沒鬍子根本過不了湖刺  瓠啊閉嘴啦62F 09/20 23:58
Athchen     : 臭臉休息室罵鬍子擋Sefolosha門 打球不行怪聲倒不賴63F 09/21 00:32
Beltran     : 臭臉說人雷XD64F 09/21 01:25
s21mo9025   : 那年板凳除了哈登之外 真的差火蠻多的……65F 09/21 01:59
yoming      : 事實上那年龜也打不好,但臭臉一向挺龜,把責任都66F 09/21 02:03
yoming      : 推給鬍子,他自己打的怎樣閉口不提
josephpu    : 哈登影響沒那麼大吧,當年雷霆可是完全被壓著打68F 09/21 02:09
Deathstroke : 印象中鬍子跑邁阿密夜店?還是我記錯?69F 09/21 02:14
yoyonigo    : 如果界的GOAT 你也敢嘴70F 09/21 03:16
AterPin     :  https://i.imgur.com/A5mK21I.jpg  那幾年印象最深71F 09/21 04:32
AterPin     :  界外抄球還沒吹
GBF8U572    : 聽很多年輕人說某幾場比賽很黑73F 09/21 05:24
GBF8U572    : 如果你親身經歷 親眼見證雷霆那時候你就知道
GBF8U572    : 什麼叫做最黑 而且是整個季後賽都在黑的那種
GBF8U572    : 那幾年的雷霆比賽只要到膠著狀態一定是開黑
GBF8U572    : 樓上那球印象超深刻 我還記得媒體標題
GBF8U572    : “來自異次元的抄捷”
GBF8U572    : KD一個畫圓刺探步 球都沒下哨音先響 當初被嘴三哨
GBF8U572    : 不是在開玩笑的
GBF8U572    : 還有一球是黑保羅的 雷霆球員做擋拆給龜三分
GBF8U572    : 擋拆的都把保羅撞跌倒了 龜離保羅至少兩步 一樣把
GBF8U572    : 犯規吹給保羅
GBF8U572    : 更不要說黑白雙熊也是被黑的亂七八糟
GBF8U572    : 還有雷霆落後主場停電這種鳥事
IDLONG      : 這咖從頭神隱到尾86F 09/21 06:37
yugowolf    : 這咖一點重要性都沒有 神不神隱應該結果也一樣87F 09/21 06:38
jyekid      : 12年過馬刺很黑呀 確實哈登總冠軍烙賽影響後來88F 09/21 11:06
jyekid      : 鬍子替補但關鍵第四節都是他放在場上的
bubblewn    : 你不夠強也是原因 爽沒…90F 09/21 12:23
Tabrisyang  : 怪替補91F 09/21 13:24
MarcPolo    : 那幾年的苦主就馬刺、灰熊、快艇92F 09/21 23:12

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