※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-09-15 20:03:19
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Melo:沒想到LBJ和湖人會打電話給我
時間 Wed Sep 15 12:29:34 2021
Carmelo Anthony’s 1-word reason for joining LeBron James, Lakers
Lakers news: Carmelo Anthony's 1-word reason for joining LeBron, LA
Carmelo Anthony revealed the simple motivation for signing with LeBron and the Lakers, despite receiving interest from other NBA teams. ...
Carmelo Anthony revealed the simple motivation for signing with LeBron and the Lakers, despite receiving interest from other NBA teams. ...
“I didn’t expect it,” Anthony said. “I never expected the Lakers to call.I
never expected ‘Bron to call. That was just far-fetched to me.”
“What was the deciding factor in choosing the Lakers?” Haynes asked. “Was i
t LeBron? Was it something else?”
“Winning,” Anthony responded. “Having a great chance to win. It took me som
e days to really sit down and break it down and really dig deep into making th
at decision. To most people, it probably would have been an easy decision. But
for me, I really had to align a lot of things … for this to work out, for me
to feel comfortable going out there and being away from fam for another year
…People don’t understand that part of it. That’s the hard part. The basketb
all is easy.”
“If I didn’t go to the Lakers, it wasn’t something that was heavy on me,”A
nthony said. “But now that I’m with the Lakers, it’s a must-have. There’s
no questions about it. We gotta get it. By any means.”
Carmelo Anthony’s truth bomb on what really happened with Blazers in free age
Blazers: Carmelo Anthony's truth bomb on what happened in Free Agency
Carmelo Anthony recently revealed why he didn't end up staying with the Portland Trail Blazers in free agency this summer. ...
Carmelo Anthony recently revealed why he didn't end up staying with the Portland Trail Blazers in free agency this summer. ...
Sixers were among teams Carmelo Anthony considered joining in free agency
Sixers were among teams Carmelo Anthony considered joining in free agency
The Sixers were among the teams Carmelo Anthony considered joining this offseason before signing with the Lakers. By Noah Levick ...
The Sixers were among the teams Carmelo Anthony considered joining this offseason before signing with the Lakers. By Noah Levick ...
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推 : 阿拓竟然不想留嗎1F 09/15 12:30
推 : 少來了,鄉民都知道他們會打給你2F 09/15 12:31
推 : 居然是拓拓不留3F 09/15 12:32
→ : 來湖人只有拿冠你才是real湖人4F 09/15 12:32
→ : 喂阿瓜 我母獅啦5F 09/15 12:33
推 : 要多謝阿拓讓瓜哥能上場 不然以前湖人也不要瓜哥6F 09/15 12:33
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 09/15/2021 12:35:26推 : ☎山羊7F 09/15 12:34
推 : 在NBA沒接過姆斯電話的 都不是個咖吧8F 09/15 12:34
推 : 阿拓是不是讓小李的事情給忘了瓜瓜9F 09/15 12:36
推 : ☎10F 09/15 12:38
推 : 喂 我姆斯拉11F 09/15 12:39
推 : 他去湖人會打先發還替補啊?12F 09/15 12:40
推 : 我記得很清楚,今年傳瓜要去湖人時,阿拓沒有任何13F 09/15 12:41
→ : 消息,或者沒人翻譯新聞阿拓要留人,很安靜很怪?
→ : 消息,或者沒人翻譯新聞阿拓要留人,很安靜很怪?
推 : ☎喂 我姆斯辣~15F 09/15 12:42
推 : 裝傻,早就在香蕉船兄弟群組說好了吧16F 09/15 12:43
→ : 瓜哥簽約會不會跟上次DH很像 怕沒人簽17F 09/15 12:43
→ : 我不認為阿拓真的留會留得住,但完全沒風聲是要讓18F 09/15 12:43
→ : 小李吹me
→ : 瓜哥去年的三分堪用跟魔獸不一樣所以很多人會要
→ : 小李吹me
→ : 瓜哥去年的三分堪用跟魔獸不一樣所以很多人會要
推 : 沒想到我會上車21F 09/15 12:45
推 : 意思就是拓荒者沒贏球機會22F 09/15 12:46
推 : 拓荒搞毛哦? 我瓜好歹也凱瑞過 沒消息是怎樣= =23F 09/15 12:46
推 : 看一下拓這次的操作,會有人認為能奪冠?24F 09/15 12:47
推 : 這季要拚防守 不留很正常吧25F 09/15 12:48
推 : 快要退休,拉拉也離開自己,不給自己一個目標不行26F 09/15 12:48
→ : ☎27F 09/15 12:48
推 : 阿拓竟然不留 難怪一直沒冠28F 09/15 12:49
推 : 所以 RMBJ 才是 GM?29F 09/15 12:52
推 : 阿拓不留喔 小李快哭了30F 09/15 12:53
推 : 瓜的三分不只堪用吧31F 09/15 12:54
推 : 我真的覺得阿拓是不是真的不想玩了32F 09/15 12:55
推 : 社會瓜想學阿館啦,洗白還要最頂的33F 09/15 12:55
推 : 阿拓休賽季的操作..小李又要被耽誤了34F 09/15 12:56
推 : 全世界就你沒想到35F 09/15 13:01
推 : 阿拓留了也不會有冠36F 09/15 13:02
→ : 小李為主軸上限就這樣了
→ : 小李為主軸上限就這樣了
→ : 拓荒竟然不想留甜瓜?!38F 09/15 13:06
→ : 阿拓不演了39F 09/15 13:08
→ : ☎☎☎40F 09/15 13:13
推 : 主將是個被看破手腳的刷子 是老闆我也放推41F 09/15 13:22
推 : 不留至少也要幹大事啊…42F 09/15 13:24
推 : 03年的兩大才子如今能同隊也蠻感動的43F 09/15 13:27
推 : 在蠻荒地拓荒 沒想到突然出現一台老公車44F 09/15 13:28
推 : 阿拓要等都沒人要底薪撿吧45F 09/15 13:29
推 : 阿拓不留?瓜還是算堪用啊46F 09/15 13:38
推 : 底薪居然沒留喔...47F 09/15 13:38
噓 : 我等看湖人怎麼贏球48F 09/15 13:41
推 : 看不懂阿拓在幹嘛49F 09/15 13:49
→ : 湖人再補一個Beal 或CJ 就能彌補三分問題了50F 09/15 13:49
推 : 甜瓜你還是躺好就好,奪冠的關鍵拼圖不在你51F 09/15 13:50
推 : 如果是真的,拓這季外操作合理!因為今年夏天看不52F 09/15 14:08
→ : 懂拓操作
→ : 懂拓操作
推 : 阿拓管理層就繼續擺爛,看等到小李受不了了你拓會爛54F 09/15 14:10
→ : 多久
→ : 多久
推 : 阿拓竟然沒要留56F 09/15 14:15
→ : 姆斯:喂瓜仔,支援支援啦!!57F 09/15 14:23
推 : 阿拓真的連問都沒問?留不留得住是後面的事,基本上58F 09/15 14:30
→ : 先問開個合約秀誠意應該是很基本的吧,瓜去年還不錯
→ : 先問開個合約秀誠意應該是很基本的吧,瓜去年還不錯
推 : 意思是根本沒想過阿拓會贏就是了60F 09/15 14:31
推 : 去年瓜 是 Clutch 可以攻堅的耶61F 09/15 14:55
推 : 結果是阿拓選擇先放手...但還是感謝阿拓給我瓜舞台62F 09/15 15:12
推 : 因為你年紀到了63F 09/15 15:13
推 : 身為瓜迷還是非常感謝阿拓救了瓜瓜的生涯QQ64F 09/15 15:15
→ : LBJ退休應該去當Taxi 司機的65F 09/15 15:56
推 : 小李:X!是不是逼我走...拆我瓜田李下組合...66F 09/15 16:18
→ : 阿拓開口 瓜怎好意思去湖人 默契啦67F 09/15 16:29
推 : ☎ ☎ ☎68F 09/15 16:56
→ : 不意外 老詹最擅長的事69F 09/15 17:12
推 : 瓜哥去年那麼CARRY 阿拓是在?70F 09/15 17:48
推 : 另外 水鳥應該是ZION想要找老教練?
推 : 另外 水鳥應該是ZION想要找老教練?
推 : 真的很謝謝拓荒者~72F 09/15 17:56
推 : 阿拓是不是傻了73F 09/15 17:58
推 : 重點那一句,是否感到舒適,太舒適了74F 09/15 18:56
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 68
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