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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-09-11 12:49:08
看板 NBA
作者 laptic (靜夜聖林彼岸花)
標題 [外絮] 暴龍隊獲得加拿大政府同意,2021-22賽季回多倫多主場比賽
時間 Sat Sep 11 07:37:29 2021

標題:Raptors get approval to return, play home games in Toronto this season

Raptors get approval to return, play home games in Toronto this season
After having to play a season in Tampa Bay due to the pandemic, the Toronto Raptors got approval from the Canadian government to play at home next sea ...


作者:Kurt Helin

The Raptors are back in Toronto.


This was expected, but after a season played in Tampa Bay due to the pandemic
and quarantine times in Canada, the Raptors will again play their home games
at Scotiabank Arena in Toronto after getting approval from the Canadian


The Raptors’ first home preseason game will be against the 76ers on Oct. 4,
with the first regular season game is Oct. 20 against Washington. The Raptors
have already announced a vaccine mandate for home games — a recent negative
coronavirus test is not good enough. To attend games will require proof of
vaccination or a medical exemption (the same is true of Toronto Maple Leaf
games). It is also possible that, if COVID numbers spike in Toronto, there
could be a limit imposed on the number of fans who can attend games.

隊。暴龍隊先前已經作出宣佈,僅有 COVID-19 檢測陰性報告是不足夠的——假如要進場
觀賽,就必須出示施打疫苗證明或醫藥因素免除證明(對於多倫多楓葉隊 (冰球) 也是一

Toronto last played at home on Feb. 28, 2020 — they were on a road trip when
the league shut down on March 11 of that year. After that they played in the
bubble in Orlando, then last season set up a temporary residence in Tampa Bay.


Team president Masai Ujiri said playing in Tampa Bay last year set the
Raptors back “years.” They missed the entire postseason last year
(including the play-in games), but landed the No. 4 pick and used it to
select Scottie Barnes.

球團主席Masai Ujiri 表示,上賽季在坦帕灣打球令球隊表現猶如退步了「好幾年」。他
們上賽季無緣亮相季後賽(包括附加賽),但後來獲得四號選秀籤,並選擇了 Scottie

The Raptors are retooling but are looking for a playoff year behind a
resurgent Pascal Siakam, OG Anunoby, and Fred VanVleet.





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※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 09/11/2021 07:39:15
turnpoint   : 球員應該比較想留在邁阿密吧?1F 09/11 07:40
mayzn       : MLB的藍鳥都回加拿大打了,不可能不放行吧~2F 09/11 07:41
MK47        : 回多倫多這麼冷 搞不好寧願不批准XDDD3F 09/11 07:48
benptt      : 球員:乾..好日子結束惹~4F 09/11 07:56
godofdatie  : 球員超想回去好不好….5F 09/11 07:57
ocean0817   : 坦帕灣那個臨時主場設備很差,暴龍在那邊超級痛苦6F 09/11 07:59
ctdchien    : 看起來一樓是不懂暴龍主場氣氛超好7F 09/11 08:01
Xenogamer   : 戰績差主場不會主要因素啦8F 09/11 08:02
shau7276    : 完全是不懂哦9F 09/11 08:02
madeathmao  : DG終於要領冠軍戒了10F 09/11 08:11
jackal44748 : 暴龍球員超想回去的..不懂別裝懂欸11F 09/11 08:23
starsalpha19: 重 返 農 藥12F 09/11 08:34
JerrieRip   : 一樓四樓的臉XDD13F 09/11 08:35
speedythief : 熟暴龍的人就會知道一堆暴龍球員都想回多倫多沒錯14F 09/11 08:45
ARCHER2234  : 真的有人想回去嗎?xd15F 09/11 08:49
lolive      : 一堆不懂暴龍的在那邊自我帶入16F 09/11 08:51
ELclaire    : 一堆自以為跟暴龍很熟17F 09/11 09:00
SDGGF       : 裝懂仔偶爾出國走走好嗎18F 09/11 09:09
silvermoon  : 多倫多是大城市喔,缺點就冬天冷了一點19F 09/11 09:13
sponge88    : 多倫多冬天不是冷了一點,是非常冷。20F 09/11 09:36
ljuber      : 多倫多優點是空氣不錯21F 09/11 09:37
deathsong   : 多倫多不是世界移民城市前幾名?怎會差22F 09/11 09:46
deathsong   : 而且籃球是在室內打球 冷哪有差
weng177     : 多倫多垃圾地鐵 我那時候一下雪就停擺 整座城市臺24F 09/11 09:49
weng177     : 菜也只有一家能吃
ghost001    : 有高端小黃卡也可以進去看比賽嗎26F 09/11 09:50
lonelysam   : 有點像wfh結束了27F 09/11 09:55
apollo6117  : 主場重點還是粉絲吧,有粉絲在感覺就來了28F 09/11 10:00
Schwarm     : 多倫多區很大在MARKHAM那理一堆亞洲餐廳 但地鐵很廢29F 09/11 10:41
Schwarm     : 我不否認
kuluva5476  : North York 不也一堆台灣餐廳 (不過都不怎樣就是)31F 09/11 10:45
kuluva5476  :  然後公共交通滿鳥的
Schwarm     : 老實講TTC也100年了33F 09/11 10:46
combokang   : Ttc是真的爛 不過多倫多真的蠻不錯的34F 09/11 11:31
ltmps       : 主將都留在邁阿密了35F 09/11 12:03

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