※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-09-08 13:32:17
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 公鹿Portis:拿冠軍後我吃東西沒付錢過
時間 Wed Sep 8 10:12:49 2021
來源: LarryBrownSports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/98msuyvz
Bobby Portis reveals amazing perk from winning championship with Bucks
Milwaukee Bucks big man Bobby Portis is revealing an amazing perk he has gotten since winning the championship with the team. ...
Milwaukee Bucks big man Bobby Portis is revealing an amazing perk he has gotten since winning the championship with the team. ...
Bobby Portis reveals amazing perk from winning championship with Bucks
Bobby Portis講到公鹿拿下冠軍後的特權
Bobby Portis cemented himself as a Milwaukee legend this past postseason, and
the locals are certainly treating him as such.
Bobby Portis在這次季後賽的表現讓他成為密爾瓦基的傳奇人物,而當地的人也真的以傳
The Bucks big man told Shams Charania of Stadium this week that he has not
had to pay for a meal in the city since winning the championship.
這位公鹿大個子本周接受Shams Charania的訪問時說在拿下冠軍之後,他到現在,在密爾
影片: https://streamable.com/v7utis
“Every time I go somewhere, people will be like, ‘Nah, I got it,'” said
Portis. “The guy behind me might say he has it or the woman that’s working
at the restaurant might say they’re gonna take care of us. It’s definitely
a crazy, crazy feeling.
“I went to a Walgreens like a couple weeks ago, and I ain’t pay for nothing
at Walgreens,” Portis went on. “I don’t go to Walmart or none of those
stores, I like the corner store, Walgreens. Just go in, get out real fast. I
tried to do that, and the guy said, ‘Nah, I’ll handle it.’ And he worked
"He can sponsor everything in Milwaukee for the rest of his life"
"Adam slapping fines on the entire city of Milwaukee for under the table
tampering incoming"
"Dude working at Walgreens making $9 an hour buying stuff for a
"Bobby: "Good morning! How're you on this lovely morning?"
Cashier: "Just take the money, I don't want any trouble Mr. Eyeballs sir.
Please don't eat my soul."
Bobby: "Thank you! I love Milwaukee. Have a nice day!"
Portis:「早安啊! 在這樣美麗的早晨,你覺得如何呢?」
Portis: https://imgur.com/noGsPOh.jpg
字母哥換上Portis的眼睛: https://imgur.com/Hm3DN6X.jpg
蜜豆湯換上Portis的眼睛: https://imgur.com/J3GN3ab.jpg
肉配汁換上Portis的眼睛: https://imgur.com/mqCv1iw.jpg
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XE1ma1j (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1631067172.A.06D.html
推 : 是怕被揍吧......敢收錢就鐵拳制裁1F 09/08 10:14
推 : 換眼睛看到我毛骨悚然==2F 09/08 10:14
推 : 可以看到整個瞳孔的三白眼是三小啦XDDDD3F 09/08 10:15
→ : 尾端這些是恐怖圖嗎....4F 09/08 10:19
噓 : 大羅惹到你嗎5F 09/08 10:20
推 : 圖片也太可怕6F 09/08 10:21
推 : 乾,為什麼大鑼的要特別歪?7F 09/08 10:23
推 : 難怪續留 天天免費吃到飽8F 09/08 10:26
推 : 眼球先生XD10F 09/08 10:35
噓 : 眼睛換太大了吧==12F 09/08 10:44
推 : 不要騙我,這眼睛是2k的模組吧?13F 09/08 10:44
推 : 眼球老爹嗎14F 09/08 10:57
推 : 還是覺得續約公鹿的錢便宜到三餐吃頂級餐廳都虧爆15F 09/08 11:11
推 : 三小眼球XD16F 09/08 11:12
推 : 已經是密爾瓦基的精神標誌了17F 09/08 11:18
推 : 這篇嚇死我,又嚇又好笑18F 09/08 11:19
推 : Mr. Eyeballs XDDDD19F 09/08 11:23
噓 : Walgreens最好是小店==20F 09/08 11:24
推 : 藍領城市最愛的藍領球員21F 09/08 11:25
推 : XDDDD22F 09/08 11:34
推 : Walgreens 單一一間是小的啊,買東西不去家樂福只去23F 09/08 11:36
→ : 巷口全家的概念
→ : 巷口全家的概念
推 : 最後一個笑死XD25F 09/08 11:44
→ : 大羅的笑死XDD26F 09/08 11:52
推 : 幹 換眼睛快笑死27F 09/08 11:58
推 : NBA英奎28F 09/08 12:07
推 : 最後一個是XDDD29F 09/08 12:08
→ : 幹 笑到沒辦法討論內文XDDDD30F 09/08 12:29
推 : 笑31F 09/08 12:36
→ : 莫怪願意低薪留下,用餐費抵ww32F 09/08 12:36
推 : 笑死33F 09/08 12:39
推 : 以為來到marvel板==34F 09/08 12:39
推 : 我處理啊 哪次不是我處理35F 09/08 12:41
推 : 換眼球快笑死我36F 09/08 12:44
推 : 靠背XDDDDD37F 09/08 12:46
噓 : 幹我嚇到==38F 09/08 12:48
噓 : 眼睛差那麼多 根本不是換掉是p圖了吧==39F 09/08 12:52
推 : 這是怪奇孤兒院吧!40F 09/08 12:53
推 : 難怪不用付錢 一副要吸乾靈魂的眼球41F 09/08 12:57
推 : 幹嘛招待一個比大部份人都還有錢的nba球星XD44F 09/08 13:15
推 : 笑死45F 09/08 13:15
推 : 如果遇到球星然後請他 請的人也超爽的啊46F 09/08 13:22
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 109
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